The forest cries
At Yucumo, September 25, Bolivian police attacked a march of two thousand Indians of the Amazonian department of Beni. Protesting against the construction of a highway intended to cut off their land into two Isiboro Secure national park, nature reserve of 1.2 million acres where they live Chiman 12500, and Moxeno Yuracaré. A child of three months would be suffocated by gas. The march, live in La Paz, was organized by the Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia (CIDOB) and the National Council of ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu (Conamaq).
Deep indignation throughout the country and an appeal to the general huelga by the Bolivian Workers Central (COB).
The defense minister and five members of the Movement to Socialism (MAS, the ruling party), have submitted their resignations to be contrary declaring repressive intervention and in favor "of dialogue, respect for human rights, non- violence and the defense of Mother Earth. "
The highway, a project to promote supranational economic integration between Brazil and Bolivia, is being financed by the Bank for the economic and social development of Brazil. The natives were not consulted as provided for by the new constitution adopted under President Morales. Although he apologized, stopped the work of the road and fired the interior minister, on the work of the president, an Aymara Indian, harsh criticism have rained. A cause for concern, the influx of thousands of coca growers from the department of Cochabamba and the resulting deforestation.
These, in summary, the facts. Here are some consideration.
There is something tragic in the compulsion to repeat a left, which came to power, suppressing popular movements and oppressed minorities which should defend and support. Or at least deal with a brother.
The list of repression in the name of some socialism (sometimes against those who, with his nose, on that road was already far ahead) is too long.
Without disturbing the Kronstadt and Ukraine Makno Nestor (1921), just remember to May 1937 in Barcelona and the treatment accorded by Stalinists to the community of Aragon in August of that year.
Or send by a Social Democratic government, the corps against Spartacists and board in Germany. And what else to say that has not already been said of "national-social-capitalism" in China? In the eighties, even the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, about to commit the same mistake with misquitos. But in that case were able to stop, think and solve.
Evo Morales, presidente della Bolivia |
That said, however, there is something obscene in the attitude of those who, pretending to sympathize with the indigenous Bolivians, rejoices own goal for the government of Evo Morales, hoping for the premature fall (some titles: "falters Ages", "Ages traitor, "" the end of the idyll "...). Of the hundreds of Indians massacred in countries like Colombia or Brazil or killed dozens of ecologists in the Amazon, in general, do not talk. As of the Mapuche in Patagonia. Instead the tragic events of international importance Yucumo had a suspect.
After the failed attempt to topple the government of the MAS (Movement to Socialism) with the separatists wealthy Santa Cruz, is now thought to manipulate the fight in defense of indigenous forest?
Along with Commander Marcos, Evo Morales, is one of the clean faces of the resistance of the oppressed and exploited in Latin America. A symbol for the movement against neoliberalism and globalization. Bolivia's natural resources are coveted by multinationals. The need for solidarity against the Indians Chiman, Moxeno Yuracaré, we must not forget that the neo-imperialism is still waiting patiently, if not lurking. Ready to intervene, perhaps in the name of democracy.
Gianni Sartori
Voltairine de Cleyre
Libertarian, rebel
and american
The American anarchist and libertarian tradition has its roots in a series of individuals, truly free men, whose history and ideas is often unknown, veiled and distant to those who want to undertake a thorough study of libertarian thought. Among the most fascinating characters remind Voltairine de Cleyre, Leslie was born in November 17 of 1766, the daughter of a Frenchman who emigrated to the United States a lover of the works of Voltaire and an American woman with a solid and rigid Puritan traditions. Voltairine de Cleyre acquired a strong and solid humanistic and religious education, also due to his time and experience in a Catholic convent.
This made the training of indigenous Cleyre an anarchist, a figure of particular nineteenth-century anarchism. Voltairine judged his company, the Gilded Age, grossly hypocritical and materialistic, which was opposed by a convinced revolutionary but safe, and the values ââof 'experience of American liberalism pure, whatever the origins and the founding fathers, is to be inserted inside Voltairine of that group of Americans connected with the American radical tradition.
Critically looked at the golden age, characterized by a 'dominant idea: material success, the disclosure of which was also the fault of the dominant social protest movements, authoritarian and hierarchical, which had neglected the inner sphere of man, for the de Cleyre "Marx called socialism is reactionary because it imposes an order that contrasts the facts that characterize the evolution of social differentiation such as elasticity and constantly growing." He claimed that anarchism is kind of Protestantism that supersedes the authority and hierarchy with self-control and assumes the historical forms which vary according to social and political conditions in which the company was developing. The science of the Socialists opposed the de Cleyre experimentalism: "Freedom and the experiment can only determine the best forms of society." The struggle Voltairine and its methodology was rooted in a system of values ââtypical of the rural American tradition of the years preceding the Civil War, the tradition of self-sufficiency and autonomy, federation of voluntarism, the rejection of politics as a tool for change, decentralization and a healthy moral and philosophical individualism.
The libertarian individualism was just the starting point of political theory Voltairine, as she recalls in an essay: "I do not accept that popular socialism that transforms sinners into saints only fill their stomachs. I am not an apologist for the lack of personality. I believe in the individual, I believe that the purpose of life is the emergence of a strong personality and self-sufficient. "Arrest of anarchist Emma Goldman During the Voltairine prepare his defense denouncing the betrayal of the values ââof liberty enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution, arguing that anarchism is the best tool to update and disseminate the very principles.
The echoes of Cleyre anarchists typically American values ââbased on the strong defense of the individual, the experimentalism of these values ââof ethics, direct action of disobedience, passive resistance typical of all modern American history from the Quakers who refused to pay taxes to the Puritan church and ended up creating the revolutionary movements of the Boston Tea Party.
The dream of Voltairine de Cleyre was to see 'America, which had now entered the era abandoned industrial agrarian society that had characterized the era of American pioneers, consisting of "thousands of small communities located along the transport lines and provide for themselves for themselves, autonomous and independent, "which was the tradition to which the American liberal anarchist thought and typically native American gave new impetus and a new setting.
Domenico Letizia
L’ingresso dell’Ateneo degli Imperfetti |
Editoria autoprodotta
Making free books
Review of writers and authors self-produced, promoted by the University of Imperfect / libertarian culture laboratory in collaboration with Unica Editions.
Novembre 2011 – Aprile 2012
Claudia Vio – Unica Edizioni
Link to the video of Nicholas Bawtree:
The Mastrogiovanni proces
Report of two hearings between reality, truth and communication
With the hearing on 4 October 2011, again at the Court of Vallo della Lucania, for the death of the teacher libertarian Mastrogiovanni Francis (who died August 4, 2009 for pulmonary edema following an inhuman restraint lasted 82 hours) he sees the bar 18 between doctors and nurses of the department of psychiatry at the Hospital citizen concentration camp "San Luca". The summer break has affected only the work but not the procedural activities of the "Committee for Truth and Justice" which, for the second anniversary of the death of Franco (August 4, 2011), held in the Hall of the City Council of Vallo, an evening during which Louis Manconi and Valentina Cauldron, in the presence of about 150 people, presented the book "When they opened the cell," published by "the Assayer" in which the two authors have told the stories of Cucchi, Aldrovandi, grapes and other deaths in the state. If you compare the analytical accounts of the various cases summarized in the book with stories Manconi Calderone and television around the embroidered case of Meredith Kercher, Sarah Scazzi, Yara Gambirasio, Melanie Rhea, Matthias Schepp etc.. and the subsequent reactions popular one realizes that still many in our country, think that communication is not just a way to express and explain reality. Not at all! and the work process for the death of Francis Mastrogiovanni are there to prove it. The battle for truth goes even (especially) through the focus of the meanings of words that are pronounced during interrogations and depositions because, teaches the history of the case, there are many who groped to force the facts to fit their definition of reality and not vice versa.

Francesco Mastrogiovanni |
Deposizione ininfluente?
Angelo Pagliaro