Francesco Mastrogiovanni |
It has been two years since that August 4, 2009 when, at approximately 7:30 am, the medical and nursing staff of the department of psychiatry at Hospital San Luca of Vallo della Lucania realizes that Francis Mastrogiovanni, forced more than 80 hours in a restraint "illegal, improper, and anti-juridical "has been dead for about six hours. But it had to be monitored every 15 minutes? But doctors would not have to untie it, take care of him, feed him? But who was in charge of monitoring the monitor should not have been aware of what was happening? We talk with Dr. Agnesina Pozzi that, since April 2010, along with the family of the master libertarian, began to study the documentation for the autopsy report, the interrogations, the medical records, and a video technical report analyzes, in an easy and detailed all the details, even those that may seem insignificant to those who doctor is not to express an opinion.
Dear Agnesina, Mastrogiovanni the case is different from that of Cucchi, Uva, Bianzino and others because the magistrate intervened immediately after the death of Franco seized the video produced by the video surveillance system inside the department of psychiatry at the Hospital of Vallo. This video has been admitted as evidence in an ongoing process and we, that we looked at the minute, we know that whilst providing the evidence tells of negligence and omissions unthinkable in a hospital in a civilized country. In your capacity as a doctor, the hospital experience, what impressed you most about the horror of that video?
Certainly if the judge had not seized the video, the horror would have had no trace. It is equally certain that video surveillance can not entirely replace the care and control "de visu", at the bedside. If the controls were as guidelines and common sense as being of restraint and sedation, we realized that Franco would certainly not "snoring" but it was blissfully in a state of oxygen deficiency, then carbonarcosi, then Pre-agony until his death. Even his death have identified through video surveillance (which therefore is of little use if it is supported professionally and humanly). In fact, it was felt only on the day and do in person. Affects the absolute lack of privacy, respect, conversations with the patient also re-evaluating the thesis of the necessity of restraint. It affects the patient who approaches him a bottle of water with one foot, threw the towel on Franco, the blood on the ground, the absolute lack of power, the stillness of death. It's all shameful and terrible in that video. A little thing I put on the case Cucchi and break a lance in favor of the doctors Pertini, killed by a mob and uninformed press, have been subjected to baseless allegations, as stated publicly and so heartfelt Dr. Flaminia Bruno in a open letter, which I invite you to see the network. The cases of people beaten up during the arrest, interrogation or in prison, and unfortunately not many are raising them all to the glory (horror) in the news. Against the majority of agents who do their work honestly and humanly, there is a group of violent psychopath with delusions of omnipotence, that one should learn to identify, perhaps with appropriate psychological and behavioral tests, prevention rather than punishment. But we are very far from this utopia.
The medical record should be the most important document to verify the correct application of medical protocols to the patient hospitalized. In one of Mastrogiovanni makes no mention of physical restraint. It is possible that nobody has checked out?
It may seem absurd to tell you what I am and that I wrote, however: the restraint was less of a problem, along with its failure, although severe, annotation folder! They have noted the treatments made during his arrest "incredible" and being Franco already sedated, as evidenced by the video, they have doubled the sedation, which, according to its tranquility, it was not necessary. To sedate, have made an association of contraindicated drugs, even using one of these side effect. They have verified that there were contraindications to treatment potentially dangerous if in progress to heart, liver and / or kidney disease. They left for 36 hours without any hydration with that infernal heat of August, the agitation, the dispersion of fluids and have passed off as "power" with an IV, that power was not, because it was not parenteral nutrition, but only saline infusion generic liquid and sugar entirely unsuitable to provide adequate energy support. Did not write down even the attachment of a catheter and urine output within 24 hours and, more seriously, did not check the laboratory tests. These were all, but really everything How High, despite having made the withdrawal, have viewed the results only after death. Liver disease resulted from the analysis (incompatible with therapies that have done), involvement of the urinary tract, an iron deficiency that required therapy intake, an infection that required antibiotic therapy.
The plaintiffs ASL?
What did you think, as a physician and as a woman when you saw the movie of the long agony of Franco?
I felt horror and shame. There is no doubt that doctors and nurses have more responsibilities, but responsibilities are at management level, since the region has disclosed that the guidelines only after Franco's death, has authorized the existence of departments without the general requirements, emergency equipment ( such as a defibrillator), suitable safeguards for safety and comfort for patients, to continue with the leadership that ASL has provided for the use of qualified personnel, the training has not occurred, nor created systems with feedback control users. The thing that I think the most serious and blatant is that the ASL is declared a civil party, and is primarily responsible for what happened! Mastrogiovanni precise defense, after an initial enthusiasm and my use at the border, he put aside with non-existent reasons. A doctor is that, even without specialization, and my experience and commitment, however, successful in other national and international events, leads to the belief that we really have wanted to find excuses. Perhaps to silence my fierce attack on the fact that I had "leadership."
How was it possible that before the death of Francis did not exist, or at the Health Department or the Department of Psychiatry at the hospital of Vallo della Lucania, the necessary guidelines to be adopted in case of restraint, although in the last two years (2008 and 2009) as many as 22 patients of 408 patients were subjected to restraint.
No, no guidelines existed and how! Only that the Region has not branched, but even the executives are worried about ASL is "fishy" at the national level. The staff has not applied? It means you did not know, therefore means that managers have not adequately updated the staff!
The Chairman of the Committee, Peppe Tarallo, has repeatedly pointed out that Franco, though he dined alone, and he moved independently in the room, was catheterized from the first moments of the hospital and heavily sedated. The total restraint of the patient in the hospital, was a modus operandi?
Apparently yes. The video shows in fact, already contained a patient to take the water even that night, approached the table with a foot restraint to a patient arrived on the night of the death of Franco, just arrived on the ward and quiet.
In your report, confirms the difference that exists between nutrition and hydration, and reveal that the patient seized, as shown by chemical analysis, was suffering from major diseases that were appropriately treated. Routine clinical analysis because it was requested one day on August 3?
Yeah! Because no one is satisfied now that there were no contraindications to treatment and has at least an electrocardiogram? The term "routine examination" refers to tests for drug addiction. Blood tests are only required on Aug. 3 because it is clear from the paper of the workshop, as well as the date of the press, which is instead the four, that is, when Franco is dead. They will want to know "why", he was dead?
The relatives of the patient was prevented from visiting, and have never been consulted about the health of their relative. It was left to die without care, without respect for human dignity.
This has violated the charter of patient rights, and any rule of common sense. This kind of sick then, especially if restraints are most in need of parental figures reassuring, just to live in a less dramatic than that in any case (if extremely necessary) remains a humiliation, deprivation of freedom, a state of helpless submission . As indeed it was. There are not enough words to describe the lies also gave the family and to communicate its contention that, you know, by law can be challenged, if prolonged, before a judge. Serious behaviors, but then again, statues, and, more seriously, ignored by the leadership that has ever done on controls. But here lies the problem: who controls whom? A commission of inquiry, without contradiction, which is limited only to listen to the director of ASL, is normal in your opinion?
Arrogance, cowardice, lawlessness, incompetence
Dear Agnesina, what do you think of beginning a process that did not seem to ever begin, and now, thanks to the professionalism of the new President of the court, Dr. Elizabeth Garza, is being held on a regular basis. The new president has admitted as civil plaintiffs, various associations, has reduced the number of texts to be heard, admitted as evidence the horror video. One of the most important witnesses to the whole process would have been, without doubt, one of the mayor of Pollica Angelo Vassallo, a signatory to the TSO that led to the illegal admission of Franco, but, unfortunately, was the victim, 5 September 2010, a barbarian mafia attack.
The first thing I realized is that Dr. Garza is a good person. It has taken upon itself the process does not lengthen the time of designation of dedicated judge. I'm sorry that you have not allowed Serra as a civil party because I believe that among the family, was the one that took care of all of Franco even in the most critical. On associations should not I speak, we'll see. Precisely because of the good impression I had received with regard to Dr. Garza, I sent her my technical report to give way to even understand the overall context that I was so "surgically" and lovingly and unselfishly, examined. I hope that at least out of curiosity, he has read. Even if this had not happened, I have full confidence in this woman. As for me I feel I have done my duty as a doctor and as a citizen by virtue of the love I have for the high value of Justice. There can be no justice without truth, and truth can not be subjective, nor for its use and consumption of this or that personal or workshop. In conclusion, the truth is that even the leadership of regional and ASL are responsible for the murder of Franco, like it or not, do or do not do comfortable to someone. Vassallo's death that, despite the respect due to death, I have called "sheriff" is in perfect harmony with the cosmic law of Karma.
Now he and Franco will be able to see directly.
Of course they came to miss important elements of why a Royal similarity fury. MAYBE Franco disturbed, you are the cigarette butts, the landscape. The fact is that the late mayor-sheriff who had arrogated to itself the law, even in the Municipality Trespassing Without passing adjacent to the Skills Connect. There remain concerns about the conditions detected by the preliminary traffic police; Those alleged offenses did not include measures that certainly a history of violence and a similar limitation with ONE Freedom disproportionate, unjustified and illegal employment of men and means. Vassallo, with good rest his soul, will not be able to explain ever come for a national "geezer" but not violent absolutely Franco come, yes, and used a technique of "Capture" Worthy of Dangerous thug murderer escaped from jail of the United Nations Maximum Security, nor even because HAS involved ... The Coast Guard. There were tanks and helicopters to take solo (dead or alive) That Good That tender Giant, ran into the water, throwing stones and swearing to defend themselves from the tragic fate that someone had set for Him and He Who WAS CANCELED: "Do not bring me to Vallo Those Who They make me die. "And the doctors involved will have to explain to TSO Also Vassallo IN addition to the Judge, to their conscience, never come, having accepted the Franco sedative therapy Once persuaded to leave the water, have continued the process of the TSO, as they came to miss the one requirements of the Act.
Arrogance, cowardice, illegality, incompetence or bad faith, have needlessly and cruelly killed yet another Human Being. This, and How.