Cooperatives. In this number there is the second part of the dossier on worker-owned cooperatives in the United States, edited by our tireless Enrico Massetti (his, remember, the idea and especially the realization of the full translation into English of all the issues of "A" from that of forty years - cf. the press release in English in the first inside cover). In the next issue - which, as usual, will cover the three summer months (July-September) and will have more pages - you will see the third part and already the good Enrico threatens the fourth part for the October issue..
Cuba. Our versatile collaborator Gaia Raimondi, not happy to be immortalized in a photo album photos posted in the last issue, documenting the very successful party in Milan for 40 years of "A", this time dealing with Cuba (her Vivir la Revolucion ). And our thoughts turn immediately to the late Nerio Casoni, who died less than a year ago, while he was being a good cooperation between us to document the libertarian presence in Cuba (and in other parts of Central and South America) . From this brotherly collaboration was born, among other things, the dossier on Cuba, published last summer ("A" 355), which we recommend reading to integrate this Gaia paper. Once again, ciao Nerio.
Strage di stato. Slaughter of the state. The news that director Marco Tullio Giordana's going to make a movie about Valpreda, Pinelli, Calabresi and generally the story of the massacre of Piazza Fontana in Milan, December 12, 1969 - the past, not surprisingly, in history as the Massacre of State par excellence - has raised deep concern in the field of anarchists and, in general, those who care about historical truth. The fact is that it was reported that production of the film to have acquired the rights to a book, Il segreto di piazza Fontana - The Secret of the Fountain Square, by Paolo Cucchiarelli, in which it is alleged, among other fanciful hypothesis, that of the double bomb (one put by the fascists, one by anarchists). The director has had a series of meetings with anarchists, in which he assured that never, ever will support such absurd assumptions. We'll see. Meanwhile, we reprint from our cousin Libertarian magazine a detailed refutation of bestiality and numerous inaccuracies in that unfortunate book, by Enrico Maltini, which already in those very hot weeks is behind the murder was committed - as a member of the anarchist Crocenera - in defense of arrested comrades, the dignity of the murdered (Giuseppe Pinelli) and more generally in the campaign of counter-information in the wake of which will come later, in February 1971, our magazine.
Fernanda Bonivento.It was for years the partner of Luciano Farinelli, and after his death, she continued to receive our magazine, never failing to send a contribution. And periodically we spoke over the phone. Now that Fernanda Bonivento left us, the memory runs again even to Luciano, soul for so many years of the anarchist journal L’Internazionale - The International, worthy person, anarchist from a young age, active militant and a great friend of ours.
When an anarchist newspaper closes, it closes and nothing else. Other voices continue or are born, but that is no more.
L’Internazionale was "something" very different from our magazine, in its genesis, in the editorial team, the role played in our movement and beyond. But no one can accuse us of "embezzlement" if we like to think that long experience in journalism and particularly militant experience continued a bit its existence in the columns of "A".
