40 years. It went well the night last February 24 at the ARCI "The Scighera"(which in Milanese dialect means "fog"), first in a series of initiatives to celebrate our first 40 ye"A"rs. Nearly two hundred present, many cooperators of "A" interviewed by the crackling Dino Taddei (by co-founders Fausta Bizzozzero Lanza and Luciano to the young / old Andrea Staid, through the boy 87 years old Arturo Schwarz), an excellent buffet, songs and chants, the 'inevitable Alessio Lega accompanied by the fisarmoinica Guido Baldoni, friendly atmosphere. In the next issue we will give account of publishing photos of Roberto Gimmi and lyrics of classic anarchist, anti-militarist, anti-clerical songs proposed by the Voices of Middle and sung by all the presents(including Charles Oliva, who had just declared that he would not have left go to such things).
Our friends and fellow anarchists of the Anarchist Federation of Reggio Emilia (belonging to the Italian Anarchist Federation, it seems, since 2,945 BC), have announced the organization of another lunch (or dinner) for "A". Even in the Veneto are thinking about another Faenza. Sociality (much) and money (maybe): we at "A" we're happy. Waiting to make the revolution, add a seat at the table.
Milan, February 24, 2011, ARCI "The Scighera"
celebrating 40 years of "A"- Alessio Lega accompanied
on accordion by Matteo Baldoni (photo Roberto Gimmi). |
Faenza. A pleasant day, with lunch and social, during the afternoon, music, chat, songs, etc.. until the evening. Then, all at home. This is the maximum program, along with fellow Imola and Forlì, we thought for Thursday, June 2, day of celebration for the Republic but for us - more modestly - by celebrating the 40th anniversary of the birth of our magazine.
For obvious logistic reasons, it is essential that those wishing to participate let us know in advance, perhaps - it is not required but is appreciated - by sending the 25.00 euro per person for lunch (drinks included) with a payment on postal account or a bank transfer. Upon accession clarify, please, whichever menu you choose.
The Court is the restaurant on the outskirts of Faenza, a town in Cosina, via Carbonara 10, near the Via Emilia. It has a large open area, partially covered and then used in the event of bad weather. The vegetarian menu includes: vegetarian crostini, Pomini and basil ravioli, tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms, a great mix of grilled vegetables with Tomino, nougat parfait, coffee, biscuits. The non-vegetarian menu includes: a starter of the court (cut), the leader hat, garganelli rustic, beef and rabbit roast pork, grilled vegetables, baked potatoes, nougat parfait or sherbet, coffee, biscuits.
The "spectacular" is being defined.
During the day we will collect subscriptions for the magazine.
For questions and special needs, please contact us without problems.