«Two chairs and half a table. They were few, blackened shreds of furniture "So the" Corriere della Sera ", Thursday, April 12, 2007, page Milan, gave an account of what remained of the seat of the black heart of Viale Certosa 311, after the attack which around at 2:50 at night had ravaged the premises. A cottage of 70 square meters, with a plan, once a store of tombstones and graves, a stone's throw from the cemetery Major. Loopholes that faced the street from the bombers had poured cans of gasoline and expected that the local saturated steam. Then lighting a fuse that had originated in an explosion. The gate, ripped, bent outwards, the floor partially collapsed, and half the ceiling collapsed, they uncovered the roof. Only an hour after firefighters were able to get the better of the fire that had also seriously threatened the buildings nearby.
Abortion in this way, even before birth, only 48 hours from the inauguration that the promoters were defined as "a recreational open space for cultural, musical and social," a "strictly political and right headquarters," which would have been animated "by a group of young Milanese comrades, friends and longtime activists, from political and organizational experience," willing to set up a "point of reference for all composite and heterogeneous reality of the ideal community of Lombard right" (1).
The opening ceremony was also officially invited the entire elite of Italian neo-fascism: Roberto Fiore of Forza Nuova, Pine Rauti social idea of the Movement, Luca Romagnoli of Fiamma tricolore, Francesco Storace, The Right, Adrian Tilgher National Social Front, Alessandra Mussolini's Social Action and Nello Musumeci of the Sicilian Alliance.
Behind Black Heart, the Cultural Association Aurora Borealis, which was formed on 1 January 2007, thanks to some old characters have met, or skinhead bands in the curves of the ultras, as Norberto Scordo, Giuseppe Locatelli Alessandro Todisco and above, with the head of the Unbreakable his brother Frank, already sentenced to one year and one month in 2001 for incitement to racial hatred in the trial of skinheads Action, where he also ascertained his leading role in the clandestine structure of the association, called Action Groups sicurezza.a (2).
Milan. The group of La Fenice in a demonstration of the
Silent Majority in the early seventies. From left Giancarlo
Rognoni, Angels Angel ("Black Bomber") and, last but one on
the right, Pierluigi Pagliai, in a few years with Stefano Delle
Chiaie at the service of the secret police of Pinochet in Chile.
(Private archives) |
“Hang 'Em High!”
Among the founding members of the cultural Aurora Borealis, also included Roberto Jonghi Lavarini, Baron Black, member of the International Foundation General Augusto Pinochet, for years the agency investigative assistant Tom Ponzi, for which he was especially busy "infidelity and deviance "(3). President in 1997-1998 for the National Alliance of the board of zone 3, had gone to the news for having exercised its statutory mandate, with a portrait of Mussolini in uniform and with his arm outstretched in salute on display in his office, as well as for having unsuccessfully tried to remove the entrance of the same advice a plaque in memory of the fallen partisans and "anti-fascists and Jews deported to Nazi death camps." Organizer of the "fascist celebrations" for the March on Rome and the "blacks coaches" to Predappio, in his blog, just in 2007, Roberto Jonghi Lavarini did not hesitate to boast that he had, over the years, relations with the German neo-Nazis and "official contact" with the South American, Chilean and Paraguayan right-wing, but also with the racist South African Boers of Eughen Terreblanche (4). A character very over the top, a personal friend of the family La Russa passed the Youth Front, which was also provincial secretary in the early nineties, to the National Alliance, finally, first, the Fiamma tricolore (to stand for election as President Province of Milan in 1999 in a sign which also includes the Lega nazionale Istria-Fiume-Dalmazia e la Lega d’azione meridionale–Lista Cito), and then in the European Social Movement dell'eurodeputato Roberto Bigliardo. His initials Right to Milan, founded in 2000. And if to take in solidarity after the attack on the Viale Certosa distinguished. Paola Frassinetti of An and the city council leader Carlo Fidanza, it was Jonghi Lavarini to make the lion's share. He spoke of "communist terrorist", attacking the newspaper "Liberation" and the communist PRC as a "moral and political instigators" of the attack. He also supported the thesis that "in a serious state those responsible would be hanged" (5).
One style is not the most sober, confirmed a few weeks later in a separate statement, in which among other things, declared that "the deceased was right of General Augusto Pinochet, the communists are just as good as two meters of earth" (6).
Milan, April 25, 1978. Fascist written on the walls of the
Jewish school (photo Almasio Cavicchioni). |
The galaxy
The trend towards fragmentation in the radical right has always been a fact. Even in Milan. So much so that for any observer, but also for the same area of militants, is not nearly so easy to extricate from the continuing divisions, quarrels and furious attempts.
Only in the ten years or so that preceded that 2007, the square in Milan, had appeared and often vanished into thin air, a myriad of political acronyms, sometimes animated by a few dozen people, in some cases even less.
Let's list them: political community of avant-garde (in the front row lawyer Ernesto Tangari), Right Lombard (with the lawyer Piero Porciani), Right to Milan (the group of Jonghi Lavarini), new force (directed by Duilio Canu) (7), National Social Front (front row Walter Maggi), The Right (represented by Alberto Arrighi and Luciano Buonocore), Freedom of Action-List Alessandra Mussolini (with Roberto Giacomelli and Lino Guaglianone), Fascism and Freedom Movement (long under the 'auspices of Angelo Martorana), social idea Movement (Rauti group, represented by Sergio Cingolani Milan), National-Popular Movement for the Constituent Assembly-Unit (supported by Thomas Staines of Cuddie), Social Movement Continuity ideal (better known Legion as an autonomous, animated by Tullio Trapasso), Social Movement-Tricolour Flame (Argentine-led italy Attilio Carelli), National Right-New MSI (one of many creatures of Gaetano Saya), New Order National (microscissione a Fascist Movement and Freedom), National Socialist Movement (which had landed before his death, Walter Maggi, the orbit of the National Revival and Piero Sella editor of "The Free Man").
For a complete picture, we should also add Republican veterans' associations (National Union fighters from the CSR), in addition to other realities, more spurious, as the Hammerskin, which has already been thoroughly discussed, the Christian Front (with Angelo Baraggia), the Guard of Honor Benito Mussolini (organized in Milan by Dario Macchi, President of the National Association paratroopers of Milan Italy), the Third Way Circle of Rho (with Gennaro Demange, aka Rino Banana), the magazine "Orion "Space and Ritter (Maurizio and Marco Murelli Battarra).
The Black Heart project, the name taken from the verse of a song by Marcello De Angelis 270a ("But I have a black heart and I do not care and spit in my face the whole world!"), Or of a common house of the neo-fascism in Milan , thus moving towards a recomposition of the least in terms of political and cultural. Before that, the only time he was represented by the coordination committee for Sergio Ramelli, aka The Comrades, words which are usually signed posters, a kind of inter-group formed for the celebrations in memory of the young of the Front of youth killed in 1975 , presided, after the death of Nico Azzi, by Luca Cassani, said Kassa.
The attempt was to create a presence on the model of Pound House in Rome, in the main center-right Social Capitoline, the experience of overcoming Skinhouse, with little political, some concerts and above all great drinking beer.
The launch of Black Heart, for this too, had long been prepared, with meetings in particular with Gabriele Adinolfi, a founder of Third position, subversive group in the second half of the seventies, in fact, dissolved by the courts with dozens of mandates arrest for subversive association and an armed, the mind just thinking Pound House. In the months before the inauguration, not surprisingly, Gabriele Adinolfi, had been repeatedly noted in Milan, with his son Carloman, a frequent guest at the home of Maurice Murelli Cusano Milanino.
Milan, April 12, 1973. The moment when the
bomb is launched, which will kill the police
officer Anthony Marino. (From the brochure
"Investigation of a movement to the center
of each plot" published by the Federation of
the Communist Party in Milan, no date). |
Among the dream of Rohan, the field x and Quarto Oggiaro
The choice to live in the area where Black Heart, a suburb north-west of Milan, was not accidental. Here, a few hundred meters, in Vilfredo Pareto, Alessandro Todisco had already opened in late 2005, a shop, meeting place of all the skinheads in Milan, The dream of Rohan (name taken from the saga of Lord of the Rings, tolkeniano fascists made their own story of the seventies), used to "sell militant" t-shirt and accessories line produced by the stadium the same kicks and punches Todisco. Written on the shirt in the "When in doubt leads," or images of baseball bats crossed.
It is also a short walk from the cemetery Major. Not far from Camp X on the right, a few dozen yards from the front, over the years become a sort of shrine for neo-fascism, a destination for the nostalgic. Here lie the remains of over a thousand Republicans, among them Italian SS, many soldiers of the Decima Mas, but also some of the most important figures of the last tragic history of Fascism by Alexander Pavolini, the head of the Black Brigades, to Francesco Maria Barracu, executed in Dongo April 28, 1945 along with other leaders in the wake of Mussolini captured fleeing on Lake Como, Francesco Colombo, the commander of the Legion Muti, Armando Canvas, Deputy Peter Koch, the torturer Villa Triste in via Paolo Uccell in Milan .
But above all here are not far from Quarto Oggiaro, born working-class neighborhood in the early sixties to accommodate the migration south today with a population largely elderly and the historical presence of organized crime. Until the mid-nineties famous clans raged in these parts, like the Arena and Tatone. Strong has always been the presence of fascists. Reciprocal favors. Several times it happened that the sentinels of the canteen and the bad "healing it" in election campaigns in particular the National Alliance posters. Two, in 2006-2007, the offices opened by An: The Election Committee of Via De Roberto, and together all'Ugl (former Cisnal), in the midst of a local housing Via Pascarella, with venues such as in the Garden on Lopez, a pizza restaurant run by brothers Taranto Francavilla, contact Giancarlo Cito in Milan, a former mayor of Taranto in the early nineties, finally sentenced for complicity with the Mafia, the bar on Fifth between Via Pascarella and Satta the Lighthouse Club, Lopez still on the way, half of the members of the Association Friends of Fourth Oggiaro, tied to traders in the area, but especially a group of custodians of public housing close to the National Alliance.
Milan, January 18, 2001. Nico Azzi in front of theFilangieri
courtroom on the day of his last interview process for
massacre of Piazza Fontana. (© Almasio Cavicchioni) |
The latest venture of Comrade Jimmy Bua
Indicative of this reality, through politics and crime, was a story of the end of January 2008, when a forty year old from Milan, who had been the only mistake of accepting an invitation from a stranger met in a bar of Ticino, was seized in an apartment Via Pascarella, Quarto Oggiaro, drugged, tortured and repeatedly raped. A violence that lasted more than twelve hours, during which the victim reported several injuries due to the beatings, especially in the face. Police were called by some neighbors alarmed by the cries of the woman. Occupied for a few days the news pages of major newspapers in Milan. Less known fact that the assailant, Giuseppe Bua said Jimmy, 62 years, with a history of sexual violence, injury and drug dealing, the district was one of the main referents of the National Alliance.
The story of Jimmy Bua is already in the seventies was intertwined with that of sanbabilini, in particular with the group-beam criminal Crovace Rudolph, said the breast, one of the most dangerous hitters of that time, then boss of the heroin trade in Milan, ended up killed in a gunfight with police in July 1984. Of Sicilian origin, Jimmy, was later linked to other known criminals, including (we include the nicknames), Mario Nazi and Naza Moffa, slap in Palermo, two important figures of the underworld of Milan. It also boasted of being a personal friend, incidentally, the "monster of the Circeo", Angelo Izzo, known in prison.
Giuseppe Bua also had bodyguards for several years to Emilio Santomauro, councilor of the National Alliance in the late nineties, then in the Udc, the victim in January 2000 of a mysterious attack coming out of its administrative-legal consulting firm in Via Santa Tecla, behind the Archbishop. He was joined by a gunshot to the knee shot by a stranger with a dark jacket and a helmet with the visor on his head lowered. The attacker, first to fire, almost put the weapon on the knee of Santomauro. Remained a mystery. The judges ruled that investigated the track always political, but never came up with nothing.
Bua, in recent years had also had close relations with Antonio Catena, said Little Tony, a former boxer in the Doria gym 25 years Via Mascagni, 26 November 2006 that, as a matter of Hydrangeas, a stone's throw from Via Lorenteggio, killed after a party-based drug, another guy with a chest blow delivered with a kitchen knife.

In the shadow of Ignazio.
In Lombardy, the National Alliance has always been, until it joins the People of Freedom, a fief of Ignazio La Russa. Symptomatic the story of the summer of 2005, when the party was in Lombardy and the euro-parliamentar Christian Muscardini police authority was appointed regent by Gianfranco Fini, after the famous story of the "Coffee" or the secret meeting, discovered by a journalist , in a bar in Rome in a few colonels of the AN, the present La Russa, in which you have spoken out loud heavy criticism of the president of the party. The new coordinator, imposed from above, is prevented in practice to exist. The five members of the Regional Executive, elected by secret ballot, were all given the same La Russa. Gianni Stornaiuolo. Among them, a sort of secretary-Driver faithful handyman. Not only that, the first regional assembly is also established that Mr Muscardini does not interfere in the work of the external representation of An. A short intermission. Everything returned to normal, even formally, in June 2007 with the appointment of Massimo Corsaro, loyal to La Russa, as Lombard coordinator.
National Alliance in Lombardy, as throughout the North, suffered, in the second half of the nineties and the millennium, a rapid process of institutionalization, becoming a "light party", shaped almost exclusively on elections. But it is here, more than elsewhere, which is manifested strong signs of resistance, so deaf to the path taken by Gianfranco Fini to a European-style conservative right. It is in Lombardy, not coincidentally, that in the 2005 regional elections, fearing competition from alternative social and Roberto Fiore of Alessandra Mussolini, the leaders of the party did not hesitate to nominate Lino Guaglianone, the former terrorist black-seventies, attending to officially 'inauguration of his support committee, packed with pluri-condamned bombers. It is here, in Milan, suggested that An payable to a square Giorgio Almirante, in contrast to former Mayor and partisan commander Aldo Aniasi .
Emblematic in this sense, for years, even greater presence at the cemetery every 1st of November, representatives of the National Alliance to ceremonies in honor of the fallen Republicans. In 2007, including banners and flags with the sword of the Salo eagle, peeped also Franco Maria Servello, the president of the National Assembly, the highest representative organ of the party. At his side Maerne Humbert, president of the federation town, Deputy Mayor of Segrate, caught by journalists in a roman greeting (8). A tradition obviously never abandoned.
Earlier, the same year, Ignazio La Russa, then chairman of the parliamentary group of the AN in the House, responding to a question from a journalist of "Corriere della Sera" of what he had done on April 25, said: "I spent occurrence in the usual way, the Major Field 10 of the cemetery, where there are young people who fell for the Italian Social Republic "(9).
In Milan and Lombardy, this is a matter of fact, the old MSI never ceased to exist, assuming only the spoils of the National Alliance opportunistically, keeping a line of constant openness to the dust of the far right, linking it with political relations , providing cover and protection.
To move along this boundary, very narrow, it also undertook several institutional figures, as Mrs Frassinetti Paola and Carlo Fidanza. With a function of hinge, with Roberto Jonghi Lavarini, long-ambiguous positions, inside and outside of An (as an independent candidate is still in the city in 2006). Sometimes, all with some electoral advantage. The almost unbelievable story of April 2008, when shortly before the vote, in elections, we recorded the call in favor of freedom of the people in the Senate, launched at a press conference at Montecitorio by some national leaders of The Right, convinced of the impossibility of overcoming the quorum of 8%.
Among them, Luciano Buonocore, once a leader of the so-called Silent Majority in the early seventies in Milan, who was arrested several times for attacks and riots. In a blog appeared, long after the news of the encounter between the same Buonocore, The Russian lawyer Piero Porciani, in turn passed to An, a popular restaurant in Milan, The Galleon, behind the historic home of MSI federation Via Mancini. On this occasion, according to a complaint by Roberto Jonghi Lavarini issued in an area of the forum, would discuss a contract Milanosport consistent, controlled by An, one of the children to help them Buonocore declarations (10). (…).