Rivista Anarchica Online


Indignados. But mainly indignadas
dby Monica Giorgi

The resonances of the anarchist tradition can be found in motion 15-M, are, however, act in new ways, new subjects being the free space by creating valuable contextual conflicts. And the new subjects are mostly women.


So obviously guessed, it is devoid of ideological beliefs from single thought, in fact the background is the foreground of the scene in progress. Already there in the things of this world, the script appears accidental but not exposed to pure chance. Encore penses que les estimen not besties? A rating is possible to think of other forms, reads the image of the primate monkey gaze thoughtfully screen behind dell'Acampada between indignados and indignadas in Plaça de Catalyna.

“I speak in a personal capacity”

The giant Hyundai lithograph advertising the perimeter of the corner of the sky opened up over Barcelona; the agora of thoughts and words in the movement of movements paves the pavement of the square in an infinity. The one and the other radiating, almost mirror play of warped spiral lines, things of that movement, by origin, marks the date 15-M, and re-born Indata wave of events in which costudito. Not far from the iconic square, in the district San Antonio, El has long welcomed a local anarchist bookstore, alive with global thoughts animated stories from local barrio. Cristina and Ignacio did not testify to what the media say, there, among the things of the world, is a maze of other species by the observer in tele-vision of a more and less of a cognition is to have scent, like going there believed to have . "I speak on a personal basis," he begins. Not only Ignacio looks like this. It is repeated by the march to all those who ask about it in the movement. It seems obvious to register, but in fact marks a statement of entry that is not so trivial because the premise of historical narrative itself from being known part. It simply reveals that solemn as solemn as it inscribes the symbolic order. A suddenly comes over me and, like flash, back in mind the bombastic speeches, heavy loads to be presumptuous completeness ipse dixit, predominated the scene of the '70s generation: those where my youth was intricate. Tone and sense of otherness further tune here and now finds palpable as sparks of truth resurrected. The movement has no spokesman, the movement is speaking of himself, living in presence. Escaped from sticky labels, it is in perpetual motion and no less impressed. Rather it creates. It unfolds in relation to the existing, (it) opens (in) a horizon of freedom rather than less compact, more so than in my view it is, if it ever was, the horizon of that movement led and organized on the directives of political correctness that clings (is) the idea of ​​political order based on delegation. Among the capacidades in place, there is virtue in the movement to come together on different orientations, distinguished and even contradictory, without deleting resolutions in favor of uniformity. The consciousness of the limitations that accompany the squad monopolized, to some degree, by one or another theme engages the virtuous circle without it, in front and in comparison to the living presence of the / or something else nascent state. The gains are by nature relational and symbolic gain is also what is lost. If civilization is to do work, you need to have civil relations over the outrage. This is be touched by the unexpected, not to re-agree on the other to contradict themselves. The resonances of the anarchist tradition can be found in the movement, however, are acted out in a new and 'new' because the moment you create free spaces of valuable contextual conflicts. And the new subjects are mostly women. 15-M is the movement that started in Madrid with a strong statement - "The revolution will be feminist or not," was written on a strip brandished high, too high to be affected by someone who wanted to tear it materially unsuccessfully symbolically.

Participatory shades because different

Self-expression that goes saying face to face in its truth, subtract from the logic of power, symbolic power of independence from the power of self-referential, politics of the here-now and the presence of female freedom and give an account of a generational difference is well more markedly, of free sense of sexual difference. This is what we create in the world at the end of capitalist patriarchy, in the gestures that, without the sacrifice of that order for a new order, resurrect the beauty of giving flowers in the sense of gratitude when the police - men of flesh and bones - knows no redeeming batons physical confrontation situations: figure of freedom practiced 'in the presence of', not against the other from him as an enemy, a new sense of non-violence, as old as the love expressed by the word Ahimsa to the heart of the Mahatma. The assembly base dell'15-M is the decision-making organ of sovereignty in a particular way. Decisions are taken by the immediate needs that determine events, no reasoning and no one acts on the basis of an ideal or a predetermined order to achieve all that and all agree. The contingency of reality surpasses the reality foreshadowed at the very moment that disappoints. The end does not justify the means, the end is already in the middle of things you do: how to call the displacement of a minimum but still abysmal? Revolution? I would call it "jumping for joy" in things of this world ... What matters is rummaging in the bottom of litigation. Describe the sense of more or less specific proposals made visible in the agora is an exercise that seems to lend itself to limit the potential of that other invisible agora - will happen or not happen as they would like their intentions. Let go of what we miss is a non-immobilizing posture: is grace at work. In fact, a unique and strong culture of thought is superseded by superior, far more unifying, awareness of the enormous poverty of the rules of the game generated in institutional power. It is not opposed waging a tug of war to knock it down. It is allowed to fall apart, under nourished also symbolic of independence from feeling obliged to be "anti-system" and "non-violent." Labels that are no longer comfortable: the voices of the 15-M unfold in shades very different because of participation. No representan nos. No somos anti-system, and system antinosotros example, states in no uncertain terms. A third label (we) put in front of a more slippery question, that which comes from repeated self-identification for many interested (I highlight the masculine plural) motion 15-M as apolitical and, beyond it, of his self-location as People either the left or right. Beyond these categories, what is really important is not what we say about ourselves, but what we are physically and defend.

If this isn't a revolution

"Fifteen thousand barrios throughout Spain involved in spontaneous protests of those who live there, preventing evictions imposed by the impoverishment of the population. Mortgages Under the law, the ration em pay - Ignacio presses - not enough to return home, but you have to pay the penalty on the mortgage. People know that physically block the eviction is the method. " Rebeldes with bata - coated rebels - men and women who, I explained, working in hospital units such as doctors, nurses, orderlies safeguard the first of the commons: the quality of life and the consciousness of knowing how to care, treatment and life , returned to the base of the ancient Hippocratic Oath. Public meetings in the open spaces scattered in front of the municipalities, self-managed and convened according to the urgency of those who animates the district, participated in by creatures are girls who do not deny the completeness of their age. In widening participation, the words have gestures of assent - shake their hands up; of disapproval - crossing his wrists as a sign of handcuffing; notifications silent with hands that roll in on themselves, to report an intervention too repetitive and not very proactive, give birth to the powerful sense of high civic education. Daily casaroladas - road trips - resonant of household tools do not give voice to something tamer nascent forgotten that value for money that makes the goods of the goods measured on it. What will happen to all this - construction -? The movement spread trace places perforated with holes as is the word of the mother tongue. Do not (you) speak of speculative trading, the use value and exchange value driven, not property. It is less than is more, a lack that generates the best. I warned in the speech of a man expressed during a meeting of the square. A man who said nothing, in other words, that things change if they change within us. That "we" so appropriate now reveals the inert neutrality toward which more men than women and tended (as yet?) Tend to make it the cradle of speech absolute, with no body and no heart. Without soul, politics, politics is confused with power, seem to say that the turmoil in times of crisis, the crisis being the right time to say things even better than 'must' (?) Change, but his relationship with them. "Two thousand cooked meals during the day dell'acampada!" Christine says of El Local. Distributed and drawn as if they were always there, ready and attainable for those who remain on the margins, but will participate by donating food. Shops that do not close the shutters are open to more than out there on them. The square is the large open kitchen, living like the fireplace of a home for those who live ... "If this is not revolution, then I am not a woman!" Christine laughs.

Monica Giorgi