The cover to the inside of the magazine have always been printed separately, since the inside is printed in one color (black) while the cover is in two colors. The No 30 (June / July 1974) was already in binding, with printed cover, when there was the attack in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia (May 28, 1974). And what once seemed so serious, to push, on the spot, to lock (and destroy) the covers were already printed and replacing them with a new edition: Fascist Massacre: Brescia Fountain Square as the word that stands in the new cover. Our magazine, daughter of the movement of counter-information on the Piazza Fontana bombing and the murder of Pinelli, was being "used" as an instrument of control and participation in the mobilization of many vivid reality of the anarchist movement at the time and rightly considered the wording its duty to provide a magazine that cried out "our" shocking truth about that fact. Let us remember that in those years later after each attack Statal-fascist we wondered when the next would have happened if the strategy of tension would have a rapid acceleration, if the coup was around the corner, etc. ..
Inside this issue of "A", the "usual" things. A bit 'of history (the Red Week on the 60th anniversary), domestic policy (two Amedeo Bertolo editorials on referendums and the Red Brigades), international politics (the situation in France, the end of the Portuguese colonial empire).
Space, as on almost every issue, is also given to anarchist thought, particularly with two papers. The usual Giampietro "Nico" Berti, the column of the spreading of anarchist theory in the early years of "A", this takes care of the "end" of the state, including abolition and extinction. A new opportunity to "deal" with the predominant Marxist culture. The same cut has the interview with the historian Paolo Finzi Pier Carlo Masini on his biography of Carlo Cafiero, just published by Rizzoli: the title of this Intervis (The program of Marx is a big reactionary nonsense) incorporates a statement of the anarchist Puglia and is testimony to the highly controversial cut the whole team of "A" carries forward in affirming the autonomy of anarchist thought with multiple versions of Marxist thought.
Among the many written so dense, is space - and deserves special mention - a fable ("The Kite of Freedom"). And anarchy is not a fairy tale? - Write the two authors, and Cynthia Riccio, in their presentation - to be transformed into a living reality ... In the world that we hope to tell the children the story of those who preferred death to slavery, the truth, ignorance, obscurantism, hypocrisy, the idea of violence and rebellion made. No one and nothing will be forgotten over time in the size of men free and equal.
translation by Enrico Massetti