rivista anarchica
Year 30 no.266
October 2000


As can be seen from the photo on the cover, the first issue of "A" after the summer contains a special feature on Luce Fabbri, the great anarchist thinker and activist, who died recently in Uruguay after a long life, which she also devoted to the study of literature and history - with articles by Gianpiero Landi, Peppe Sini, Paolo Finzi and with her last interview, with Massimo Annibale Rossi.
Carlo Oliva presents his comment on the Jubilee of young people at Tor Vergata, offering - as always - unexpected stimuli for reflections. An interview between Gianni Sartori and Roberto Afandor Caraiba, spokesperson of the UÏwa Indians, looks in depth at the situation of the Indios in Colombia.
The main interview in the magazine is devoted to the 1st centenary of the assassination in Monza, and is with Giuseppe Galzerano, who is working on the second edition of his book "Gaetano Bresci - Life, Assassination, Trial, Sentence and Death of the Regicide Anarchistî. The article is illustrated with photos by Gianluca Chinnici, contrasting images of the official municipal commemorations with those of libertarian circles.
Stefano Giaccone reviews the "Percorsi-Poesia" [Poetry-Paths] festival in Pavia, while Massimo Varengo tells of his excellent impressions of the anarchist camping trip to Querceta this summer.
Franco Melandri combines a report on the content of the conference "The End of Socialism? Francesco Saverio Merlino and the possible Anarchy" with reflections Imola deepened on this uncomfortable figure.
Goliardo Fiaschi, the anarchic carrarese recently disappeared comes remembered by Paul Finzi with a brief story on the life of this man extraordinary and a photo that withdraws him/it in his cultural circle, among the his/her books..
The dossier Australia on the last number of "A" has baited one discussion - not all agree with the presence of libertarian "lists" in town elections or of district: "town Nervousness or municipalism libertarian?" it is the title of the intervention of Marianne Enckell about it.
The index book of Charles E.Menga succeeds in drawing philosophical aspects from a note publicity for pasta.
The libertarian review contains critiques of the last book I edit from her/it library Franco Serantini, on the future of the energy; as well as the opinions of Mario Bossi on " September " forever, book of Gianfranco Pugni on that Milanese July of 43.
Happy Accame this time drawn not of television or of cinema but books to the hand it investigates the historical transitoriness of some psychic illnesses, from the hysteria to the diagnosis of multiple personality.
Mauro Macario tells some festival devoted to Leo Ferré of St. Benedict of the Tronto, inserting numerous texts of the anarchic singer while a text of Paul Finzi and the photos of Reinhold Kohl tell two days of study among shows, interventions and memoirs devoted to Fabrizio De André, happened him/it last July to Garessio.
"Music & ideas" edited by Mark Pandin is devoted to the autoproduzione musical independent, with, among the others, a signaling of the " offfest " - meeting of independent music that will be held as above to the Leoncavallo di Milano il 21.10.2000.
The index book of the letters includes reflections on anarchists and violence of Alexander Brenda, a long letter of four prisoners on theirs condition followed by that of a soldier in career, as well as a letter opened to the Town administration of Imola from the anarchic groups of the city, against the beatification of Pious IX.
Always among the letters Massimo Ortalli contests the article of Gandini on the cannibalism in China appeared on the last number, while Peter Flecchia it begins his reflections regarding the judgment of Malatesta on her bourgeois democracy with "dear Francis Bere you, mistakes", continuing in this way to maintain alive on the magazine the dialogue between authors and readers.

translated by Leslie Ray