Calendar. It was released on calendar anticlerical ephemeris 2011 edited by Peter Marazzani. For each day is shown an episode on facts, misdeeds and misfortunes related to the history and current affairs of the Catholic Church. In this edition, the iconography is devoted to the issue of crucifixes in classrooms, with a series of vignettes from various authors. The cost of a copy is 6 €. For requests greater than or equal to 5 copies apply a discount of 30%. Requests may be made to Giovanni Giunta, via Tommaso Fazello 133, 96017 Noto (SR), tel. 0931 894033 - ccp 78699766, or write an email to:
Gori. It was released in the series BFS Reprint editions, "The misery and crimes”, by Pietro Gori, edited by Maurizio Antonioli and Franco Bertolucci. € 14.00, pp. 248. This is a collection of his early theoretical texts and study replicated today, after many decades, a new critical edition. BFS editions, via I. Bargagna 60, 56124 Pisa, tel / fax 050 97 11 432,,
Art. It came from Editions Screenpress an essay that analyzes the many aspects that tie together art, education and libertarian thought. It's "Art & Education. Visions and anti-authoritarian practices "by Christian Girardi. The book (114 pages, € 11.00) can be ordered online only (including delivery). Screenpress Editions, Giovanna Crivello, Via Monte San Giuliano 44, 91100 Trapani,
Malatesta. Editions Bruno Mountain have just published Reading Malatesta, Davide Turcato, Imola, 2010, p. 20, price € 4.00. Turcato, a researcher in Canada, is caring for the Edizioni Zero in Conduct and The Torch, the publication of the complete works of Errico Malatesta. This is the Italian revised version of a lecture given November 18, 2009 at the Department of Political Science at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Requests to For requests of more than 5 copies 30% discount.
1921: Anarchists in the Civil War
“"... Whatever the barbarity of the other, it is for anarchists, all of us men of progress, keeping the fight within the limits of humanity, that is, never do, on violence, more than what is strictly necessary to defend our freedom and to secure the victory of our cause, that is the cause of the common good ... ”
Errico Malatesta, Guerra civile, «Umanità Nova», 8 sept. 1921
In March 2011 will be ninety years by the Diana attack and the opportunity might be propitious for launching a debate on the 1921 as a crucial year in our history and the participation of anarchists in the civil war then in progress. Milan, Rome, Tuscany, Liguria, Emilia ... were the epicenter of memorable episodes of social and guerrilla squads together. Across the analysis of Malatesta on the political stage and the same Chronicles of "Umanita Nova" newspaper today are an increasingly indispensable tool for understanding by the most careful historians. The idea is to organize next spring - at a venue to decide (at some universities or other public institution or research center) - a moment of confrontation involving experts on various topics: the Diana, Malatesta, "Umanita Nova" Arditi del Popolo, the regional cases ... They have given their support: Giampietro Berti (Errico Malatesta and Italian anarchist movement and the international "Franco Angeli), Fabio Fabbri (" The origins of the civil war, "Utet) Giorgio Sacchetti (" subversive and squad, "Arachne), Eros Francescangeli (" Arditi del Popolo ", Odradek) Schirone Franco (" Chronicles anarchist. ... The newspaper Umanita Nova", Zero in Condotta), Claudio Venza (U. Tommasini. The anarchist Trieste "Anti-State); editorial" Libertarian "Galzerano Giuseppe, editor. For additional membership and proposals: cell. 3474823021.