Tremonti, youth, unemployment
byAngelo Tirrito
Quiet, in Italy there is no problem of employment.
Giulio Tremonti |
It is not yet apparent, but Tremonti said that youth unemployment does not exist because in Italy there are 4 million non-EU working hard and happy, so if you only want the young unemployed Italians would be 4 million less.
Meanwhile, as usual, he is wrong because it does not take into account the numbers of illegal workers in which a lot of non-EU and also of young Italians, often very young, even minors, work, and to hear him, "hard and happy." But we speak only of the regular jobs that Italians do not seem that big babies want to do good while non-EU, which do not have the whims of the Italians, are filled with happiness and satisfaction. But the reason that Italians often does not accept the job offers that the market is not just that it's hard work and perhaps socially degraded. The big problem, and which Tremonti avoids (along with all the 'establishment) to speak, is that whoever accepts the job ends up giving up all hope.
Just as it is planned and organized the society, now accepting a big and demoted job to a young person means to enter into a spiral from which you can not go out especially with the first receiving wages in installments or you buy something, god forgiving, marries . And even if this first work, maybe the young man who has an engineering degree, is a worker in a factory, that is, a structure that seems to allow allow, just for the title of the study, the hope of a "career", not it is said that this happens not just because the management will not allow him, but because the factory may, for the owners' decision, closing, moving etc.. no one has the right to prevent it.
Our brothers and sisters "who accept non-twenty years of working in the sewers, take care of old nonagenarians who are on their needs and so on. etc.. those people are not free and appreciated by Tremonti mentioned in our constitution, people are already hopeless and the use of which, the conditions and the humiliations that make them endure, should make us ashamed and perhaps each young and each of us that young is no longer in his heart he is ashamed while Mr. Tremonti not only hears the human need to ask their forgiveness for being one of the leaders of the situation, but also uses this lack of hope against our young children (not his) .
Unfortunately I fear that Mr Tremonti is not an isolated case. I fear that most of this lively and democratic society think like him. Not me.
Angelo Tirrito
translation Enrico Massetti: