TEN days after the event if not now when, which led to the streets throughout Italy a million people, mostly women, a smiling Mr. Berlusconi apostrophized as the president of Confindustria in front of the press, "my president, that ... you call a good tusa .... " So any woman, let her do anything, it is still his "daughter", automatically apply the protection of men's daddy.
In those days it became clear that the Italian strategy of opposition parties to drive out the PDL, a party that lives off the face of B., by the government, was inevitably a loser. This gives a very precise moment in history: one in which the Parliament has allowed B. to buy the majority of the media in this country, first by the Decree of 1984, Fininvest by interventions act to protect the judiciary against the monopoly, then the law mother in 1999, finally blocked by the electoral law of 2005.
On 13 February, in several Italian cities in which women themselves, the Democratic Party still collecting signatures for its unnecessary for the resignation of Prime ... highlights the absolute conviction that they can not do anything else. Courage is not because he was infected by virus B, there is no strength to do what you believe in even if it means risking a defeat.
Berlusconi has infected everyone with the fear of losing. Everyone would like to transform the Theatre Eater, nobody wants to be left behind.
And the much-mocked Berlusconi's tendency to become "everybody's friend," is nothing but that game often hypocritical of the "like", that play which also makes us used Facebook. The old B. has only made the mistake of not being flexible enough, and will be changed with someone less out of fashion. Let us hope that, as the model for Wojtyla, are not substitutes instead of mothballs!
Where there is a lesbian there is freedom
It is so also for sexuality need to please everyone.
Talking to boys and girls, you understand that the fact of not feeling attraction "also" to persons of the same sex is considered a handicap, a narrowing of the market, the risk is that this research of its own omnipotence erotic free little by little sexual orientation of the instruments of political consciousness and even self-consciousness.
Speaking of sexual orientation, in Italy the tendency to use synonyms as "trendy" and not wanting to define a term, "lesbian," which now appears to contain dangerous connotations not just random ergo universal, has heavy political implications, because the still dirty Vatican arm confuses opportunistically in Parliament the "practical" orientation (such as pedophilia, or bunga bunga ..., that the punitive sodomy) with sexual orientation.
The Lesbian Experience is essentially an experience of freedom. Wherever there is a lesbian, there is the ghost of non-family, non-industrialized eros. Wherever we are, even if reforms such as introducing elements lesbian family with children, our feelings remain the virus to the power of patriarchy and women's autonomy is perceived as a loose cannon. How can we share with others our experience, that is political?
How Sarah Hoagland reminded us (already 22 years ago!) The horizontal groups, recognition of others, a different ethic based on focus with each other and integrity and not on the community and closed rules, are assets lesbian breaking ethics based on traditional patriarchal control. We can use these values to find out if our needs are real or induced by the market, as the patriarchal moralism is eroding our freedom of opinion.
Moral judgments about the D'Addario, the Ruby, the Bramble, the Carfagna, are misleading: we need a political opinion.
What can we say to these women who do not look like a sermon or an insult, if not truly free, despite the their ruthlessness and their Jeune fille attitude... one that involves not one that can never be completely "to escape the tyranny of the goods has decided to become itself." Another lesbian, Audre Lorde, can help us with his eroticism may be remembered as the abuse of themselves, if not shared with the other / in their ability to hear. Without wishing to morality then, this reflection is key to exit from the quagmire that has reduced even to consider women as the D'Addario of the new "heroes".
We women in the deprivation of speech in a society of the spectacle now touted as the only real society, run by men who, in addition to maintaining the trappings of heterosexuality and dolls take the media arena, they discover the charm of conformist trans-gender and his prostitutes, "most women" that we were born women. In this study of male self-sufficiency, that we still air to breathe?
Policy ineffective?
Freedom, and abuse, as well the discourse of 'organization and policy choices, the first Leadership comes today, what a man, Paul Barnard, called the vertical cancellation "or" the culture of exposure. "
That vision, that we lesbians have used in the slogans of the '80s, is now negative term in the phenomenon of political-spectacle.
On the occasion of the February 13, many feminists have taken the historical word, some revealing a tendency to distortion: Luisa Muraro, and to some extent Lea Melandri, have relied on the fact that men should be "outraged" by the behavior of B . as if they were not. The snooty Muraro has defined the range of expression as a demonstration of a "policy ineffective and did not participate. Lea Melandri said the mobilization was the "projection" of the offense on the bodies of women by men. Other items, such as Paola di Cori, have operated more constructive criticism, noting for example, "my lady, the catalog, this is" the use of lists or catalogs anti-tissue function in the newspapers to "prove" that women are not only dolls that builds the PDL on TV and in politics, use that usually gets the opposite result.
Monica Lanfranco reaffirmed with a nice note that critics should pay attention to the defense outright prostitution, because "connecting sex and money ... no way alters the logic of capitalism and neo-liberal in which we are now prisoners and detainees."
Lidia Cirillo, after analyzing the fact that the removal of B. can not occur until after another election, confirms the view of those who saw the mobilization of February 13, issued by the newspaper directed by Conchita de Gregorio, l'Unita', as "moral" because it is based only on sex scandals, Cirillo, however, makes worse, when he says that girls like Ruby would be "poor in search of an income who can not find anywhere else, and that point is merciless to public contempt."

But we do not tolerate more top-down organization
It has often made a fierce criticism, exaggerating the allegations contained in the text of the promoters. Of course, the discomfort in Chiara Saraceno, because, she said, indignation involves mainly the sale of bodies and not for example that of the votes, it was a real hardship caused by the danger that the Democratic Party wants to exploit the feminist protest, rather than the reality, which was that of a multicolored mass demonstration. Why, instead of exaggerating the "feelings", we feminists do not say things as they are, which is that it's no longer tolerate an organization of top-down and power within the feminist, the "meetings" instead of the consultations, the "matrons" more that the "authoritative"? We need to recognize that and not be used to make up the numbers when the "opinion leaders" move on slogans already decided by them?
"Even women in underdeveloped countries seem more highly developed than our bureaucrat to make the true feminist! The status of women in Italy is a slew of cultural ambitions, aspirations and global policies frustrations... "she wrote Carla Lanzi in 1973, and we were still far from the Italian feminism is to see how the spread between on the one hand, the achievements and poles and other institutional an esoteric team of symbolic mother, in fact more symbolic ... Kindergartens.
Women's bodies, a trademark?
Now come true even in Italy the phenomenon described by Susan Faludi in her recent book "American Electra. Feminism's Matricide Ritual, "the division between" old "and" new "feminists, and while the political horizon changes, to remedy the scarcity of official representatives of sprouts a new subject: the woman Trademark, Lorella Zanardo.
We were all curious, the output of the documentary "The women's bodies" by Zanardo, who made stubborn by media coverage of itself.
Visible on the video blog was interesting for the choice of content that otherwise would never have seen except in session from Clockwork Orange to Mediaset. The quotations of the omnipresent "Tomato King", the philosopher Galimberti, but we were not convinced genetically predisposed to doing good. Then we learned that calling for a robust figure, of about a thousand euro for the presentation of the video with the author. And even after we discovered that "The body of women" became a trademark.
We are young teachers, feminists, who study this subject and relate to each other, I am sure that their salary a month, if any, consists of little more than the cost of eight hours of the new product Zanardo, "New Eyes for television, "which proves that the packaging to measure the mass media is winning research. The "pop star culture" Am I ready for the tour.
In the universe of political movements, the situation is different, and solipsism "feminist" to go to the male leader. Monica Lanfranco wrote after the G8 summit in Genoa that the language "demilitarized" is necessary to fight oppression, but reiterated that language with the coup de decided by a few: the "conquest" of the area of the "red zone". As lesbians we can understand the speech of Monica on the dangerous similarity between the languages, we should live our not-always glamorous location and type (butch or femme) in the universe spoke to the "masculine". We must learn to understand when expressing anger is bad for us, and approval, and when liberating.
"This happened to me with the friends of Riot, and I accept that it was this: how can we open a road without this happening? ... I have heard more and this is a mistake I will pay. Now I have to retire and just do the same gestures "in the words of Carla Lonzi play in a period in which Mars lacks reflection on the leader in groups, and organizational practices. Many virtual communities (eg Wikipedia) have an oligarchic system for overall management and contribution to the democratic, political movements in the horizontal contribution is even more rare and constantly at risk.
Turning to the institutional policy, in another dissent Mister B. fell down streams more or less unexpected, so for Rosy Bindi when he pronounced the phrase "I'm not a woman at his disposal," quoting a paragraph inadvertently lesbian, which Franca Corradini of the Day No Berlusconi, who has suddenly feminist insight, and leaves the group warns: "I hate that you do new things with old methods to politicians. It is not the first time that I distance myself, but I have kept silent until now because the event could ...".
If patriarchy is not
That women do not like the new leader, as Beppe Grillo, is understandable, given its verve very focused on the leader, using the same aggression and vulgarity of his opponents, and run a communication mechanism between "members" without guarantees of participation in general, as well specified on the website of the Movement: "The name of the Movement 5 Stars is paired with a mark registered in the name of Beppe Grillo, the sole owner of the rights to use it."
A brand, therefore, on which only one person has rights to use and control of the media machine, so much so that after the 2010 meeting in Cesena, tragically named "Woodstock 5-star", there were interventions on the web to this effect: "Grillo give peace there, how is it possible? If there was a need to fund the event because of the advertising revenue in Cesena we have taken for a ride thundering against advertising? What has been the collection spot for two days on the internet and on Sky? "
"The works of Niki" is also animated by a spirit of Obama's leading manufacturing, which should read "video-letters" to the Premier and choose immaculate white shirts for the convention. Imma Barbarossa has recently criticized the release of Vendola who, without asking him, proposed as a new Bindi future prime minister, his wife, quite rightly, "with a veneer of female pride," he said no.
Not to mention TV: we see the workers Omsa Santoro jump to his million dollar contract, we are witnessing the parade of the products of cultural industry, such as in the window of Fabio Fazio, in which intellectuals parade much more of the same old man Silvio. The only exception, the monologues on politics, flowers, fruits and things that gives the young hero's life, Saviano. And tell me if patriarchy is not.
Francesca Palazzi Arduini
Thanks to "feminismi"
(femminismi.wordpress.com)for ideas
politicians, Tiqqun for "Elements for a
theory of Jeune Fille "and Alexander Trocino
for the term "pop star culture"