No. 283 is the bumper 88-page summer 2002 issue.
In this issue - along with much, much more, of course
- there is a 24-page pull-out dossier by Adriano Paolella
and Zelinda Carloni on the control of natural resources.
Carlo Oliva wonders if President Ciampi is a racist,
after some unjudicious statements made by him about
immigration in Morocco. On a related subject, there
is also an interview with Italo Siena on his work at
the Naga-Har Centre for Asylum-seekers/Refugees/Victims
of Torture.
And as part of the international campaign against the
death penalty, Thomas Joe Miller-El tells about a the
casual cruelty of a day as a prisoner on death row in
Plus a poster reproducing the cover of the magazine
from February 1971.
by Leslie Ray