This number is a number a little 'special. In its 180 pages there are almost a hundred guest writings, articles, speeches, photo shoots, press releases, etc. ..
There is the text of a lecture on the importance of atheism, which is a bit 'at odds with the careful thought of Federico Battistutta - scattered in the latest issues of "A" - the relationship between anarchism and religions. There are numerous pages of Gaetano Bresci (at the release of a book of our collaborator Massimo Ortalli) that are not necessarily "in line" with the nonviolent contributions that we regularly host. There are, in this issue, pages and pages "occupied" by vegans who refuse to conceive of an anarchism that does not widen to all beings, animal rights and those behaviors that are traditionally "reserved" to humans and that's it. "A" is not a vegan magazine, we stubbornly believe that we can be without being anarchists and vegans do not consider a feature antispecism "mandatory" anarchism. But we want to pay attention and open the doors for their thoughts, criticisms, practice. We want to contribute to the debate, we want to give space to different trends and practices of libertarian anarchism. Not just one, ours.
As always, every month, we miss an impressive number of important issues, we would have liked and there would also be treated. We could justify saying that we do everything possible and (sometimes) even the impossible.
The magazine would like to offer our readers, month after month, is published to keep guests more and more voices, arguments, different "cuts". Where to find space to express themselves, to debate, to merge the most diverse people and things together, all united by a common libertarian spirit, critical, experimental, non-dogmatic.
We do believe there is no "line" to give and even if there was it's not for us. We have no absolute truths to offer and sell. To that of the propagandist, the disseminator of truth and dished safe recipes, we prefer the task more modest and constructive of those who offer their own contribution of ideas and experiences to keep alive and sparked a debate that can not have an end , in which you deal with an open mind issues of social transformation - always starting from the transformations of us as individuals, never divorced from social context.
According to nineteenth-century expression which we identify, we want to discuss everything from God to the worm.
Certainly we are, we at "A", anarchists openly and proudly. Given the name and logo that we have chosen, more than 40 years ago for this magazine, there is little to hide. We belong to a thought, or rather a set of "thoughts" that has its origins well before the very birth of the organized anarchist movement. Historically we find ourselves in the wake of the First International, the choice revolutionary than reformist socialism, we consider (the second definition of a happy Camillo Berneri) "the liberal socialism", as we are fans of freedom not only as an end, but also primarily as a method of life and struggle, here and now - and consequently we were in the labor movement and socialist component in a continuous, burning controversy with authoritarian tendencies, of which Bolshevik, centralizing in the historical experience of the communist parties was the best example.
Within the diverse world of anarchist "A" wants to be an open forum, with its own identity (say, "Malatesta", to make us understand) but especially with the conviction that, if done with respect (even formal) of the dignity of all components and all the companions, the debate, deepening the confrontation are the lifeblood of anarchism and the anarchist movement.
Take the example of the recent referendum held in June. In the past, "A" has expressed a firm position, ideologically strong, contrary to participation in the referendum, whatever they were. While hosting some opinion contrary to the "line" of the magazine, we intervened on the subject in the past with a strong cutting, militant orientation.
In view of the recent referendum, however, we have published - in June - a debate between a referendum and an "I do not know" . We wanted to provide an opportunity for reflection (on the referendum on the water, in particular), not "lining up" the magazine, but presenting it as a tool for further study. To each, then your choices.
There is a path set beforehand, for the human and social liberation. There are many, many. And anarchism, anarchists, the anarchists formed a part of it, what is most dear to us, but not the only interesting and possible.
It is only by participation, with tools and methodologies, and often experimental, with many movements of struggle "from below" that you can get results. Anarchists have always represented a critical pole against the domination and its mechanisms. But the relationship between libertarian methodologies and concrete results, including radical and mediation of requests (including institutional, sometimes) is not resolved to chat with ideological rigidities that we relegate into a corner. We debate, we explore, we experience. Without the arrogance of wanting to always
be "first class". With the belief in our ideas, the pride of a history behind it, but they are not a pretext and excuses for thinking they are always right, though.
We - and declare it a long time - we look beyond, far beyond the borders (which we seem cramped) of anarchism. Systematically seek contact, knowledge, comparison with all those people, groups, organizations, various aggregate concrete that move every day, on the grounds of human liberation, the practice of solidarity, the questioning of the single thought. What they do from this or that thought (even a religious) interests us little, because it is precisely the concrete, personal and collective experience, the ability to question and transform the existing points, with a 'almost frantic anxiety.
These are the times, our, the necessary reflection and equally essential operations. These are the times that bind, as always, more than ever (just think of the question of resources and near future of the planet).
We would like to be a reference point, one of many, for all those who hear it, before you even think like us.
