39 years later
For Serantini

It's been 39 years and we still talk about Serantini, his death is still an open wound in the recent history of our society. He speaks through the work, recently presented at the Teatro Verdi in Pisa, Francesco Filidei a Pisa young musician who emigrated abroad for years. It is not the first time that an artist is confronted with the tragic life of Franco and that in itself is an extremely important because it shows how this story so masterfully told in the book by Corrado Stajano "Il sovversivo" - The subversive, is deeply rooted in social more sensitive conscience and freedom of this country. Artists, writers, poets, famous and not, that since the first months after the death of Franco felt the duty to bear witness to their pain and their anger over the death of Franco. How can we forget the poetry of Franco Fortini "Per Serantini " - For Serantini published in the work "L’ospite ingrate" The ungrateful guest (1972), or the "Ballata per Franco Serantini" - Ballad of Franco Serantini by Ivan Della Mea, or the "Funerali dell’anarchico Serantini " - funeral of the anarchist Serantini by the painter Orio Melani, or transpositions of theater director Greek Cristina Zoniu "Una morte legal" - A legal death, represented in Pisa in 2002, or that of Massimo Furlano staged in Udine in 2004, and finally the work "S’era tutti sovversivi " - We were all subversive by filmmaker James Green (2002). Finally, the story of Serantini risk of ending up on the big screen: the famous director Luigi Comencini thought of a film in 1975 and after a lively debate between those for and against on the national press dropped the proposal.
The work "N.N. Sulla morte dell’anarchico Serantini" - N.N. On the death of the anarchist Serantini Filidei, of which we present a critical review and a response to the review by the same author, however, was a special event as compared to other works it had the imprimatur of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, which has inserted into your program and the concert was preceded by a lecture / debate over the author and Stephen Busellato, the librettist of the work, was attended by Carlo De Incontrera, artistic director of the concert season of the Normal, the writer Corrado Stajano and the historian Marco Revelli. This is the first time a major cultural and scientific institution of our country deals with Serantini, almost forty years after his death, maybe someone at the top understood that it is time to do justice, at least artistic, to Franco?
Franco Bertolucci
Vai agli articoli:
N.N. On the deatch of anarchist Serantini by Federico Russo, Francesco Filidei
The Sardinian boy by Corrado Stajano translation Enrico Massetti: enricomassetti@msn.com