Cosenza, Vaglio Lise rom-camp (photo Valerio Panettieri). |
Dear Claudio, this is one of the most significant passages of one of your recent article, which appeared in the fanzine that you direct "Tam Tam and Smoke Signals," (Special January 2011) the day after the long Christmas holiday period in which to put bare the hypocrisy of society and highlighting the mental barriers ...
Yes, I have daily contact with the Roma camp, it helps to see the city from a different angle. Every morning when I put myself in the car and passed through the crossroads, meeting many friends and meeting Roma in the slums on the river Crati. They tell me about their day. And I noticed that almost all of my fellow citizens against the Roma has developed a dual approach. There is a bit 'of hate and a little' pity. In short, the feelings and prejudices that the West always has for the gypsies: superstition, fear, contempt, or at best, pity.
After decades of civic associations and a number of proposals advanced by you, what did the city of Cosenza for the field of nomadic Vaglio Lise?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Unprecedented social workers in the field of Vaglio Lise. Only a few convention and a bit 'blah blah blah of the papers. The mayor Perugini confirmed in this affair his general approach to the city. In order to keep riding for five years, it was locked in the rooms of the parties. So it has been ensured political stability in the bargain. Through pleasure, slapping and clientele, has put a muzzle on those four in double-breasted sharks that infest the town hall. But it was removed by associations, neighborhoods, from public life real. Imagine if you have time and desire to devote himself to the Roma issue!
When you gave birth to the "school of the Wind" would be a project that can help shape a future of hope for the Roma children?
For two years, we in the co-essence and other organizations working in support of Roma children, go to the Cosenza favela for one reason only: to build autonomy. Clearly, this is a path of solidarity. But is not the usual, hypocritical, compassionate act to earn heaven. I think the other Calabria will be built from concrete gestures, creating pieces of alternative society, practicing in network shares to the government of fear of rebellion. Blocking bulldozers, a year ago, during the attempted eviction of the slum, is on the same floor of the common school that we practice. They are two different and complementary ways to scream: mo 'basta!
From February to October 2010 has been a constant struggle to avoid evictions, removals, deportations of Roma community in Cosenza. What is the current situation?
It is dramatic. Attendance in the field of Lise Screener increase every day. Internal conflicts between the Roma are likely to escalate. The children have lice. A few days ago I saw one of them who dribbled with the carcass of a big rat. And there is serious risk that sooner or later some people to let themselves be carried away by the way Popilia xenophobia and take action against slums. Would be scenes you've seen in Rome or in Naples...
Cosenza - May 1, 2010 - Presidio night
(photo by Mary Fortino). |
Two emergencies: waste and the Roma
Integration, assimilation, approval, are all terms with different meanings, that administrators abused when they talk about Rom ... there, in your opinion, a strategy of language?
Sure! In a perspective of communicative action, language has constitutional value. For terms like integration and assimilation, I prefer to "compatibility". In the last year, this informal network of associations was able to increase the number of Roma children who attend Italian schools, but also carried off the field in which they were confined after the evacuation of 2007. All this, without asking a penny! There are also ethnic trade unionists, who are familiar with the streets of public support and patronage. Those always seem to be giving money by his politics. Money, then disappear. That is, unable to gain the despair: the desperation economy.
What future can be expected for the Roma of Cosenza if you were to continue in public schizophrenic policy, alternating welfarism and repression?
The new prefect Cannizzaro was sent to Cosenza to solve two emergencies: the waste and the Roma. The approach by the state, is not accidental. So expect an imminent solution by force, which of course we will oppose by any means necessary. This option police had already been put into practice, if four poor children were burned to death in Rome. It's amazing how only the most atrocious events are able to shake - however small - the conscience. The sacrifice of these children cries out for vengeance. Paradoxically serve to alleviate the pressure on world rom. But this will not last long. A few days before the fire, police, prosecutors and the prefecture of Cosenza had already started to rip the arms of their mothers, children addicted to begging, entrusting them to the nuns. It is a barbarism, especially when such operations are carried out without having first tried to implement concrete policies that welcome them. I'd like to see how they would feel the parents of young unemployed people in Calabria, where in a few months, will resume when the farce of elections, the police seized their children while they are in line in front of the secretariats of the political, hat in hand, desperate request a place to work. Is not that ... well begging?!?
Angelo Pagliaro
Cosenza - Afterschool at MOCI (photo Claudio Dionesalvi). |
Claudio Dionesalvi is a rebellious high school teacher. Tam Tam and of Smoke Signals editor, works with Radio Ciroma. It is one of the founders of the Coessenza. His articles have appeared in several newspapers (Il Manifesto, Carta, ecc.) He Published:
Comunicazione e potere nello spettacolo calcistico, Cosenza, Edizioni Satem, 1997; Mammagialla, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino Editore, 2003; I luoghi e gli spettri (Aa.Vv.), Cosenza, TTSF, 2005; Rubbina, Un racconto sugli zingari di Cosenza (Aa.Vv.), Soveria Mannelli, Cittàcalabriaedizioni, 2006; Za Peppa, Come nasce una mafia. Alle origini della malavita cosentina, Cosenza, Coessenza, 2007. He edited the translation of Subcomandante Marcos, COSÌ Raccontano i nostri vecchi... Narrazioni dei popoli indigeni durante l’Altra Campagna, Napoli, Edizioni Intra Moenia, 2009.
Cosenza - Windward School (photo Claudio Dionesalvi). |
Speaking of sexual violence, Curia, complaints, etc.
Claudio Diotenesalvi is highly respected for his daily commitment to the Roma children of Cosenza, and was recently acquitted (after seven years of harassment) in the case against the "rebel South" for the events in Genoa in 2001. Now a lawsuit started by the Archbishop of Cosenza Salvatore Nunnari. And here are the facts.
In May 2008, "Tam Tam and smoke signals, the fanzine of the ultras of football in Cosenza Dionesalvi as Executive Director, published an unsigned editorial in which it is the legal case that involves Father Fedele Bisceglia, leader of the Oasis Franciscan accused, with his secretary of sexual assault against a nun. The church lives cosentina the dark days of the scandal that has engulfed the Institute lager Pope John XXIII di Serra d'Aiello, administered from the top prelate, Bishop Luberto, to clear which (and thus put an end to torture by transferring inmates other public facilities) is due to involve the police in riot gear.
Following the complaint, the investigating judge of Cosenza issued a penal order against Claudio Dionesalvi that he would ensure "the contents of a service that took the defense of Father Fedele Bisceglia and stigmatized the conduct of the Curia." But the real reasons of the complaint, according Dionesalvi are others: "Indeed, said Claudio, I am punished because I have not committed an act of denunciation, not revealing the name of the author." From reading the open letter sent to Bishop Dionesalvi shows that, at one point, Bishop Nunn would be willing to withdraw the complaint, provided that the journalist had written a letter of apology. "Rather than recant - have said Claudio - in the past I preferred to finish before a Court of Assizes. Now even I would be willing to burn me at the stake. Believe me: it is a measure of unavailable to him. It is called human dignity. "
And so, for an excess of human and intellectual honesty "Tam Tam and smoke signals" is on sale with a special session entitled "Nonsignore. The managing editor, Sergio Crocco, Cosenza Ultras historian, said he had written the piece publicly taking on the responsibilities and reaffirming, among other things, the innocence of Father Fedele because "no court in civil, criminal, nor God can subvert the respect for the truth. That is compared to the first man. " But maybe "file suit against two ragged, a little 'ultras, a little' no-global, is the most important problems facing the faithful," Crocco says turning to the bishop.
The trial was postponed until May 6 in the total silence of the union of journalists from Calabria in a story that would dwarf even Franz Kafka: a bishop (who for years was director of the National Order of Journalists Fnsi and vice president of Calabria) denouncing a director of a newspaper that hosted an article that defends a monk accused of raping a nun. No Christian piety, put aside the Pentateuch and the Gospel, to understand what is happening, we must resort to the old Foucault: Discipline and Punish!
A.P. |