Code and fines
Long line in front of an exhibit without signs or shepherds who bring in the flock: comment "how they are ordained, how they go by the rules!" no "as they are anarchists, " in fact do not need rules, they realize that the queue is ordered the fastest way to get to the box office. "But it goes beyond the anarchists, are now out of practice because there are no more archdukes to shoot, but they are left with the casino (the name says) without order and disregard of rules. "
Let's talk about without, the α * privately á¼ (ν) á¼ρχή **. The α Private means missing:
– something that is not there, but would be needed. Eg I can not leave because I have no water in the radiator, but in a more profound and complete ...
– something that is not but that we doe not need. Eg in the 500 lacked water because it was air-cooled, then α does not need as Private +á¼(ν)á¼ρχή = command = anarchy = no need for this command, because I understand how to behave myself, respecting others, nature; know from whom to remove because he has too much (that is he is not content of what is right, i.e. he is not anarchist) to give to those who have too little, I put my belt because I do not want to hurt me, I do not want to spend money unnecessarily to hospitals . Not because it gives me a code fine.
* alfa
** a(n)arché.
Carlo Alberto Kluzer
The ideology of patriarchy
I thank the editorial staff for choosing to publish the letter "Isa perspective" on the No. 359 February 2011, p.. 98 and I take this opportunity to point out that in the third column to the line N ° 28 is a misprint that profoundly changes the meaning of the data given: the correct phrase is: ... "Reaction to a male preponderance of female role" ... and not "arrogance" of the female role.
The meaning changes because clearly it was not any physical or intellectual arrogance, but important objective of the role of women on social organization and knowledge of the human body than those eras. This role has not led to a preponderance of discordant structures, or the delusions of patriarchal dominance.
Just for completeness I add a figure that is certainly known that, in historical times, when the capitalist patriarchy with its ideology of domination has now deployed all its adverse effects (religion, class divisions, slavery, etc., etc.) intended to even worse in the later periods, the current thinking about the dynamics of human procreation, incidentally, is reversed. In fact, at this point, it is believed that the reproductive function is only about the man, while women serve as a container, the land on which to deposit the seed of life is kept in the male genitalia. To give just one example, the ancient Greek sources often report oath, in which the man in pronouncing the words prescribed keeps his hands on his testicles, the only sources of life.
The male deified himself after creating god in his own image in order to justify its dominance over any ideology to be around him, he also appropriates to itself the ability to reproduce.
Unfortunately, the ideology of patriarchy still dominates the popular imagination and in fact humanity is rapidly reaching an unprecedented crisis continuing, inter alia, blindly and madly to feed on animals (the consequences for world hunger, desertification and degradation environment of this country think that they are already known to the editor).
I close with the formulation of a hope: the number 359 in February, presenting the book Double heaven at the hands of Daniel Barbieri, is the definition of anarchy by one of the protagonists: "anarchy free everyone, rich and poor , blacks and whites, men and women, all citizens of the world republic of free and fair ", the hope is that in the near future include the anarchists in the liberation at the hands of anarchy all living beings, no matter what species they belong.
Again I thank you
Luca Bino
More attention for the vegans
Dear Mr. Paolo Finzi
about his interview on the number of forty years ("A" 358, December), the call for greater attention at the time said that the choice of possible choices is a vegan and that is not so antispecismo structural part of the thought libertarian as is, for example, anti-militarism (perhaps explaining the reasons for this position, because for me it would be like saying that anarchy is chaos.)
I propose to read, just to name two examples among many others, the book by J. Rifkin, Beyond Beef, and that of C. Patterson Eternal Treblinka or take into account the debate of ideas and Liberation magazine.
Especially those with children as you will realize that the animal question would require not only a book, but probably most of the space of the magazine.
Of course we must have the courage to look deeper into the abyss of madness of our civilization, and then act accordingly. Or you can go ahead to carry around his body well nourished Western illusion of something useful to say anyway: Can you imagine how people behave every body on the planet undernourished Western carnivore? The books and many other sources indicated explain it clearly. Maybe if I finally opened our eyes to what is the true engine of the Western lifestyle, the magazine could affect indicating choices and concrete actions to reverse this path of destruction and injustice. Otherwise, continue to crank out deep analysis and scholarly dissertations, but also try to explain how they differ, then the daily decisions of people who consider themselves anarchists and those who consider this the best of all possible worlds (some Tolstoy spoke of vegetarianism as the zero degree decency, the "first step" in the construction of a new humanity, and his time nalla animals were not slaughtered billions of steak and culture had not yet altered the ecosystem of entire continents).
If freedom ends where that of the other and then not be accompanied by responsibility for abuse, then you can not choose to kill and exploit sentient beings, to destroy the soil, air and water, to alter the climate, to strip the entire continents of their resources and forced the inhabitants to malnutrition, poverty and death, but that's what we're doing: we devour their and our future, forcing them to abandon the desolation that we created to exploit once again with both travel, both when they arrive in "the West", but anarchists are fighting against Cie (Centers for identification and expulsion) and against racism and this quiet their consciences, even though in their daily lives, swallowing steaks, those same people to and the destruction of the future. This contradiction will explode in your face making it useless even the best intentions, all the economic parameters, social and ecological in Africa and Latin America, for example., Continue to worsen. Still not tired of going around in circles without producing a small reversal of concrete?
The Cie distruggiamoli right away if we can, together with all the galleys and all the cages, but in the meantime and then continue to bring forward and propose the same lifestyle distuttivo, the same consumption, to bring the same suffering in the pot?
Remember the old adage to change themselves to change the world and continuing to eat meat will never change anything, so quitting is a condition certainly not sufficient, but necessary, inevitable in a perspective of justice, freedom and equality. How we react more remote face of oppression, the oppression of the voiceless, that is when we are not ourselves and our fellow human being oppressed?
And exploits the human exploitation of animals are closely linked: if this node is not addressed there is anarchy that takes humanity will have no hope of living a better world, if not of life tout court; Whereas other animals as things always apply the same criteria for humans, because animal exploitation is the essence of the ideology of the anthropocentric domination of the biosphere, which is embodied in capitalism. The slaughterhouses have been the model for the Fordist assembly line and the Nazi concentration camps and these are historical data.
You can not shed the blood of the weakest beings, but on the contrary, a minimum of decency that the weakest would you rather take care, this folly has been reproduced inevitably also to the members of their species, as history has amply shown: the passage from the animal to the human other and this is very short even in a hypothetical anarchic world, where if you fail anthropocentrism, will play other forms of exploitation and discrimination. In fact, any company that does not exceed the root of the exploitation, whoever they may be, will be used to know even old and new variations of the exploitation itself. Adorno said that "Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they are only animals."
Mr. Finzi understands that we are outside the time limit? Get information carefully and think at least his / her daughter and / or (maybe reading the book of Foer If nothing matters, written just after he looked at what gave his son to be Magyar. Hormones, antibiotics, additives, excrement, and more are part the normal production of meat shit and short oil).
Each steak is 6 m2 of rainforest destroyed and 75 kg of its life forms, each kg of meat at 60 kg rice, 5 kg of meat to all the water consumed in a year by a Western family of 4 persons, the methane emissions of farms account for 18% of greenhouse gases, all worldwide transport 13%; the caterpillar from 35 tons per hour pave 2 km of forest to make way for pastures that will last a maximum of 7 years ... 1984: worst food crisis in Ethiopia, with people starving in the streets, lots and lots of ports shiploads of oil seeds for the British livestock ... currently in the countries of the so-called Third World, millions of hectares of land are used exclusively to produce feed for European livestock, etc., etc. ... we no longer have a sense of shame.
Salvatore Rasti
Pinelli/What is that stone?
Hello everyone!
I wanted to share with you what happened to me Thursday, April 21, 2011.
Thursday I leave the house and here's what I find myself (see photo )!!!!!!
The truth is that my satisfaction comes not from "official recognition" that today we received a plaque made for Pine, is not the "crown" that struck me, but the speech I had the opportunity and the pleasure of hearing Two boys do the 2 that were playing in the yard and I were watching and photographing, that the following story.
As soon as I left the house that they put a wreath under the plaque Pinelli and stayed behind ... I had to photograph anything and since I was in a hurry, I resolved to do it on my return.
I laughed to myself, thinking that some friend of the district had taken a partisan and had a commemorative plaque placed there bell'apposta as his thought, since that day they had put all the crowns in the neighborhood.
On my return I ran home to get the camera, noting that the crown was still there. It was just put there to Pinelli, tied under our plate a little 'funny, since they had to tie it with wires to the screws, hooks were not provided for crowns.
While I stopped to take a picture, a child asks another 8-9 years he was playing next to him
- But why is that lady taking pictures? What is that plate?
And the older, who must have been 12 years, says
- It was set up for one who was arrested and then he was killed, and he was innocent,
And I've come up with a chat with a buddy made on the value that could have placed a plaque on the wall, reducing the risk of life and beliefs of Pine in commemoration and nostalgia, a plaque for the dead of the past, without that somehow transcended his desire of life, the active memory of his convictions and his struggles to track this possible.
The conversation of these two children, they of course ended, I think that answers the doubts, at this time of blanket of forgetfulness, if even one person will remember the true history of pine it is worth it.
A hug.
Artists of peace, choked by war
The revolution in the Middle East is knocking at the doors of Israel and Palestine, where the groups in power are trying desperately to maintain its influence, fearing a crisis of representation that overwhelm them, along with a loss of credibility on the international stage.
The recent murders of civil society, as Juliano Mer-Khamis and Vittorio Arrigoni, back to the center of the debate the importance of a cultural revolution inside to guide the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by ending the Israeli military occupation and setting the foundations for a genuine peace.
The news coming from Palestine are rarely comforting, but the recent assassinations of anti-war increase even more the shock: Vittorio Arrigoni, who was killed in Gaza April 15, and the Palestinian-Israeli director Juliano Mer-Khamis, who was assassinated on April 4 in Jenin .
Although there is no direct correlation between the two scenes that take place not far raises some questions. The revolution that goes across the middle east is severely affecting the balance of power in Palestine as in Israel, but how? And what is the pressure of internal dissension, civil society towards the ruling elite?
The official versions of these events, even if they are reliable, it does help to understand what is happening, because they lend themselves to easy manipulation. This is demonstrated by the reactions that are triggered by the assassination of a few days Arrigoni: Hamas accuses Israel of political and moral responsibility, Israeli newspapers and the PNA accused Hamas of having lost control of Gaza, not to mention the comments Xenophobia on the "gratitude of the Arabs" who are out and on many blogs and discussion sites frequented by Jewish fundamentalists. [1]
In the case of Juliano Mer-Khamis, the PA has claimed to have arrested the murderess, an extremist Hamas-called faithful who, however, denies murdering the director. [2]
The conclusions drawn from Western public opinion will look like: Palestine is a hell, is another demonstration that the Palestinians do not know how to handle themselves, their real problems are internal, the cause is Islamic fundamentalism ... and then you know if [you put a justification of the choice behavior of Israel].
I am convinced that reality is not so clear.
It is a fact that Arrigoni and Mer-Khamis, with their countless efforts to raise awareness and fight "give discomfort" is the Israeli government, whether Hamas, Fatah and other groups struggling for power in Palestine they were against ' Israeli occupation, the Palestinian elite corruption and all the fundamentalist groups. Juliano was engaged for some time, through education and popular theater, in a bi-national resistance movement [3], bringing together Israelis and Palestinians, Vittorio Arrigoni was supported, explained and contextualised [4], the manifesto of the young people of Gaza for change , Gaza Youth Breaks Out: "[...] we are like lice caught between two nails, we are living a nightmare inside a nightmare, where there is no room for hope or for freedom. " [5]
Several activists of the International Solidarity Movement, including Arrigoni, had already been threatened by the fundamentalist Israeli websites with a style reminiscent of, paradoxically, that of an Islamic fatwa: "these anarchist-communists would-be revolutionaries [..] are putting endangering the lives of Israeli soldiers and fighters should be treated like any other arm of Hamas in this war. " [6]
All these elements are not sufficient to liquidate the killings, saying: "here is the usual Hamas terrorists" in the case of Juliano Mer-Khamis, or "behind Israel", in the case of Arrigoni. Indeed, there would be reasons to doubt it.
Unfortunately, whatever the performers and sponsors, the motive is clear: Juliano and Vittorio were tragically uncomfortable, as they continue to be so many other activists and genuine peace.
Uncomfortable because they break the wall of consensus and constructed narratives of reality, because people wake up in solidarity. And refusing to be complicit in any power, many are left without protection (it's a common story, unfortunately, many experiences libertarian).
Of course, not new to fighting for human rights in Palestine and Israel is expensive. The point is that the daily efforts of many activists always go unnoticed - the indifference of Western diplomacy, media, citizens - until a tragedy happens. Then he unleashes the murder hunt (or scapegoat), thick diplomatic contacts, spread, letters, pictures and stories, but when people were alive and active, few were willing to listen to their stories, to support their cause. Most of the artists were misunderstood in life, with a prize of critical post-mortem "artists of peace, suffocated by the war." It would have been more useful to give them space to live, rather than dead.
And there are still many more stories to tell, without the need to adopt the heroes: I think the Israelis eighteen years, subject to conscription to three years (men and women), who still risk jail if they are conscientious objectors, as success of the movement to those Shministim [7], and I think the Palestinian families who persist in wanting to live with the fruits of their land and their work, even if forced to an ordeal daily humiliations and persecutions [8]. Then there is the experience of Anarchists Against the Wall [9], a group of activists who collected a large amount of testimony on the abuses of the Israeli army and settlers.
Evidently, however, this does not trigger the same urgency in the West of "human rights" as it was for Libya. Here there is no hurry to "export democracy" as in Iraq. And therefore, also lacks media coverage.
But in the middle east the wind has changed direction and powerful groups have understood this very well: in the Arab world are increasing attempts by governments and monarchies to survive the shock wave of cultural and political revolution taking place. In Palestine, you are looking for new alliances, with strenuous efforts at reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah [10], unfortunately accompanied by as many power struggles, as evidenced by the presence of Salafi groups.
The Israeli government, also because of the decline of the U.S. as a superpower, is stepping up lobbying efforts designed to save face against the West, or continue to receive legitimacy, even in the face of continued violations of human rights.
A recent attempt to makeup diplomat [Caridi?] Is the revision of the "Goldstone" [11] on the operation Cast Lead, where Israel is believed responsible for having deliberately bombed civilians in Gaza. The report was commissioned by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in a pool of experts in international law and war crimes, led by Judge Richard Goldstone.
In an article in the Washington Post on April 1 [12] Goldstone himself has recanted some statements contained in the report stating that "if I knew then (in 2009) what I know now, would be a different relationship"
The new information that Goldstone has now consist in the evidence that Israel had decided to bomb the homes of Palestinian civilians on purpose, but only "military targets". And these tests would be provided directly by the Israeli army, as a guarantee of impartiality.
Too bad the military targets were living in the same apartment buildings, or in the same neighborhoods of thousands of civilians who have died in the bombing.
But someone really thinks that a legal loophole to exonerate Israel with the ploy of a "disaster negligent, but not voluntary"?
Chilling, in relation, Vittorio Arrigoni's letters describing the Israeli bombings: "You know that often found the bodies from the rubble mashed? Bone fragments could be in a bigger spoon, tell your president. Think about it , maybe next time I stir sugar over a coffee together. " [13]
Goldstone will also change its value, but not the reality of the transaction Lead Time which will always be tragic and we can only hope that is not repeated in the future [14].
It is imperative, however, a profound social change for Israelis and Palestinians: their conflict is the elephant in the room of the new democracies - Egypt in the first place - they are painfully emerging in neighboring countries, in the wake of the revolutions. It is likely to materialize primarily a political landscape differently: we do not know if true equilibrium, balance or even open conflict fake.
We can only hope that the diplomatic influence and commercial real governments in neighboring countries, no more pro-Western stooges, may succeed where the U.S. and European interference has never failed: stop the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and to ensure the conditions for consolidation in an authentic state.
But lasting change requires the affirmation of an internal revolution, which calls into question the power of the ruling elite Israeli and Palestinian. This is the most important challenge, in my opinion. And I think that the "artists of the peace" as they were victorious, and Juliano, as are many others, have a very important role. They deserve to be listened to, supported more and more visible: certainly not to become targets of other games of power and even less to be consecrated (postmortem) as heroes, but because they represent an indispensable democratic vanguard.
Tommaso Dradi

- “In a display of classical Arab gratitude, he was murdered a day ago by Arab terrorists. Arrivederci, Arrigoni”
- ”It remains unclear whether police are convinced the suspect shot Mer-Khamis – he says he didn't, unlike terror groups which often publicize their involvement in violent acts[...]”
- “Through his life and his body, Juliano Mer-Khamis embodied the possibility of a binational resistance movement.” Amira Hass
- Il Manifesto GYBO dei giovani di Gaza
- "Fuck Hamas. Fuck Israel. Fuck Fatah. Fuck the UN. Fuck UNRWA. Fuck USA! We, the youth of Gaza, we are fed up with Israel, Hamas, employment, human rights violations and indifference of the international community! We want to scream to break the wall of silence, injustice and indifference, as the Israeli F-16 breaking the sound barrier, we want to scream with all the strength of our souls, to vent the immense frustration that consumes us to the situation in which we live fucking; we are like lice caught between two nails, a nightmare we live in a nightmare, where there is no room for hope or for freedom. "
Gaza Youth Breaks Out – The People Want to End the Division 40679?sk=wall&filter=12
- “Meanwhile, these anarchist-communist wannabe revolutionaries from Europe and the US are endangering the lives of Israeli soldiers and should be considered combatants, the same as any functioning arm of Hamas in this war.”
- The Shministim Letter 2009-2010: Refusing To Serve The Occupation
- ”Murad Murad” is a book by Suad Amiry, ed Feltrinelli.
Murad is a twenty year old who lives in the West Bank and has no work permit in Israel, as many others. To bring home a paycheck narrowly, periodically try to enter Israel, challenging the arrest and death. The author accompanies Murad and a group of other Palestinians like him during the adventurous crossing of the border, bringing the problems, emotions and hopes of these workers who are not resigned to the reality of the Israeli occupation.
- Anarchists Against the Wall
- Parochial aims mar Palestinian elections
- Rapporto Goldstone sull’operazione Piombo Fuso
- Reconsidering the Goldstone Report 111JC_story.htmlhtml
- "She knows that in many cases among the rubble found the bodies reduced to a pulp? fragments of larger bones could be in a spoon, tell your president. Think about it, maybe next time I stir sugar over a coffee together. They want to kill us, Minister Frattini you see a little if necessary to find five minutes of time for me on his agenda full of diplomatic meetings " archive.php? eid=1780
- Aria da terremoto – Piombo Fuso 2? http://invisiblearab
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Totale euro 400,00.
translation Enrico Massetti: