
The blue-collar workers leaving a factory and the message "Break the file." The cover of No 32 "A", dated October 1974, takes up the theme of an editorial by Amedeo Bertolo ("Unions. The fall of recovery"): Judging by the latest chronicles union and the "package" of requests, confederations - reads - they are going to play with some hard decision and their institutional function of protection of employees. To avoid losing control of the struggles, the other that their institutional function (...) All this because the game (tough but "fair") in the autumn should be played by trade unions and employers (and government-official-sold) exploited and should be limited to assisting, rooting for the unions, but without pretending to play in first person, without bypassing the network of institutions and invading the pitch ...
Even this number of "A" indicates an abysmal gap with the magazine today. Not only for the "size" (28 pages against 180 of this issue: how to say more than six times as much), but mostly because that number is entirely written by the editorial staff and three permanent staff (Roberto Ambrosoli, Giampietro "Nico" Berti and Luis Vega Mercier, the latter in one of his aliases: Santiago Parana), while today the magazine is written for less than 5% by members of the editorial staff. This indicates that, while then "A" was a magazine written by a small group of anarchists, it is now a true "open" to cooperation not only of different anarchist tendencies, but also to many people outside of anarchism and the anarchist movement.
Interesting analysis of "decrees" that set of laws and regulations introduced since, in the Italian public school, a series of "democratic" practices (mostly degenerated into "red tape" practice). A few years after contesting the wave of '68 (and subsequent years), these decrees did out of the way "the system" and tried to implement in part to harness the winds of change that had invested in the society and in particular school.
It was a new approach to school organization, with new powers of school systems in which the representatives of students, teachers and staff assistance (the janitors, so to speak) would have had to play an innovative role and decision-making.
"Decrees delegates and mass education" is the title of the paper by Roberto Ambrosoli (out of curiosity, the father ofAnarchik).Here we just bring back the final part, indicative of the critical features that this little essay is still valid: What is certain is that the monopoly of technical knowledge and scientific-organizational, its transmission to a small number of privileged people is essential for the survival of modern industrial states, just as the handling of the consent of the masses. Which means that we will see, as soon as possible, the rise of new schools, whose students will not have anything in common with their peers today: will not come from the lower classes, do not struggle to find work output, will not play with lessons bureaucratic democratic . In spite of the demagoguery of ministerial circulars, the new schools will be selective and notional. And teach them to operate.
translation Enrico Massetti