Hungary The
increasingly obvious authoritarian tendencies in Hungary should
not surprise too much. In 1999 one of Viktor Orban closest collaborators was the director of the Institute for the Study of the twentieth century, Maria Schmidt. During a conference she had called the Holocaust "a secondary consideration" in the history of the Second World War. Claiming that she considered worthy of Le Pen, the gas chambers "a detail" of the conflict. Orban, despite criticism, had confirmed Maria Schmidt in her post. Also in 1999, not coincidentally, Budapest was the location of two major international antisemitic events.
At the risk the freedom of the press Today, with Orban back to power in May 2010, the situation seems to be getting worse. Those who attended the event organized by a handful of brave journalists can confirm this on July 13. No more than 250, led through the streets of Budapest, a coffin, a symbol of the fate of press freedom in Hungary. In June, the well 570 editors MTV television and Duna TV, radio and public agency MTI had been dismissed. Many should follow shortly, by the end of August. It was also fired the entire editorial staff that took care of the weekly broadcast of public television dedicated to the Gypsy minority. The opposition has denounced what he called a "political purge". Since the end of last year all the public media have been unified into a single central editorial office, the MTVA that produces all the information. Among those responsible for MTVA, a certain Daniel Papp. He had his moment of fame when it was discovered that he had completely falsified the statements of the European Greens in a press conference in order to discredit the MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit. The new version of the media law took effect July 1. It looks even more coercive than that adopted in December 2010, it raised an outcry in Europe. At the risk of public sector enterprises, which may only be dissolved by the Media Council, in the hands of loyalists Orban. The Council will also not renew the contract of private radio and television. Be noted that Annamaria Szalai, president of the Council, an official organ of protection, even against children, had taken its first steps into the world of print publishing a pornographic monthly. The newly-established Council of the media does not seem to want to speak about openly racist and anti-Semitic comments on publications and websites popping Hungarian. Instead Népszava already come under fire, a leftist newspaper, guilty of not having censored a letter from a reader who was not allowed to criticize the president Pal Schmitt.
Mandatory work With a reform passed in July, unemployment compensation was reduced to ninety days. Also on 1 September those who use public assistance will be engaged in "socially useful" work such as cleaning streets and parks or in the yards of two-stage construction, one in Budapest, the other in Debrecen. Anyone who refuses will lose the subsidy. To be involved in this project of compulsory work (taken from the program of far-right party Jobbik) will be particularly the Roma surveillance will be entrusted to members of the police sent into early retirement. One way to "put back to work at least 300 thousand people," Interior Minister Sandor Pinter the second. With the new regulations the municipal authorities will be able to "see if the beneficiaries of the subsidies they are worthy." We provide inspections to check the "cleaning their homes and their clothes." In addition to the ethnic, social racism crops up. Moreover, the Nazis persecuted Sinti and Roma as "antisocial individuals" (as anarchists) knowing that it was "pure Aryans" as Hitler himself admitted. Although reluctantly, it is assumed.
Chile These
days there is much talk in the spring of the Chilean people.
Today there are millions of Chileans who live with the nightmare
of installments that must be paid to these banks and masters of
education. There are very strong group of middle-class Chilean
who have invested in this deal is a deal where the only round to
earn these are private groups that take advantage of all
In three months of stirring, the right-wing government of Prime
Minister Pinera has responded to requests from students only
repression, provocative and indiscriminate beatings every time he
took to the streets. The highlight was the starts in August, when
they launched a national demonstration and the government has
prohibited for reasons of public policy. Students took to the
streets anyway, but this time they had next to them the support
of all the neighborhoods, associations and human rights
committees. That event had managed to bring out students from the
isolation in which the government wanted to confine them.
Only in Santiago there were more 'than 800,000 people who have
demonstrated and clashed with police for two days. The repression
was strong, there were 1,400 arrests, a 14 year old boy was
killed by police who fired wildly in the Macul district. All this
has done nothing but increase the support of the struggles of
students and workers. There is also the Chilean anarchists who undergo repression that in 2009 there was a big crackdown that has seen the closure of the social centers and occupied the house and the detention of 14 comrades who are known for a process called "bomb case". Many of them were 180 days in jail, have also long hunger strikes ensure the recognition of their innocence. Today, most of them are under house arrest, some with the obligation to sign on every month, others with a prohibition to leave in the evening. All are awaiting trial. The prosecutor is asking for two of them life sentence and for the other a sentence of 10 years. Today, adding up all these things (Mapuche anarchist workers and students) is forming a large unit of struggling with economic and political content have to do with the interests of all the people, struggling with all his might forever change the situation that Chile carries from the time of the dictatorship. We must also point out that what was now the Chilean Left does not have any sympathy from the people, this battle came from below and to do with the true interests of the Chilean people. So right for this movement is very difficult to remove because there are the usual so-called left-wing parties to mediate and ready to betray the struggles that so hardly the Chileans are carrying out.
In 1990 he returned to civilian rule in Chile after 17 years of
dictatorship, the government has reached a coalition called the
Concertation, made by Socialists and Christian Democrats. This
Consultation has sunk forever expectations of Chileans who
thought that once the military left would return to democracy
and the rule of law. All this has happened, has gone ahead with
the same policy of the military, the economic neo-liberalism and
the Chilean constitution of 1980 set to be one of the most
ferocious dictatorships in Latin America on record.
Tuesday, September 6, at 7 am, died in Sulmona Rocco Ventre, the
lawyer who was very close to the anarchists in the dark days of
the Massacre of State who was a member of the Political-legal
Committee, formed for the defense of fellow pursued by law
enforcement officers immediately after the tragedy of the
Agriculture Bank of Milan and contemporary attacks in Rome. Rocco
had lived through the rift between the PCI group and the
Magri-Rossanda-Natoli which was soon edited the Manifesto, which
was for a long sheet of legal time.
A as
Archives, I admit to leaving to Lisbon I was wondering what the FICEDL was. The acronym is dissolved in the Fédération Internationale des Centres d'Etudes et de documentation libertaires, but the original question was left open. A fixed point we can still put it on its origins: the first meeting dates back to 1979, since then the international meetings are continuing at a more or less every two years.
The Federation is actually very little federation and is characterized, for better or for worse, for the extreme informality: there is no secretariat, there are rumors about the existence of a document containing the pact semi-clandestine associations, even difficult to say with sure who arranged for members and under what criteria and how a study center, archive or library can join it. Yet, as only they can do the anarchists (or, perhaps, as only they know how to tell if the anarchists) everything works perfectly. In fact there is no denying that this 15th meeting was an excellent opportunity for debate and discussion, with small steps forward in the coordination of activities.