Rivista Anarchica Online



The cover of issue 331 shows a pair of crutches "slumped" at the bottom of a staircase, powerfully representing graphically the 40-page dossier that appears inside on disability and independence, by Marco Gastoni.

The issue begins with a piece by Francesco Codello on how shopping centres have replaced squares and traditional meeting places, revealing the extent to which our lives are dominated by consumerism.

Also in this issue: Andrea Papi discusses the "new" Italian Democratic Party, while Paolo Finzi presents the DVD "A forza di essere vento", about the racism against and victimisation of the Roma, available from "A". Sadly, the theme is as relevant as ever.

In “à nous la liberté”, Felice Accame reviews the trilogy of works by Riccardo Calimani on Jewish intellectuals. In this month's very well stocked libertarian review, Monica Giorgi reviews "La scomparsa delle donne, maschile, femminile e altre cose del genere" by Marina Terragni, Gianfranco Marelli reviews "Sappiano le mie parole di sangue" by Babsi Jones, while Fabrizio Eva reviews "Il mondo senza la mappa" by Elisée Reclus; Raul Pantaleo presents "Attenti all'uomo bianco (diario africano di un architetto di Emergency)" and Lorenzo Guadagnucci presents his "Il nuovo mutualismo". In Musica&Idee, Marco Pandin reviews "Non posso riposare", a CD of anarchist songs by Paola Sabbatini and Roberto Bartoli.

In "... e compagnia cantante", Alessio Lega discusses Czech singer-songwriters Karel Kryl and Jaromir Nohavica.

In “Fatti & Misfatti”, Eugen Galasso, Patrizia "Pralina" Diamante and Paolo Finzi remember their Florentine friend Gianpaolo Verdecchia, who recently passed away; their words are accompanied by a poem by Vincenzo Mordini. Also remembered - by MB - is Luciano Massimo Consoli, a leading light in the Italian anarchist gay movement. Unusual for "A", a cartoon, by Aldo Migliorisi dedicated to Franco Leggio on the first anniversary of his death.

Camillo Berberi, assassinated in 1937, is remembered by Claudio Venza, who also discusses Berneri's association with Andreu Nin, secretary of the Spanish POUM, who too was assassinated. Riccardi Bonelli also contributes an article on "the Nin case".

The Gruppo Anarchico Germinal of Trieste invite subscriptions from friends, comrades and supporters, to enable them to finance the purchase of a new HQ, as they are forced to leave their present one.

The issue concludes with a commemoration by Thom Holterman of the life of Arthur Lehning, Dutch scholar and expert on Bakunin, and a letter by Alfredo Mazzucchelli about Camillo Berneri, to which Massimo Ortalli replies, there is also a short correspondence between Arturo Schwarz and Paolo Finzi about the merits and demerits of Castro's Cuba.

by Leslie Ray