Bread and salt
by Maria Matteo
Today the space of mediation with the enemy were significantly reduced, because the owners, when they can - and can now - prefer the whip to the sugar. And then ...
The recent road hauliers struggles, extending into the rest of Sicily to Italy, we questioned the weakness of our economic and social system. A few days of roadblocks and suddenly everything that was not safe any more. Diesel and gasoline does not flow from the distributors, the goods on the shelves of supermarkets are becoming scarce, factories stop.
The government has solved the mountains in a simple and brutal: the police and some small concession. But the issues that this incident has raised all remain on the carpet. The political and social relations that weave around each of us and through each of us are both fragile and complex. Easy to jam, difficult to leave. Especially if the rhythm changes, especially if the center - and for us anarchists could not be otherwise - there are people and not commodities and trade. Especially if what matters is not the production and profit autonomous and often volatile than production, but what we need to live and the means to collectively decide the priorities, multiplying the possibilities for individual and ensuring that everyone - absolutely everyone all - access to common goods.
Now that the games become harder we can no longer afford to play with marmellatine bio and Tometta Margaro of my cousin who knows: Need some ideas and practices that characterized the removal of the goods to social relations, it is possible at all, not a niche product for affluent alternative. If we fail to do so, unless we interrogate the ways, unless we open areas of political reporting subtracted all'istituito that you offer as a real possibility of comparison will be increasingly difficult to escape the blackmail that the owners make to our lives.
Today the space of mediation with the enemy were significantly reduced, because the owners, when they can - and can now - prefer the whip to the sugar. A new social democratic compromise is not on the horizon, nor is it desirable that he was. After all these years give us the opportunity we have been denied for decades can groped a route different from the exchange between utopia and hunting safety. Sure, read the statistics, the majority of young people, those strangled by insecurity in life, choose a lower wage in exchange for the "boredom" of a permanent job. Nothing that encourages self-management adventure even if only in mere function of the supplementary welfare forcibly removed piece by piece. Fear prevails in our country. The social conflict is expressed in residual forms of resistance in this or that sector, fragmented struggles, rituals, losers. The only prospect for workers in factories that are closing is monetizing the defeat.
Maria Matteo