Lyon. It is titled "Philosophy of anarchy. Libertarian theories, practices daily and ontology" the International Conference sponsored by the various associations in Lyon, France, 12 to 15 May 2011. Dense schedule of four days, to be held in different locations. The topics of the sessions are as follows. Thursday, 12 am: Proudhon and anarchy. Thursday, 12 days afternoon: Anarchy, nature, mysticism. Friday 13 morning and afternoon: Philosophy and anarchy. Saturday 14 morning theory libertarian practice. Saturday 14, afternoon: A non-dogmatic philosophy. Sunday 15: Gender and anarchy. Sunday 15 afternoon: News of a revolutionary subject. Parallel to the talks, the only day on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15, it also takes a libertarian exhibition of editions. For information: Mimmo Pucciarelli (Cedrats, tel. 00 33 478 29 90 67
Slovenia. The Federation for the anarchist organization (FAO) is preparing for the weekend 13 to 15 May 2011 a book fair and festival of anarchist in Trbovlje, a small industrial town about an hour's drive from the Slovenian capital Ljubljana. In this region, historically the scene of numerous anti-fascist struggles of workers at the end of the nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century, the attention of the local population has recently focused largely on environmental issues.
The main idea of our event is the Book Fair with anarchist literature, materials, cultural events, the market with green products, public kitchen, various workshops (on environmental issues, women's issues, etc..) And, main dish, two tables discussions with relevant international guests from Slovenia and abroad on current problems of capitalism and anarchist alternatives.
We are planning a general meeting for the last day, during which draft a joint statement which we hope will become an annual event. We expect many visitors from all over Slovenia, and of course abroad, especially from the Balkans but also from other european countries. We would like that the event was the meeting place for local people, for local and foreign activists, a common space reflection on the current situation and our involvement.
Please support this event with your materials and your participation. The stalls are free and we are also organizing free accommodation for the visitors from abroad. We are happy to accommodate people / anarchist groups with the distributions (particularly literature), but if anyone has interest in other areas are open to proposals. Contact us for more information. The detailed program of the event and other information will be published in the coming weeks.
For more information:
Macerata. Saturday, May 14, in Macerata, on the premises of ARCI (via Verdi 10 / a), conference on the Nazi extermination of the Roma Paolo Finzi, the editorial staff of "A". Coordination Plan Anti-Fascist / Anti-Racism, which are affiliated Left criticism, ANPI, Collective libertarian "Macchia Nera", Communist Refoundation and individuality.
For info: 339 61 01 637.
Il Collettivo Libertario Fiorentino announces that in
in Teatro Tenda (Saschall)
lungarno Aldo Moro, via Fabrizio De André
7, 8, 9 ottobre 2011
will be held the:
5° Vetrina dell’Editoria
anarchica e libertaria
for info: |
Rimini. Inform you that due to the exorbitant rates charged by the Italian Post Office the group mailbox Libertad-FAI Rimini (CP 123 - succ. 3 - 47921 Rimini) is no longer active. Who wants to write something first to send us mail
BFS. He went out of Julius Meazza, Adieu Pearà. Future memories from the shadows of Verona, pp. 208, € 12.00. In a future just around the corner, memories of a man in crisis with others who can no longer recognize the surrounding environment. Social science fiction novel, tinged with humor and charmism for the grotesque, Adieu Pearà plays with the fears and anxieties of our society projected in 2029, in a dusty Verona hypertrophic anabolizzata, too close and too distant to be easily confused with any city in the Northeast today. And while on security and identity obsessions fuel the paranoia - dividing the population into paradoxical opposing factions - the fog that envelops the streets and minds, we see a glimmer of hope crowds: a mysterious underground group is conspiring in the shadows ... Anyone reading these chronicles goggled finds himself reluctantly involved in the ludicrous drama of Julius, will be seized by an in-explicable, irresistible, pathetic desire to wear a fake beard and go out on the streets shaking his fist in a tomato.
For info: BFS editions, via L. Bargagna 60, 56124 Pisa, tel / fax 050 97 11 432,, Malatesta. Edizioni Bruno Alpini have released Read Malatesta, Davide Turcato, Imola, 2010, pp. 2, € 4.00. Turcati, a researcher in Canada, is caring for editions Zero in Condotta (Milan) and La Fiaccola (Ragusa) publication of the complete works of Malatesta. The revised booklet is the Italian version of a conference on 18 Novenber, 2009 at the Department of Political Science at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Demands to For requests of more than 5 copies and save 30 %.

Bianciardi. In this year where there is much talk about the unification of Italy in the Renaissance debate seems crushed and the initial phase of this great adventure called Nation. It should be noted however that this century and a half is littered with significant dates, people and personalities that have influenced the consciousness of so many of us. The collana Antimoderati attempts to reconstruct the routes of political intellectuals and political intellectuals who can be considered a "collective subject" and they have done in their intellectual and political activities in the broadest sense of the term and civilian, and a conscious search for other lonely. A placement of all non-organic logic to corporate, party, group or caste. The rediscovery of this sense of Bianciardi Luciano (Luciano Bianciardi, di Giuseppe Muraca, Collana Antimoderati, February 2011, pp. 84, € 10.00) is important and emblematic. You could not start the series with each other if not with this Tuscan genius is able to catch with his works the "other sides" of an Italy Journal, plaster, optimistic, in the midst of an economic boom whose effects could be captured underground Only a skeptic and anarchic as antimoderate Bianciardi. Even after its discovery and others like him less didactic analysis we hope that Italy is "not just" Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi.
Request to: Center
Documentation of Pistoia
via S. Pertini, S.N.C. 51100 Pistoia;
tel. 0573 371785, fax 0573 371780,
payments ccp 12386512;
Emergency. The World We Want: Emergency has passed through Italy to talk about peace and human rights and introduce its new monthly magazine. "We reject violence, terrorism and war as a means of resolving disputes between people, nations and states. We want a world based on social justice, solidarity, mutual respect, dialogue, fair distribution of resources ": so begins The world we want, the manifesto of Emergency which was discussed together with representatives of culture and civil society and citizens who have participated in meetings held in many theaters of Italy.
With this series of meetings, Emergency continues a commitment since its inception: the activity of care of victims of war and poverty, the association has always supported the promotion of a culture of peace and respect for human rights.
A commitment that is proving increasingly necessary even in Italy: in our country it is vital work to prevent all basic rights - the right to receive free medical care of excellence, the right to a quality public school, the right to ... public information - become a matter of privilege.
For this reason, birth, and the new monthly Emergency. A magazine beautiful, useful and intelligent, which examines current events inspired by the values that guide the work of the association since its founding: equality, solidarity, social justice and freedom.
And, directed by Gianni Mura and Maso Notarianni, it offers insights, analysis, reports, surveys, columns and stories "to get to the heart, the only place that brings together surgeons and poets," writes Gianni Mura in his first editorial.
A large format magazine, to give ample space to images, photographs, cartoons, illustrations.
The first issue of E is out on newsstands April 6 and will continue to do so every first Wednesday of the month.
You can browse the preview of the magazine and subscribe at
 Bergamo. "We were also History - Bergamaschi active in anarchist groups in Milan (1880-1900)" is the title of a volume, Albino Bertuletti and Alberto Gotti, printed just last year, 268 pages, price not specified. This is part of a larger historical research on the libertarian movement in Bergamo. The book is set up for 2 / 3 from the transcription of numerous biographies of "subversive anarchists" from Bergamo, and various cards police. For more info: Spazio anarchico Underground, via Furietti 12-A, 24126 Bergamo,
 Life imprisonment. The "shadow men" are men like Carmelo Musumeci, writer detained, and all those like him are serving life imprisonment impediment or dell'ergastolo without benefits, without a day off, with no hope. And "Gli uomini ombra (e altri racconti) - Shadow Men (and Other Stories)" is also the title of the book (pages 171, price not stated) Carmelo Musumeci published by Gabrielli Editori (e-mail: |