Debate Roma 15 October - 3
Here we are again. But I dont agree.
by Adriano Paolella
The event of October 15 had some interesting characters. But it was distorted. Beating their hands is always nice to who is paid for it and to who will not or can not do anything else.
When someone imposes a pattern of expression not shared by me he is not my friend. It is not my friend because it takes away a chance to express my ideas and ignoring my wishes marginalizing the value of my voice.
The event of October 15 had some interesting characters. The "institutional" parties and organizations were present but not dominant. In fact there was so many people in social aggregations which actually form part of the world is closer to me and a lot of people who individually and consciously participated in their opposition to an environmentally damaging and socially harmful model.
A form of "libertarian" aggregation in which the choice of the base is more important than that of vertices, where the difference of the entries in the parity and the same is the richness of the proposal. An embryo of a world composed of diversities that can coexist because they are implemented with individual interests and not at the expense of others. An embryo of a world that sometimes needs to be seen to be understood, to reassure himself of his own existence, to ensure everyone that you are not alone.
An event that is a moment of representation of what the participants themselves do every day thinking, talking, persuading, adapting their work to the common needs, replacing limited institutional structures, contributing with his personal presence to support a network of relationships that non-formal is the basis of common life. It is precisely because of its very existence a viable alternative to the model imposed.
What has happened is unknown.
A group of people burned a few cars and broken windows of a bank in Via Cavour and then headed towards Piazza San Giovanni, turning and burning down of waste bins, abandoned barracks, cars randomly encountered along the way, smashing shop windows , writing on the walls.
On reaching the square the groups have begun to throw around at the police increasing in number with the passage of time. The police for their part have accepted the game. So you have all enjoyed.
Beating their hands is always nice to those who are paid to do it and who will not or can not do anything (including in this the young warriors spurred by hormones and adolescent rage and not so young psychopaths).
I no longer know who they are (maladjusted, angry, poor souls, provocateurs, hired, infiltrated, pegs). And I do not even want to know whether they have good reasons for doing what they do. Let's say you have it: this model is a real crap hurts billion people around the world, is destroying the planet, we are organizing a future of wars and conflicts to appropriate water, land, energy. And there are people who support it and that this model for their interest hurt most of the inhabitants of the planet.
So if one wants to choose violent strategies is a basket of grounds on which to draw.
But not with me and not on me.
I do not care, I believe that the means and the end should be consistent, and therefore desiring a world non-authoritarian and non-violent I am sure that I behave differently approach to its realization. And this is a cultural position and not natural to me because it eats, and eats well so when I do not require shared solutions. Anyone who requires me to be masked with shields and batons, and is masked with balaclavas cobblestones.
After hitting targets of strategic importance (the windows of banks, cars (most cars), scooters, empty buildings, police officers, but most of all waste bins) objectives that speak and explain the action with the thickness of the message that their authors are not able to express with words, after making permanently inaccessible to the square protesters caused the dissolution of the event and it all ended. No more fighting, and all home after a lovely day full of excitement and adrenaline.
There remained the offended and I among them, and if there is consistency between means and end their configuration in the world I do not like.
Adriano Paolella