CSL Anniversary. To celebrate the 35th anniversary of Libertarian Studies Centre / Archive Pinelli, Milan, Saturday, September 10 is held in Milan, in the Farmhouse Torchiera waterless self-managed (square of the Cemetery), a great festival with debates, concerts, shows, exhibitions, projections, banquets and conviviality. If you want to participate with a contribution of any kind or art, and for more info, contact 02 28 46 923 or
Il Collettivo Libertario Fiorentino comunica che a
nel Teatro Tenda (Saschall)
lungarno Aldo Moro, via Fabrizio De André
nei giorni 7, 8, 9 ottobre 2011
si terrà la
5° Vetrina dell’Editoria
anarchica e libertaria
per info: |
Coffee. In the coming months, "Coffee Collective Malatesta" will tuor Italy to present his project of self-managed coffee roaster. We appeal to all / and / your friends / and supportive initiatives to organize benefits and subscriptions for the support and the start of the cooperative, planned for this fall. We are available at "" and the numbers 3405367035 (Jacopo) and 3280069751 (Cristiano) to define together the calendar of events.
Olvidados. It has been printed “Los olvidados” – Di anarchici e di anarchia. Fatti e storie che ci riguardano, by Lorenzo Micheli, collana Biblioteca libertaria, pagg. 80, euro 10. Olvidados is the solemn-sounding name by which the Spaniards called the "forgotten" men and women whose names you do not find in history books or in the archives of the most prestigious institutions, which tracks fatigue in some yellowing photograph, where they are in the background, always away from those that count. Men and women who did the unforgivable mistake of saying what they thought and do what they said and that, even bigger mistake, that wanted to live free here and now, without waiting for a reasonable period of history. This book is about them, the "olvidados" of the Barcelona of the twenties, who spent their lives to remove all that hindered the building, which was becoming, a society of free and equal. For requests: Giovanni Giunta, via Tommaso Fazello 133, 96017 Noto (SR), ccp n. 78699766, tel. 0931 894033, or 40% discount for requests of more than 4 copies.
Psychiatry. The book of Giuseppe Bucalo Dietro ogni scemo c’è un villaggio – Itinerari per fare a meno della psichiatria, is again available in a new printing. Pages 125, euro 5,20. For requests: Sicilia Punto L edizioni, vico L. Imposa, 4 – 97100 Ragusa; ccp n. 10167971 intestato to Giuseppe Gurrieri – Ragusa. or 40% discount for requests of more than 4 copies.
Ferrer. It has recently published the latest issue of the magazine "La Pensée et les Hommes" in Brussels which contains the Acts of the Congress 'Francisco Ferrer' held in October 2009 on the occasion of the centenary of the death Catalan educator. The acts are carried out by Anne Morelli and Jacques Ch. Lemaire. Summary: A. Morelli, Ferrer, cent ans après son exécution. Les avatars d'une image; J. Alvarez Junco, Ferrer et la «Semaine tragique» de Barcelona: le contexte politique; R. Coolsaet, La chasse aux anarchistes aux alentours de 1900; J. Avilès, L'image de Ferrer dans la presse conservatrice espagnole; S. Wagnon, Les images de Ferrer en France; M. Rosa-Clot, La mémoire de Ferrer chez les anarchistes américains; F. Bertolucci, La notoriété et le mythe de Ferrer dans le mouvement ouvrier et anarchiste italien; J. Ferrer Benimeli, Ferrer y Guardia et la franc-maçonnerie espagnole; N. Casano, F. Ferrer y Guardia dans la franc-maçonnerie italienne; J. Tyssens, Le monument Ferrer à Bruxelles ou l'histoire d'une statue mal aimée; P.-F. Daled, L'hommage à Ferrer: la naissance d'une «rite» à l'Université libre de Bruxelles (1909-1939); M.-T. Morales, Mémoire et oubli de Ferrer en Espagne; J. Ch. Lemaire, La réception de Ferrer en Belgique.
For requests: La Pensée et le Hommes (Rédaction), Avenue Victoria, 5 – 1000 Bruxelles,