still on special issue for 40 years of “A”
The special issue is really beautiful. Proud to read A..
Enrico Ambrosi
(Montecchia di Crosara – Vr)
Hello Paolo,
I wanted to say that I finally read the special issue of "A " and I must say I was really impressed. I peeled with my wife and our four children and it was nice to summarize their pieces of history of our movement and funny anecdotes of the factions that have fed or attended in all these decades.
You did a great job that gives us a bit 'more awareness of the extreme pride of ownership and dignity of the struggle waged. As can happen in the world, anarchism will never die because it draws the truest essence of human beings.
A hug from all of us libertarian.
Valerio, Monica, Ariele, Miriam, Edna e Natan Pignatta
(Semproniano – Gr)
From Francesco Saverio Merlino to Economic "competition"
Whenever Gianpietro Berti writes and reports on the major characters of libertarianism as Francesco Saverio Merlino (paper presented at the conference of studies about Merlin at Imola in July 2000, published in the last issue of "A") that you can not appreciate this work that always leads to critical reflection and deep.
The analysis and knowledge of the thought of Merlin in today's society it is considered as space-die policies are anti-authoritarian and libertarian. Merlin is the libertarian thinker who has dismantled Marx from the standpoint of making it too detailed statement and "scientifically". He has the knowledge that we can not and should not reach an effective equality between men simply because they are uneven and even more from the standpoint of economic capabilities.
Socialism has in it elements of Merlin liberals and libertarians, a secularized thought that space for experimentation and economic competition, by accepting the very idea of free markets. In fact, Merlin anticipates the monstrosity of "economic and political totalitarianism" of what will be a socialist society that requires and does not accept the freedom of choice, of agreement and exchange anticipating what will be the Soviet collectivism, Chinese, Korean, etc. .. Then return to a fair competition, and give scope for the free loan market, a liberal-libertarian anarchist project or make anarchism a Liberal. Injustice and the monstrosity of the capitalist free market is the non-extension of competition where there is almost never was, between the exploiters. As pointed out by Fred Tortorelli the issue of competition has always been misunderstood in the environments of "far left", it is desired to see as the devil, the dog that bites without understanding that if there was competition among the capitalists, or rather between the oligopolists, the weight of the exploitation of subordinate classes would be reduced in real terms to something significant. The competition is an effective against high prices only if he has his hands tied or mixed, is never dependent on the number of alleged competitors, but the conditions of freedom.
To speak of freedom and experimentation became unitile, until the state coercive acts to restrict freedom of those who undertake new business competitors. Even the high taxation sector are in fact many state monopolies. Statism and capitalism tend constantly to blend into each other worse, with a fair reflection should look at what makes any competition outside of this mixed oligarchy.
Domenico Letizia
(Maddaloni – Ce)
The government, an instrument?
During the resistance to the CLN Carrara also included anarchists which, however, came not as such but "offering" as a libertarian! Shame, hypocrisy, merchants in the temple? Mah! Perhaps we will never know, but the fact remains.
That local CLN issued a series of mergers and decree concerning expropriation of assets in order also to support the struggle of the partisans. You must know that the decrees of the CLN, to have value, they had to be approved unanimously. After the war, the government dropped Parri, many of these decrees were not recognized and this happened to coincide with the fact that while the anarchists were no longer "behind the desk."
There was also the episode, still ruled by the CLN to collect a loan "forced" to wealthy citizens to support the partisan, the needy, the hospital and shelter for the elderly. My father was commissioned by the CLN to proceed.
First called the director of the Commercial Bank and was forced to give the amount of liquid deposits, to be sure about who should concentrate. This course in an unofficial and until now unreleased news! Then he summoned the branch training Gino Lucetti, at the foot of the mountains, one by one, the wealthy citizens, who, without any violence, all agreed to sign a sum. As for the manufacturers of Marble, summoned them directly in the quarry in the mountains where he lived command of the Partisan. Among those called up, there was an industrialist who protested claiming that the money would have caused them to take Ugo by the fascists, and not from us that we have always been anti-fascists! Hugh replied simply that just because you are anti-fascists have a moral obligation to support the fight against fascism, to support the needs of the weakest and those who fight with arms in hand the Nazi-Fascism. Surprisingly even this was possible because those? Anarchists? were behind? that desk? until? Companys occupied by another day.
Dear Paul, when Malatesta in his article about? The system of property after the revolution? different perspectives to reach a peaceful solution to a final choice and shared, tell me what to implement, if not do you suggest the adoption of a transitional period to arrive at what he sees in the system more just economic order that he considers both the Anarchist Communism? The power, or rather the Government, in my opinion is a tool that in itself can be used in different ways, there is no evidence of what the anarchists could have done if they had used, if only to ensure that it not be used to suppress and to force others in the narrows of a single thought. Berti argues that we lack the theory of politics, I believe that we are trapped in a dogma, dogma that an agnostic Berneri considered as a limit for the actualization and modernization of anarchist thought. Possibilities and experimentation, this should ensure that day anarchists who choose to take the place of Companys and not to impose their moral force. Hurting for good, you get only worse, as the anchor to the dogma produces only superstition.
Alfredo Mazzucchelli
Vignetta di Simone & Erika |
Somali and carabinieri
In Rome, a girl was raped by two Somali immigrants. The mayor of the city, the fascist Gianni Alemanno, has made clear in retaliation by force a run-down building where he had found refuge, a large group of refugees from Somalia, forcing dozens of innocent people remain without shelter at night with temperatures below zero. A few days later, two policemen raped a woman arrested for a minor theft at a department store. Now look, for consistency, are closed and also cleared the barracks of the carabinieri.
Botta / Dear Olive, I do not agree
The two articles by Charles Oliva "The demon serotina" and Antonio Cardella, "A Season on the Lower Empire" ("A" 360, March 2011) seem in contradiction with the orientation of a libertarian magazine (which certainly can "get out "in the sense of going to extra every opinion, every argument, but perhaps with a contradictory, even with a replica of drafting). This applies particularly to the article by Oliva, less than Cardella.
I try to articulate my criticisms.
A) Take the parts of the judiciary, as broadly Oliva ago, it seems to me that position is very libertarian, which I find strange, because I read Oliva and I think it definitely averse to authoritarian suggestions. Distinguish between right and law (as it correctly - the same number of "A" - Domenico Letizia "For a history of the libertarian right) is good, not good instead focus only on the law, ever. That such a law, then, goes against a state representative, is not in itself a guarantee of "libertarianism" (I speak as a libertarian, not anarchist, as I think many readers now know, because often I break the boxes with that distinction), but expression one of the paradoxes of the law itself (and I believe that the criticism contained in a metaphorical way and not all the works of Franz Kafka say I think the longest of any tome of philosophy of law ...), which turns against those who makes it, in this case against those who accept the logic (the author of the article, certainly libertarian, takes for granted that the judges are right, but also that the signal appeared stronger than in the story of Berlusconi is Ruby and the like ).
In this sense, then, probably, faute de mieux and on a provisional basis (ie before the advent of a desirable society more free, if not libertarian), agree to accept the tripartite division of powers-Enlightenment liberal source, that - at least, although very imperfect, protects the citizen, not just the superpowers and the tycoon (in Berlusconi are the two things together, with un'endiadi concern) compared to the overwhelming power of the law.
B) Oliva, certainly well-intentioned in his "antiberlusconismo" (not a one of Berlusconi "berluscones" in return, I would like to reiterate) loses sight of how and on what can (and should, I might add) really attack the Prime Minister: as when, for example, attacking gays ("thank God they are not," he proclaimed months ago, and now, at the conference of Christian reformers Saturday, February 26 denies the possibility of recognizing gay marriages as denying them the possibility of adopting children).
In elegant form, there seems to be in Oliva moralism "curious." I would not own (but do not think it does - sometimes the message does not arrive at the receiver, it hangs halfway in the medium or the receiver is too sensitive, where the recipient is the writer, do not want to universalize) regretted that the tradition of the fathers , "good, strong in heart" (? When, where? my dad I learned 20 years after his death and my mom just disappeared, he had a mistress). It is just one example, real, however, of what I call, citing Marx for once "the old shit," the old poop hypocrisy disguised as morality.
One of the great things worse (let it be said with sincere admiration!) Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, in addition to its repulsive anti-Semitism, which approaches the worst of Catholicism and the Islamic fanaticism today as always, is his misogyny and his moralism sexual phobia ( it should read "The Pornocratie", Paris, L'Herne, 2009, the text is also in some Italian translations, not always excelled). A plea for help and instead prefers to Charles Fourier that, contrary to what he says Proudhon, Fourier was not le fou ("mad the Fourier"), nor a libertine, debauched, but wanted to help with organizational policies and "serial" passions, of which the erotic and sex is certainly the strongest, for many people, regardless of orientation "sexual". Strange, for those who would otherwise be a supporter of "free love" turned into a sort of Cato, even in something worse, at least basically.
C) I would point out that, as guarantors, I think Berlusconi even "innocent" until proven otherwise, but even that, however, if the facts alleged were true, would not repulsive to the age of the powerful (oblivious to the fact that biblical patriarchs "knew" little girls, only the "cattoliconi" but also the orientation of each baciapile - which certainly is not part Oliva-tear their clothes for this, Goethe and Schopenhauer very late in the coveted age girls), but because there half of the money, "the universal go-between" (Shakespeare) that leads to prostitution lower than the pre-social climbing. All the rest is the stuff of wigs, from "neopiagnoni" gone bad!
Would be different if the issue of lying (see above) said the Knight, however, lie from which even Bill Clinton was able to save a little more than 12 years ago.
Eugen Galasso
... and response / comments interesting, but ....
I must have given really bad (and it is my fault) when I wrote that I take the principle parts of the judiciary and I assume that judges are always right.
This view is so far from my defenders concerned that charging Berlusconi's own tendency to use, in the controversy, a purely legal type arguments, such as the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof, without the slightest regard for the appearance moral issue. Moral aspect, in my opinion, does not have as much to do with mere acquaintances sexual prime minister, as the practice of organized prostitution, with all the baggage of implied violence and corruption it entails. It will be a moral lesson, but it seems a point on which we can not compromise.
Of course, this is not the only charge that can move to the type, but in an article you're forced to deal with a problem at a time. For the rest, Galasso's comments seem to me interesting and I can only thank him for the attention he devoted to me.
Carlo Oliva
Those heavy bags
Dear friend "A"
companion along with your sisters will, then became Libertarian, Interrogations, and the more difficult Publications Eleuthera, quantity and quality time together? Forty years experienced an intense weaving mostly silent, reading and comparing the contents expressed in your pages dynamically with my thoughts, often in full harmony, others with critical detachment. But the task of a journal is to stimulate in a comparison of different views and beliefs.
A magazine is made by the writer, but also by the reader because if there was anybody that would be the point of writing? It is precisely for this reason, you remember my dear friend, to accompany you when I worked at newsstands in Milan and I recommended on the newsagents, entertains some conversation 'with them, urging them to export in a visible manner so that you reach more potential eyes of passers-by curious about the world of "A" and carrying with them so that this becomes an event that would give a wellspring for new, sustainable customary attendance.
After all, the effort was great: I broke my arms with those heavy bags that I carried around on foot and moving with the media as the metro, trams and buses to all of Milan. And how much satisfaction, when at last the turn widened and sales increased. To you I humbly dedicated most of my time. A period of full-time military.
Then I moved away to complete my artistic training, the other major cultivated my passion since childhood. That period of political practice was very important to me: born spontaneously as an anarchist from the age of reason, I have kept this in mind, developing and expanding, even as part of my work, accompanied by your letter, and sometimes speak.
A warm hug and a wish for good life.
Tommaso Bressan
I read you with interest because ...
My name is Daniele and I am a 19 year old. I heard about your magazine, thanks to a professor I had in high school. There are now six years that I read on the internet with great pleasure and not without some anxiety for "the next number." I read in the paper version, when I can procure. I also had the pleasure to know, thanks to some conferences, Philip Trasatti, Francesco Codello, Finzi and Paul and I noticed that you anarchist "A" or Libertarian or maybe even other magazines, not only are not the kind of characters I was expecting, that is, you know better than me, people who do not want to do nothing, smash everything and that they only casino.
IAL contrary are serious people and special, as it is now difficult to find, with deep humanity, of strict consistency with their ideas and then, more importantly, willing to experiment, to see what happens, to try, perhaps with the risk of wrong, but then correct itself, always aiming for the goal of a better, more just, more humane, more respectful. On the way short of finding the actions, behaviors, economic organization, production methods but also to achieve a state of wellness and greater peace and happiness for all. This is what I understood by reading to know you better and anarchist magazine.
Other than going to a casino in the square and breaking things and having fun! You are proposing, also giving valuable suggestions, a different and better way you could live in harmony with oneself, with others and with the environment and explain how to do many times also. The scope of your ideas is huge, is not without its moments of fury and bitterness of disappointment and some others, but great, as you are convinced that now is not the best of all worlds and the only possible. Before meeting the teacher that I told you, always being curious, I started to get interested in politics along with an open mind all the positions that we are in the media without being particularly impressed by an idea or a person with respect other. Knowledge instead of your ideal was for me the limit of astonishment and incredulity, the best idea ever or the best ideal ever conceived, impractical, impossible and unrealistic as you like but by far the best. The one on which to focus. trying to go in a certain direction.
Without certain ideas are not going anywhere, or better, you go in the direction that leads to death, hatred, the Holocaust, violence, suffering and ultimately self-destruction of man. If you do not respect the environment, the different, the weaker animals, nature ... it starts in the wrong direction. And you know that everything we teach, whether involuntary or unconscious, has impact on everything else, that's why I read with pleasure and I consider essential that there are people who have a different view, critical of society and more lucid than to others. Now I do not know whether or not to call myself an anarchist because it is a label that the average person who does not know you immediately brings to mind something negative and destructive. In any case I am interested in anarchist ideas and I agree on many things and topics you and I also try to implement something even if in our society is increasingly difficult and the solution, I think, is out of the company and improve themselves. We would like to help in some way and I still have not understood if read on the Internet is a way to help or not .... since I assume here that you have no printing costs as with the paper.
I was pleased that, ultimately, was also published articles and dossiers sull'antispecismo and veganism, topics on which I'm aware a lot in recent months, discovering and knowing people who may also, without knowing each other, trying to interpret the present and act in the right direction, I am referring to natural hygienists and Fruitarians in Italy for some years, are becoming more and more. These people are coming to conclusions which, in my opinion, you could share, too completely. Valdo Vaccaro, a natural hygienist Udine, via his blog explaining how to get free of an optimal state of health without drugs, but self-managed health through diet, and a number of other simple precautions. Valdo Vaccaro, but most of the hygienists and Fruitarians as Luciano Gianazza, do not stop to talk of health, but also explain how this lifestyle has major repercussions against the multinationals of drugs and vaccines, the big food industries , soft drinks, fast food ... Many things are not in conflict but rather to the ideal anarchist and environmentalist (and here I have to congratulate Adriano Paolella Zelinda Carloni and interesting for their files) that were spread over 40 years!
A greeting and a hug, hoping to be affected.
Vegetarian and vegan
I would like to return to the vegan dossier published on the No. 353 "A" (May 2010).
First a few questions:
1) To cultivate the plants need to "defend" from animals and insects "harmful" (eg, mice, snails and dorifere). How does a vegan?
2) With the advent of Varroa Destructor untreated or wild bees have died. Can we risk the extinction of the species Apis? If not, how?
3) When you pull a carrot to eat it or cut a tree to procure the wood for the stove I know of killing sentient beings. What do you think vegans?
Finally I would like to invite the authors of dossiervegano deepen understanding of the vegetarian world.
As in all movements, there are several faces: for some, eating meat is not just a diet, others have come to vegetarianism after all, a path and then make it a lifestyle.
With love
Roberto Panzeri
(Valgreghentino – Lc)
But the state is not the homeland
there is a flag
which has no color
your ... "
(From the flag, a song by Edoardo Bennato)
This period of celebration of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy allowed us to see a resurgence of patriotism, no small matter. Patriotism that led to "accidentally" in a new colonial war in Libya for the hoarding of resources and raw materials essential to the West Energy Saving Silverman.
The situation is grotesque. The chorus of patriotism that has risen among the population has a characteristic function to a Northern League and then anti-racist and anti-secession. For others, it's just a function militaristic, patriotic and pro-fascist rightwards. With the exposure and the worship of the flag the first affirm their existence in a world that would like the internal civil war for the triumph of the ego and the latter expressed their delusions of power to export abroad Italian genius, the ' expression of commitment to nuclear power and the aspirations to power industrial-military-mafia.
All, however, even intelligent people of unsuspected left pacifist, converge on the Italian flag as a new symbol of personal identity, politics and people, identities that now escapes in front of the office of hypermarkets and television programs reached a level of perfection as a total capacity of conviction and dotage.
The historical process of the Risorgimento was on all occasions of this repechage-pseudo-patriotic cultural mistreated and tailored to the needs of today, hiding flaws and distortions, injustices of every kind, and massacres that took place (the siege of Gaeta, 's massacre of Bronte, operations antibrigantaggio etc...)
The problem stems from a misunderstanding about what is love for their land and their own countrymen who may not coincide with the concept of political-military homeland nor with that of the state. As written by Mikhail Bakunin (Fatherland and nationality) "the state is not the country, is the abstraction, the metaphysical fiction, mystical, political, legal Homeland." And today I would say that to express love for their place and culture will serve us even a new word for "homeland" has really only been completely negative connotations that recall only rapes ethnic wars, learns to control the resources and military criminal violence free for the pleasure of annihilating other human beings ...
"Our homeland is the whole world," reads a note anarchist song. There are other cultural and ideological positions that, if we want to rule out forever the possibility of looting and raping other ego lives in the name of the alleged ideals that are merely the expression of class interests or political hierarchy.
Valerio Pignatta
(Semproniano – Gr)
Our black funds
Paolo Facen (Feltre – Bl) 20,00; Aurora e Paolo (Milano) salutando Tatsuru e Misato Toda, 500,00; Aldo Vincenzo Pamparana (Biella) 10,00; Roberto Angelini (Spoleto – Pg) 5,00; Pasquale Messina (Milano) “ricordando mio padre”, 50,00; uno (Milano) 2,00; Daniela Belloni (Caprie – To), 5,00; Franco Melandri e Rosanna Ambrogetti (Forlì) 20,00; Enrico Calandri (Calandri), 100,00; Alessio Deccianna (Carmiano – Le) 6,00: Egidio Colombo (Quartu Sant’Elena – Ca) 20,00; Giampiero Landi (Castel Bolognese – Ra) 50,00; Spazio culturale libertario “29 luglio” (Carpi – Mo) ricavato cena benefit, 100,00; Frigerio-Gilio (Lecco) per rinforzare la coscienza, 20,00; Giampietro Mambretti (Lecco) 50,00; Mario Bielli (Tavernole s/m – Bs) 20,00; a/m Massimo Ortalli, Ivan Montefiori (Imola – Bo) 20,00; Stefano Stoffella (Rovereto – Tn) 30,00. Total euro 1.028,00.
Abbonamenti sostenitori. (when not otherwise specified is euro
100,00). Giulio Abram (Trento) 125,00; Alberto Panzeri (Valgreghentino – Lc); Sergio Loise (Cosenza); Enrico Calandri (Roma); Fabrizia Golinelli (Carpi); Nicola Casciano (Novara); Andrea Albertini (Merano – Bz) 150,00: Alessandro Marutti (Cologno Monzese – Mb); Maurizio Guastini (Carrara) 200,00: Mara Galassi (Milano).
Total euro 1.175,00.