cyber Anonymous is anarchist? The Web, anonymity, anarchism. There is a debate on and over the Web. The opinion of Biella Coleman. |
According to many, the political movement known as Anonymous suggests one thing: anarchy. I got to see to make this association so many times that I thought it might be a good idea to explain in some detail the points where the connections between Anonymous and anarchism can mislead, debunk some myths, and ask some questions for further research. It is essential to note immediately that the term anarchism can mean very different things so let me give you three relatively narrow definition, which also do not cover all of its meanings and concrete manifestations.
The first question to consider is whether
Anonymous is an instance, or is at least connected to the recent
wave of contemporary political anarchism, in the sense outlined
in great detail by David Graeber (1).
Many people who know nothing of a political
tradition known as anarchism tend to use the term anarchy as used
in common language, giving the word a combination of meanings:
anything goes, chaos, lack of rules.
The last link is to explore the following: we may frame the
Anonymous hacking operations under the umbrella of black bloc
actions? I believe that this association may bring some fruitful
insights, even if there are important differences. But first a
word on the operations of hacking and then something more about
the black bloc.
But there are also significant
published on August 20, 2011 on Social Text Journal, âIs
Anonynmous Anarchy?â,