Anarchist humanism
The human species is increasingly devoid of feelings of solidarity among its members, as well as compassion and understanding for other living beings. It is a humanity that seems increasingly dehumanized. We, ourselves, that we have compassion for this abysmal decline, we feel the urgent need to rediscover a deep humanitarian spirit, to reset a new quality of being together, to be part of the world in the world and strive to be part of integrated and dynamic element of creative interventions in the contexts in which we operate.
We need a new place man on the planet and the universe, a real radical re / cultural location, to become aware of being part of the dynamic status of the land that hosts us. It is the affirmation of the need for a new humanism, humanism antithetical to traditional, fully immersed in an anthropocentric view, places man at the center of everything.
It is increasingly urgent need of a humanity finally open and willing to listen to the world, contrary to what has always been and continues to be induced by the foundation of which cultural anthropology has always been from the appropriation of the themselves, to dominate and subdue their needs and their own will. The anthropocentrism still triumphant is a paradigm now worn and old, that is pouring on him because they do not work anymore. If, in full consistency with the needs and goals to be pursued, he was able to assimilate the new knowledge is essential for a needed change, it could not have features that coincide with the founding values and proposals of anarchism.

The equality possibilities
Talk about a new humanism, then an anarchist does not mean advocating a cause, and all internal only anarchism. But means to become aware that it is humanity that needs to rediscover itself and redefine its place in the world and universe. The assumptions of this new foundation, capable of restoring the sense to the existance as a possibility and ability to be there, will "naturally" assume the conditions that develop in full and in depth the possibilities of equality, freedom and solidarity, which in terms of social relations translate into the realization of justice. Values, and methods resulting from the libertarian and anarchist tradition from the beginning.
At the same time the same anarchy that could not find benefit and renewal as the stimulus given by the need to re-humanize the species. Should rejoice in it, unless he does not want to slide toward a historicizing reduce crippling. Since its inception, anarchism has had a universal approach and the breath, that has value and meaning beyond the boundaries of specific areas and specific historical periods. But to observe this propensity can not accept to be ensnared in the stiffeners theoretical, ideological, or worse, trapped in a standardization that does not belong. In order to demonstrate anarchism needs to express themselves in all its possibilities, to externalize and express the pluralism that is inherent and innate.
We start from the assumption / conclusion that the old dominant paradigm has stopped working. No longer needed to support and explain the movements of the dynamics that underlie the interpretation of reality. The basic idea of anthropocentrism, that everything exists for man, considered superior animal when everything is due and the right to reduce everything and be living in her own gain, is belied continuously and increasingly reluctant to civic consciousness. In addition, the resulting practical effects of this worldview are becoming every day more harmful and disastrous media intoxication, the enslavement and impoverishment of large masses of human beings subjected to ruthless oligarchies in power, the destructiveness of a permanent state of war, the poisoning of air and earth. These are the results of the triumph of the anthropocentric domination, which for too many millennia rule in our minds, directing choices and ways of living and bringing with them destruction and impoverishment.
We should reclaim the scent of freedom of expression, to manifest and be creative. Social relations, now imbued with power, that is of particular times and places and submission of tax, should be redefined characterized by mutual recognition of non-forfeiture and equitable management of shared facilities and logical than hierarchical control. We should collectively begin to feel an integrated part of ecosystems in which we live, where they need to run all their components, from the smallest to largest, are cooperating with each other, without either take charge or other deposits on more than what it needs. In an ecosystem the available energy is distributed to spontaneously self-regulated and non-harmful, without the need to build power plants to depend.
Day after day right now
We should be aware that we are immersed in the complexity. Individually complex systems that we are part of more complex systems, where the idea of order that has dominated for millennia loses meaning and value. There is an order in advance which must comply, as it continues to falsely claim, but there is a dimension of continuous redefinition and adjustment determined by the experiences that you make. The chaos is not the questioning of an existing order, but a dynamic element of the ongoing dynamics of adjustment. For this we need to stop being afraid and start to consider it in its positive dynamism. We should realize that the multiplicity is a constant of the complex relationships in the essential dynamic of becoming, that loses its sense in trying to establish the right model for the new order. Enough of pre-established models to be imposed on reality. In their place, places and situations of experimentation, which favor the dynamic ability to self-correct in order to find the temporary stable equilibrium that allows you to continue the experience.
The new humanism is an awareness that goes beyond the idea of order and disorder, and over the idea that one must identify the models to apply, knowing that the power not only in the hierarchical structures of command, but is inherent to the same Social relationship dynamics. To give shape to something new all the time necessary to experiment with self-correcting the experimental process, without fear of chaos, a dynamic element that helps to understand how self-correcting. To experience must reach the right knowledge that can be in an integrated and creative in the context and bio-context where you live. If you want to find a harmonious relationship with the complexity of reality we must vacate the propensity to dominate, and to feel part of learning to be integrated and creative.
The new humanism does not want to fix this, but turn to the roots, so active revolutionary processes of social change and connect to those that arise spontaneously. Supported by historical experience, however, that knows to reset the relationship is too social structures break down the existing power, so suspicious of strategies that underlie tensions annihilation insurgency. The radical alternative is tested and built day after day, starting now. To be effective revolutionary action has groped to build an alternative society existing in society. A radical transformation within the existing, with the knowledge and willingness to expand gradually to transform the whole of society.
Andrea Papi
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Andrea Staid
Elogio dell’inutile - In praise of uselessness
The recommended reading in this issue is a profound and challenging read. The useless, Mark Caponera, Le Nubi editions. A critical essay on philosophy that seeks to counter the logic of production forced the company's factory that oppresses us.
You can stop the rhetoric and the perverse logic makes what is acceptable only selfishly productive? The new paper by Mark Caponera tackles in the useless philosophical key, taking as inspiration the reflection of classical and modern philosophers, both Western and Eastern. The attempt is to create, define and practice a socio-political space of the category of useless self, by relating it to some manifestations of thought and action. On the rhetoric of opposition between useful and useless now play the fortunes of individual and social life of each.
"The useless is a virus that acts to disrupt the established categories, conceptual flaws in the research, which unearthed in several places, just waiting for someone, something, that broadens the building collapsing and for all media-political forces the society in altered states of consciousness. "
The useless is an open text that does not establish any new theory, but trying to throw a gauntlet to the real.
In addition to recommending this essay, I suggest the readers of the column to give an eye to the interesting catalog of this excellent Roman publisher http://www.lenubi.it.