rivista anarchica
anno 40 n. 356
ottobre 2010

food and anarchy

Libertarian: radical and uncompromising advocate of political freedom next to anarchy.
Recipe: remedy, oral or written statement of the standards to prepare a compound system, device

libertarian recipes
by Rino De Michele

Libertarian Recipes "Rino De Michele & Others authors, co-edited APART ° / Venice and The Torch / Ragusa, pp. 130, euro 15.00, size 22x22cm, fully illustrated. For inquiries or above to apply the 5copie scontodel 40%. To ask: John Giunta, via Tommaso Fazello 133, 96017 Noto (SR), ccp n.78699766, or email us: info@sicilialibertaria.it and aparte@virgilio.it.



Menu for a trumpet player

When on 11 May 1860, General Giuseppe Garibaldi, who landed with the Thousand in the port of Marsala, knew that in order to successfully close his business, he would be absolutely necessary to the support and active participation of the Sicilians. This would happen only if he was accepted not only as the liberator from the tyranny of the Bourbons, but also as one who could give rise to the possibility of a new society, free from poverty and injustice. With this in mind, June 2, had issued a decree which promised relief to the needy and the long-awaited division of land.
In fact, the living conditions of impoverished Sicilians were particularly disastrous as the French sociologist La Bruyere came to describe it: "You see some wild animals, males and females, around the country, blacks, bruised, naked and burned from the sun, bent on the ground move and dig with extraordinary obstinacy. Their voices, however, is almost completely broken down, and when they arose show a human face: that in fact are men, which occurred at night and retreat into their burrows, where they live on black bread, water and roots " .
A Bronte the common people bite the talk of the new masters and rose against the barons and wealthy landowners. With threats and then began pushing and shoving, August 2, the situation dramatically fell. The people swarm the streets setting fire to several houses and Municipal Archives, sixteen people, including nobles and officers, were killed.
In Sicily, the British Empire had vast business interests and landowners who were not affected, what had happened to Garibaldi in Bronte sent fibrillation. Etna in the country without delay, sent a battalion under the command of Nino Bixio. Bixio was very upset, his general entered the history books and he could be excluded because of a handful of beggars who had raised their head. He arrived in the country immediately set things right, that is reported as before: the rich control and slaves to serve. He had a damn hurry, and had a supreme contempt for the suffering humanity, instituted a process in just four hours and 150 people judged by imposing five shot.
The condemned were the socialist lawyer Nicholas Lombardo thinking mind of the movement but completely unrelated to the killings, the village idiot Nunzio Ciraldo Fraiunco because he turned the streets of the village blowing a tin trumpet and chanting "Cappeddi guaddattivi, the 'ura Dù judiziu approaches, Populu nun Mancari all'appellu "Longi Longhitano Nuncio, Papal Nuncio Nunno Spitaleri and Samperi.
The night before the shooting, a good woman asked permission to bring the eggs to Lombard, but the right arm of the Hero of Two Worlds, his rejection badly, replied that the prisoner did not need eggs for the next day would planted in front of two balls.
At dawn on August 10, the condemned were taken to the plaza outside the convent of St. Vito and placed before a firing squad. In the discharge of musketry all died but no soldiers had the strength to shoot Fraiunco that resulted unharmed. The poor, under the illusion that Our Lady of Sorrows had miraculously cured him, knelt weeping at the foot of Bixio invoking life. He received a ball of lead in the head and died, guilty only of having blown in a tin trumpet.

    Translation and summary by Enrico Massetti (Web site on "The other Fabrizio de Andre")