Rivista Anarchica Online



The basis of the film is the story

In Plutarch we find a quote suited to reflection on the film we are trying. When Demosthenes was asked what was the first part of a speech, he said "action", and for the second? "Action", and the third again answered "Action." This is still the fundamental law of the cinema. Action as a creative act aims to create an effect. Sure to make a good movie should take into account the sequences of steps, the camera movements, the work of actors, rhythm, editing, dialogue, music. But without a good story that contains "action" can not exist without history and no history exists no public reaction.
Action not to be confused with technology, special effects, tricks and more. These days it seems that the technical aspect of a film has become the one true interpretation. More special effects, more violence, more rhythm are the key to the success of the film.
The more I see fewer movies and appreciate the extravagance in the use of cinematic technique. Determine the development of a story by relying solely on technical and special effects that today provides the technology, creates a kind of audio-visual show. The soul of the film (and a reflection of those films do) is to be emotional. It can be funny, be serious, but should always be constructive, supporting their aesthetic (and why not his ethics) in non-stereotypical images to the computer, much less built.
The construction of a story, a true story (and consequently the shape that you want to store) must take into account many complex aspects but never forget the end. Making a movie that speaks to the viewer, that conveys something that leaves a trace of thought.
We have nothing against film entertainment, its spectacular. But nothing can convince us that the soul of the film, his real body is miles away from hollow images, loud noises and gratuitous violence.
One of the most common errors of cinematic storytelling is to offer a surprise rather than a suspension. The viewer does not like being surprised. Loves to be admitted to the confidence of the author. Enjoy seeing the characters are surprised each other. Enjoys the moment when a character, naively, that he falls into a situation, the viewer, know and be lurking. As a story in several pictures, each of the ends with a curtain designed to create anxiety in the viewer to know what's going to happen, so the suspension points are essential to impart tension to cinematic storytelling.
Emotionality and suspension are then discovered by the magic formula and perfected by the author to make cinema an art so deep.

Bruno Bigoni