to the readers
today too we go to panhandle
Money. Rather than many words on the difficulties of the small press, in magazines that are gradually "expelled" from the library, on rising costs (especially in a magazine like ours, which for years instead of cutting the pages tends to increase them), the absence of advertising or government grants or other sources, etc.. prefer to entrust this cartoon of our Roberto Ambrosoli our call to send subscriptions, go by subscription to "normal" to the proponent, to give away tickets to "A", in short, to support us in our commitment to building a collection of writings which help to understand a little 'better the world, the logical domain, the voices of protest. For idle chat and voice to Anarchik.
The account statements of the bank and post office will tell us if the "little black" character / symbol of our magazine will hit the mark.
Not an easy feat in these times of shortage of money and generalized economic and financial difficulties.
Dossier Brassens. The anticipated dossier on Georges Brassens, in collaboration with Laila Sage and Lorenzo Valera of Milan ARCI Circle "The Scighera", will not come in the next issue of March, but later. When? Will notify you on this page in the number of "A" preceding the release of the dossier.

