rivista anarchica
Year 34 n. 7
October 2004


In issue 302, a dossier in which Cosimo Scarinzi continues the debate on Trades Unions and Bureaucracy.

Maria Matteo is prompted by the murder of 12 Nepalese workers in Iraq to go on to consider antimilitarism in general and the “unthinkability” of war. And on sublimated forms of war, Carlo Oliva looks back on the Olympics and the values they represent.
The abuse of power in imposing gender categories is explored by Marco Romelli, who looks at the links between anarchism and transgenderism.

Sergio Costa is remembered in a reminiscence by Sergio Onesti and a poem by Jules Elysard. There is also a selection of paintings and drawings by Orio Melani with Franco Serantini as their subject.


by Leslie Ray