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Anticlericalism. Continues the intense program of lectures, presentations, debates at the Cultural Circle "Giordano Bruno" in Milan (Via De Amicis 17, entering on the right, the first courtyard, ground floor, follow the signs), again on Tuesday at 21. On 13 December, will talk about our magazine, with the presentation of the "anti-clerical ephemeris Calendar 2012", edited by Peter Marazzani, Sicily, published by The Point This 2012 calendar is illustrated with covers published anticlerical theme from "A" in the course of his (first) 40 years. Participate in the evening Paolo Finzi (redazione of "A") and Pierino Marazzani (Circolo âGiordano Brunoâ, curator of the calendar). For info: 349 4605 869 or 02 350 64 11, e-mail, site Rom. Sunday, November 27, Mariano Comense (Como), at the Municipal Palace (Piazza Roma), at 10, sections ANPI Mariano Comense Cantu and promote an initiative entitled "Zingaropoli - A force to be wind." Paolo Finzi (the writing of "A") talks about the history of the Roma people, with particular attention to his (partial) extermination by the Nazis. For more info:
Animal rights. Campaigns from the collaboration of associations for the Animals, Beyond Species, Project Living Vegan, born AnimalAgenda, animal rights agenda for the year 2012 published by New Earth Publishing. The agenda is full of contributions of intellectuals and activists for animals: Carol Adams, Luciana Baroni, Adriano Fraga, Dora Grieco, Lorenzo Guadagnucci, Louis Lombardi Vallauri, Annamaria Manzoni, Enrico Moriconi, Mark Reggio, Aldo Sottofattori, Philip Trasatti, troglodyte Tribe, Mark Verdone. It also contains a useful directory to activate: the references to activism, the phone numbers to rescue injured animals and much more ... Pp. 164 - Weekly Planning Calendar - 10x15 cm - 100% recycled paper cost 10 euros. If ordered over the Web 8.00 euros shipping included: write to If purchased directly at our banquets information - 7.00 euros for purchases of more than 10 copies - 6 euro shipping included. The agenda is free with the renewal of membership in campaigns for animals or the renewal of the card 2012. Per card, download the form and follow the instructions: