as 1936
In 1933 the United States President Theodore Roosevelt found himself having to face a disastrous crisis, a direct consequence of the fall of '29. They were difficult years for America and for the first time, look for many writers of literature implied a social work hitherto unknown. This new generation of writers belonged Steinbeck, that in this novel of 1936, tells the story of a strike of laborers, of its failure and of men who turn their despair into the struggle for recognition of their fundamental rights. The battle is a novel of labor struggles.
The issue of the hierarchical model
The name of the author of the book The World of psychoanalysts (Liguori Editore, Naples 2011, p. 257, ⬠19.90) can elicit a certain deja vu in the old readers of "A." In fact, George has written several articles for Meneguz the magazine between 1981 and 1984 - almost all centered on the theme of psychiatry.
After working for ten years and ten workers at the factory as a public service of psychiatry, is now responsible for over twenty years of psychotherapy and, more recently, also in post-graduate. His first book Psychoanalysis and Ethics investigated - taking up a critical socio-historical - the dimensions of power, money, values ââand moral consciousness in psychoanalysis.
Paolo De Piccoli
A horizontal union
The pirates' pariah and instead believe they are the embryos of the society to come, "the new capitalism. So Valerio Evangelisti's novel "Tortuga" where a player calls for the avoidance of hypocrisy: "We want money out of each rule. Arraffiamo everything and sell everything, including men. We are the future and nobody will stop us. "
Let's take a step back in time and space - from 1685 to 1900, from the Caribbean to the United States - to listen to Eddie Florio, an Italian-American gangster in "We'll be all," more and Evangelists: "The gangsters are part of the group that controls (...) They were strong before, it will be later. Shifts a bit in the nomenclature, yes. But they are a piece of power. "
A small step back and Valerio Evangelisti brings us, again in the U.S., between 1877 and 1919. Appears worthy of pirates and gangsters, power plug, is Robert William Coates, said Bob: the life of a spy, undercover, to be provocative with occasional roles thug and gunman or the overseers of the anti-red squads. We are in the new novel by the Evangelists, the beautiful and painful One Big Union (Mondadori, Milan 2011, p. 440, and 18.50).
Daniele Barbieri
The Nazi persecution
of Jehovah's Witnesses
Subject to some important research monographs in English and German, the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses by the Nazi state had met in Italy, little interest among historians.
To fill this gap is now the excellent work of Claudio Vercelli, author of a text not only interesting for the information it contains, but also for the questions it poses: Purple Triangles. The persecution and deportation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi concentration camps, Rome, Carocci, 2011, p. 181, 19 euros.
Francesco Berti
That time at Giffoni
with Theo Anghelopulos
August 1992. Twenty-Second Film Festival of Children in Giffoni Valle Piana. Despite the heat comes down pluvio Jupiter and all scheduled appointments are moved from the open spaces at the cinema Valley (in the small town of Salerno was the citadel still kind of film). And here I approach timidly the director Theo Angelopoulos and ask him if he can release me an interview. Between a perfect French and an Italian limping makes me realize that you can. And because we appartiamo sitting in a corner of the bar of the Valley to start the conversation. Then I wrote some years of cinema, and filmmakers, actors, movie people I had known well enough, but with Angelopoulos was one of the first times I felt the direct infection with the soul, the eye of a politicized film (and antagonist ) of large circuits that puts the viewer in a critical relationship to what he sees. Without going to reread the interview, a few words I still remember a shiny. With a wry half-smile Angelopoulos tells me that for him the overwhelming majority of Americans made ââin the USA are idiots in the fullest sense of the word and the cinema of the Studios is produced for an audience that passively and systematically must sacrifice himself at the altar of solace. In another fragment of the interview spends nice words for the poet and screenwriter Tonino Guerra Romagna with whom he made perhaps the best films of his career. "A brother to me is Tony, a true poet alone with him I could make films in which history is cemented so gently with the epic and the lyric" ...

Anghelopulos |
Mimmo Mastrangelo
life and enthusiasm
Back on the shelves of libraries, after 27 years, a small masterpiece of literature "proletarian", the wonderful autobiographical memories that old anarchist, for which any definition would be reductive, then transmitted to the two young fellows from Trieste Claudio Venza and Clara Germani, through a long and patient work of recording oral (Umberto Tommasini, The blacksmith anarchist. Autobiography between Trieste and Barcelona, Odradek, Rome 2011, p. 233, EUR 18.00).

Trieste 1947 - from left: Umberto Tommasini
(Trieste 1896 - Vivaro, Pordenone, 1980)
founder of the anarchist newspaper
Germinal, Nicholas Di Domenico, William Shefer.
(Photo libertarian research center / archive GP.) |
Massimo Ortalli