The financial robbery that we are suffering is a structural element of the domain system in place and it becomes imperative to assume resistance techniques to defend against such a systematic aggression. Let's see why.
This time they fielded "the best", an elite government, in the literal sense of the government of the best. They put together a team of excellent minds, or reputed such, the Government of the professors, as it was called, or technicians at the highest level. But even this little 'bit' of excellence seems to have little chance to translate the decisions of government in situations equitable spread to the whole of society, as they promised and they were asked. So also the extraordinary in the ordinary zero alleged redeeming risk of progressive decay. The system, now in crisis as substance and as a way, unable to move beyond the paradox of his own there.
Perhaps the "beautiful country" will not fall into the "default", to which economic bogeyman of bankruptcy for some time we are conducting several Italian governments. In any case, the caste manipulators economic / financial manage to not be overwhelmed and to resume the game of speculation, not only without sinking, but, most importantly, increasing the accumulation of their wealth. In the end it seems that the primary task entrusted to the government of the professors is precisely to ensure this continuity. It's hard to believe that then there will be the intention and ability to heal the wounds and the wounds inflicted on those who are part of '"select group". To give a rough idea, with the operation of government Mountains, and the second Adusbef Federconsumatori, relapse to 2014 will amount to 1,129 per year per family, which also measures 2011 by adding the Berlusconi government, will rise to 3,160 euros. The impact on the consumption capacity is 7.6% per annum. Moreover, in an evolution associated to an involution of the Orwellian Big Brother, are increasing the suffocating restrictions and controls on people's lives. We will always be more in control because ultimately it's important to you gentlemen is that the ruling oligarchy can continue undisturbed on playing in the game that gives them great power and considerable gains.
despotic abuse
What is happening is more and more clear. There is an ongoing transformation of the system of power and social bonds. The point of the exercise of elite rule has changed sign. Has gradually shifted from the oligarchies of the political command and proprietary capitalism to financial processes of accumulation, resulting in the formation of a new oligarchy able to use and manage the source of this new power of taxation. A power no longer characterized by hierarchical command but the enormous capacity to influence, to interdict and to induce the choices of economic policy and production. In the current global state governments, almost powerless, are conditioned by the inductions of supranational powers, influences, and obliging the financial constraints of the hood. Fewer and fewer independent choices and increasingly inclined to impose on people what is imposed on them. The nation states are no longer the place of supreme command, while engaged in taxation policy subject to injunctions and prohibitions of the dominant global oligarchies. That the governments of the states can not represent in any way a solution, as they continue to delude the sluggish romantic nostalgia of a welfare system that no longer exist. On the contrary are widely part of the problem. The state administration is the place where it nests and cultivate the national debt, which in Italy has reached stratospheric levels, used as an excuse to impose policies of robbery with weaker social strata and exposed. II debt grew continuously rises and not to finance pensions and social spending, as would have us believe, but to guarantee income to rampant corruption and, in particular in Italy, to keep sated with the so-called caste system, essential to the logic of patronage political politician.
Faced with this process, which became evident in all his despotic tyranny in the past two decades, the authoritarian left, culturally hegemonic in the political dimension of the left, went into crisis because it has not been able to emancipate itself from an ideological interpretation and a priori of reality. His many parishes and differentiation have not been able to get all clinging to the idea of ââauthority that must somehow get hold of state power to impose a socialist policy, can be defined as a proletarian state must be conducted from the top of his authority, to 'internal sense of justice essentially class. All this has failed, where you tried to apply it and it is now impossible as the sense of a path of true emancipation.
So it was very foggy and the illusion of the possibility of changes dell'appetibilità left reformists and has in fact opened a gap, while it is strengthened and becomes increasingly essential need of emancipation. Current systems of power have become so pervasive as to render intolerable the same run of existence for a growing number of human beings, increasingly harassed, marginalized, exploited and oppressed super. Current systems work less and less from the point of view of social coexistence and are less able to repair the damage that they themselves determine, which drain systematically on the most vulnerable populations. At the same time are extremely functional accumulation of wealth and power of oligarchies and financial management, which more and more organically in their hands the destiny of the world and the fates of individuals on this planet.

That need for emancipation
If you pursue, you want and you aspire to a common condition of life is fair, equitable and inclusive, especially respectful of human freedom and social, is becoming increasingly necessary subversion, in the literal sense of putting it upside down. While aware that if this state of things happen if you deserve it extensively, so I do not intend to overthrow a violent physical mass that wants to throw it all away. I think indeed more like a real upheaval in force shall, to launch the new prospects for change in the name of an actual social equality and a real liberation dagl'impedimenti, dagl'obblighi and government checks. It may well, if desired, to radically overturn the existing world without the darkness of the inner rage that seizes our choices, or unless we are forced, and not only be measured only by the logic of war. You can easily do so through a shared creative imagination capable of fielding and implement, with the help of all, practical and innovative solutions subversive of the existing order.
I'm not saying anything new or shocking at all when I say that I am increasingly convinced that the old forms of struggle, which are used by at least two centuries, are less and less to a concrete path of emancipation. All instruments of the old baggage of the fight, he wanted to bring down the bosses and state and expropriate the places of production, in many cases have become obsolete and, above all, inappropriate and ineffective. Today the problem has expanded and took on very different appearances.
The states are increasingly places of territorial administration of a global power that requires choices, and above them, while owners of capital, that the owners were, are now too distant from the places of the dominant power. Moreover, the vast majority of production, now totally subject to the dictatorship of financial markets, is highly injurious or superfluous, it loses the sense of spending for appropriating and manage it directly.
The world today has little to offer in a new society liberated from the state of affairs, substantially built up. We need to rethink what we can and we want to produce, freeing us from the need to produce for ricavar profits, while the privileged place of the fight you should move because of the direct military confrontation to the construction of social spaces do not conform to the dominant culture, to experience that rebel self-management and to redefine the quality of social relations, as economic, management methodologies. Indeed, there is to redefine the political culture and experience a libertarian anarchist in tendency, which is born and is designed to subvert the existing one.
Evade the banks
The struggle should shift in trend from the "street fight", as used to say, the construction of radical alternatives, beginning to change here and now as far as possible, aiming to expand the whole of society and subvert the existing through the trial, the defense of the practices in place, the attack of a culture of innovation.
The prevailing structures of domination, however, has also made a priority the implementation of situations of defense against financial systematic aggressions that we suffer. The whole circulation of money, which for now we find it hard to give up, it is filtered by the banking system, which decides interest rates (usury more and more), the rules and procedures for managing various banking transactions. The banking system is accountable only to himself, while everyone usufruiamo sottostiamo and its constant charges and choices, often obscure and cautious. The financial management in place there is systematically mistreating individually and collectively, as well as make us his slaves, even if it does not appear in an indirect way of slavery, because it affects the lives of all in an ever more unbearable. At this stage the financial power is the worst enemy, the most terrible and harder to hit, because it is a set of forces that move together, whose method of action has a capacity of appropriation and very effective induction and insinuating.
Since it is a major cause of impoverishment and enslavement of progressive social, a healthy impulse that banks would be put on fire by popular acclaim. If it leads to some results and proves effective it would indeed worth a try. Unfortunately the walls and rooms of the palaces in which they are established banks are not the real place of their dominion, exercised through the server instead of highest potential, in a game of computerized transactions that consume a flash in nanoseconds, according to complex algorithms developed by computer . Destroying their homes would not serve to block them so, that fact certainly would collect lots of money from insurance companies, allowing them to renew plants.
There should be collectively decide to escape to the banks to move away from the financial game, which also contribute to our bank accounts beyond our control. If you could expand on the social level would certainly very effective.
I think it would make sense, for example, revive the old idea of ââProudhon's bank of mutual help, of course, because updating it since then has been about a century and a half. Instead of depositing in banks capitalist, who are doing the good and the bad weather, the money earned through work so hard, you could organize many cases of solidarity, managed directly by those who contribute to it, without any speculative purposes, but the stated objective and transparent to create a network of financial solidarity and defense, mutual aid precisely. If done with the right spirit, it would be a great tool for self-defense from the bottom and the global financial autonomy from the hood. Of course it would achieve the right spirit by agreeing together and helping libertariamente self of the thing.