“The Church recognizes herself to be holy in his saints" (1). The Church is not only that "Christ ... he loved as his bride ... and united to himself as his body ... filled with the gift of the Holy Spirit " (2), (note the sexual background) that uses that this" divine gift "to dispense with, it also uses the presence of the saints to address its shortcomings.
In an exponential increase in the number of saints, those judged by their faith in the theory but very practical for their works, is an equal and opposite decline of spirituality.
The Wojtyla political opportunism and materialism was meticulously listed by supporters of non-holiness of this Pope, the 7 main objections were exposed (3), was quoted Pinochet, was late Romero, and twist the Vatican policy with Theology is a game that requires patience, let's briefly.
Popular in the soul, what the Church takes time to tame the "sanctity" is first recognized in the renewal of spiritual courage, the exceptional super-human that upsets the rules of the game, the miracle, not the ability to direct a nomenclature . Instead the story of beatifications, now more than ever, is studded with characters rather than "saints" could be called heroic pawns in the battle for the Catholic empire of time.
The monarch Wojtyla was one of the most concentrated for the Vatican as an international political will of God, and if his beatification is contested, so is the theological foundation of Catholicism, the one that says that the Pope is infallible, as gods on earth , and the lack of (his) are not such doctrine. Like the apparent lack of God, reflect the mysterious and far-reaching projects, even when he is not hyperbole to avert disasters and genocide. Thus the Church lives in expectation of a "confirmation", together with the principle of the duty of Freudian memory lives on hold to figure out the divine will and must refrain from judging the pope
This is the usual reference to the lay faithful to become servants of the three Ps: pray, pay, bend.
So differently from the "sanctity" of St. Francis, of his vow of poverty, or that still "ongoing" of Albino Luciani, Pope too naive who died in mysterious circumstances in 1978, the bliss of Wojtyla hurried lives of dogmas and supported by a big media operation to break even before the popular desire for an accord with the Father and hysterical from the loss of the magnificent views over the funeral, that emotion could not go much longer wasted.
The rhetorical question by Paolo Flores d'Arcais(4) "Wojtyla was really a saint?" Should therefore be combined for best yield, to the insights of Oscar Panizza divine qualities on the weight of papal Panizza that the late nineteenth century, reflecting on the Arda promulgation of dogmas by the Popes since the invention of Purgatory (the dogma of papal infallibility is Pastor Aeternus of 1870, that of the Immaculate conception of Mary's 1854) pointed out the ironic way of the Immaculate Conception of the Popes: "Yes, we say that the Holy Father when he eats and drinks, eats and drinks without fail, that when he prays, or swear, swears, and prays without fail, when dance and jump, jump and dance infallibly when he laughs, when reading, when canonized when anathematizes ... - Good god , stop! Cried the Pope, that we as a dogma so copious a dictionary! "
The popularity of the Church and its political influence are related to the ability to arouse attention and to impress, and is in need of new strategies, ... Rome also requires the restatement of its record of religious capital (Italian Catholics are only 5% of those declared globally), the strategic attack buffer the decline in the popularity of the Pope to Rome and then began at Easter, at the height of the discourse on the frailty of the body..

“God's athlete”
On 22 April, in the transmission of RAI 1 "In His Image" presented by Rosario Carrello, a former Sat2000 journalist (the broadcaster paid with the money of the Vatican Jubilee), J. Ratzinger responded to 7 questions. Slumped behind a Golden desk, looking downcast, the color gray, his voice crackling like an old vinyl. The questions were asked by many people thought of as referents of the "people of God" in the world: a Japanese girl (with an Italian name!), A plump Italian lady next to shooting his son who lives in a vegetative state, arranged to give an idea of the positive His presence of mind, a group of "young Christians" in Baghdad, a Muslim woman in Côte d'Ivoire, an Italian middle-aged a theological question which is reserved on the body of the risen Jesus, an Italian doctor more and middle age with a question on the bodies after the resurrection, and finally the last question asked by the conductor of the consecration to the Virgin Mary and the Pope. For each question corresponded to a jingle like that suspense opening a package of "Deal or No Deal" but infused with more masculinity and supported by the image of a zoomed arch pervaded by light, which coincided with the last face of the Pope
Unexceptionable gender roles defined by the creators of this theater pastoral Rai are reserved for women questions about personal sacrifice and emotion in distress, while men's concerns about the corruption of the body of this eternity, in line with the main concerns of the President Council of the Vatican and with bad luck for the current Pope physically weak and progressively senile, not counting the even greater physical decline of the total of its predecessor, introduced to the world as "an athlete of God."
Replies discounted content, vague, especially given that a request for Catholics to trust in the ability of the Church and its protective powers reconciled, for example, after the cataclysms and countries for war and violence. The personality of the Church, a meta-Mother managed by men, stands in the words of Ratzinger as a passive receptacle that accepts also what can not understand. The bill for maintenance forced the lives of people with brain death would therefore support of unfathomable "project of love" that we accept without divine intervention. Facts, a little 'as the holiness of John Paul II, whom Ratzinger has always had a relationship of trust subsidiary and devoted service.
"To let penetrate" is the term most used by Ratzinger to explain the attitude that Catholics must have for all these mysteries land, which enjoin the preservation of traditional customs and costumes, and prohibit to take account of cultural change, when scientific and social not for a useful purpose to reiterate the confidence in progress. So science is condemned if it keeps alive artificially beyond endurance, or if it expresses a concept of creation that gives way to the divine right into the genome, but any attempt to express in it the will of human free will (and pleasure principle) is censored.
Ratzinger himself said in the proclamation of beatification of John Paul II: he has fought "the Marxist ideology of progress." Not so much the struggle against authoritarian systems land but against the ideas, ideals and precise, those that allow or even revolutionary emancipatory reading of reality.
What did John Paul II in his groundbreaking papacy, helped by the prudent and sagacious Sir Bliss, to fight the ideas? They are the believers who have every right and interest to point out, as he did We Are Church. John Paul II consecrated Opus Dei, has encouraged companies earthly Cl, has profited from the revolts in Eastern Europe to ride the wave and give the cue, by supporting the Catholic right of those countries before and during the genocide in former Yugoslavia .... Wojtyla has streamlined the process of beatification and canonization process of giving way to an escalation of the blessed and the saints (in his pontificate over 1800) that has a cohesive core of privileged believers, each with its patron saints.
He began to travel by creating the event of his descent among the peoples and colonizing retry a Catholic, has gathered around him in ocean crowds initiatives full potential organizational power of suggestion and the Catholic mass. All technical initiatives, opportunistic, which have not changed one iota in the Church if not worse, attributing that to the pivotal figures of the organization immense power and drove the shadows instead, or replacing, the figures for non-functional economic war machine and media.
The enactment of the new Code of Canon Law (1983), the imposition of the oath of allegiance to the bishops in 1988, the drafting of the New Catechism (1992-97), the Instruction on the Vocation of the Theologian in 1990, that denies freedom of teaching ... a strategy to standardize and shrink the Church as an uniform and subdued army. Wojtyla also wanted to issue an encyclical Ut Unum Sint (1995) on the unity of Christian churches and the forms of the papacy itself, demonstrating a vocation for the full definition of the hierarchical roles but also a skillful use of rhetoric, presenting the papacy as a catalyst for a united Church into reality thanks to purges and diktat, with "the Bishop of Rome perpetual and visible source and foundation of unity".
So in recent years have seen the obvious and mysterious at the same time consistency of the Church on earth gleam in his darkest aspects: the death of Calvi in 1982 and the unsolved riddles financial the Mafia bombs in 1993 against Roman cathedrals, the blackmail of the new Nomenclature pidiellina the clergy, new organizations and new Masonic associations which interpret each in its own way, their "mission" in the world, an "antistatic" thriving and divided.

A people baby crying hysterically
The misfortune of the successor of Karol, the so-called Benedict, is to not even have a physique du rôle for keeping tight reins of this hubbub controversial (and in this useful, because there is war and those who invest in the condemnation, those who derive profit with social and tamponade who is allied with the xenophobic right ...): this is the cult of the body of John Paul II takes on full meaning. Beatifying John Paul II the Church seeks to recover the symbolic father-protector, who has lost a strong and decisive, and the fear of stigmatizing material and the decay of a crumbling church spiritually petrified.
Returning to the 7 questions to Ratzinger, was interesting to note that his consecration to Mary, he is portrayed, saying that we are all entrusted to the "Virgin", in some way revealing his preference for the male figure of the Father, from He "must let himself be penetrated by his presence ... he gives me and pulls me up," Ratzinger describes explaining how the Church is still confident in the resurrection of the body in a final moment of history. But this confidence is totally unrealistic: the fear of being nothing Ratzinger replied with a sedation of the fears of the people not with a proclamation of faith. So this diligent editor of the Catechism, this Phagocytes bianco(5) that under the Pope blessed the Church has contributed to petrify expelling the doubters, now seems overwhelmed by the very heavy stone imperial certainties that has helped to create.
Rituals such as exposure of the Relic of the success of gadgets materials on any other religious appeal. This Church is the need of a people hysterically crying child in the collective ritual alluring figure of the Blessed color of his aura and his father, who protects and guides.
The vial of Wojtyla blood who marched into St. Peter's, brought by the alleged miracle nun, made clear the desperate need for the Holy One, beyond the same process of beatification. " The process is reversed: the lust of the crowd rules the Vatican for Pope's absurd, just in case he wanted to rule the masses.
Meanwhile, the Catholic critics ironically reminiscent of the same JPII had introduced with his magister Divinus Perfection (1983) the "short trial" to holiness. The same Cardinal Amato, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, said: "The greater facilitation of the need to approve only a miracle for the beatification and another for the canonization." Thanks to this change is now possible to rule with great speed holiness, based on the simple examination of two witnesses. "
"Abscondita east ecclesia sancti latent", the church is hidden, the saints live unnoticed: Luther was ever mentioned about the most in these times that decree might be called a phenomenon of gravity to the sale of indulgences. Please remember that in the process of beatification and canonization is expected that the figure of Postulator also deals with the "administer the funds offered for the cause, according to the norms issued by the Sacred Congregation". In a way, a process kind donations are appropriate and short, or gathered in the communities of origin to confirm the figure or from wealthy families.
In the case of John Paul II has gone "From the Holy Blessed immediately in a while," according to the doubts on the miracle of the beatification process. As things now made the tabloids are competing to present new cases: there would be many of which are 271 "non-Italians", and to judge which, of course, respondents are medical officers. That the Catholic Church needs medical officers is beyond question, even in cases of life and death of prelates, who are not disturbed, as in the aisles of ordinary mortals, the thought of the new legislation that decreed the end of life power forced.
This new phenomena on the horizon ahead of cannibalism of the body of the leader? The body of the B / Crime, blood strangely disappeared from the Twins arrived in Poland, a dismembered and sold off his tunic ... may be all equal and all the phenomena of all time: "He took the relic mouth full of blood Humor ... from that day he felt better, "" just had to swallow the son of a thread soaked Mood Blessed, saw him open his eyes. "But the absence of the phenomenon of "fragrance" or the odor of sanctity is not the reopening of the coffin containing the coffin of John Paul II, and was limited to a finding that "the coffin" was in excellent health, some already miss the good old saints of the past for which, after hundreds of years that occurred ... "just open the box, spread a very sweet smell and the whole body was found: the meat was so barren, but full. Semi-closed right eye he could see the pupil; in the hands and feet began to consume the flesh, but his arms were flexible ... "as a whiz! Any more miraculous than the abbess of the great Pope