rivista anarchica
anno 40 n. 357
novembre 2010

Social care

by Felice Accame


The pocket


1.Einstein died April 18, 1955. Seven days before signed the document with others and the philosopher Bertrand Russell for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Writing in 1947 (militarist mentality and military intrusion in science), Einstein, after comparing the post-war U.S.A. to the Germany of Kaiser Wilhelm II and some historical results of the "Marxist ideology," says that "the militaristic mentality rises to the intrinsic purpose of 'naked power'" (an expression of Russell). From this a situation of extreme danger for the whole world and his pious hope of a "visionary, honest and courageous policy which aims to restore security on an international basis."

2. In the diagnosis of the Letter to the rulers of the world finds that "the world is full of conflicts" and that "above all minor conflicts," the titanic struggle between Communism and anticommunism. Actually, this formulation would have already deterred from entering, a conflict between two opposing forces and both have an equal right to a name - the name of the second is a simple denial of the name of the first is a sign of hypocrisy, seems to me - better would call it by its name: what was, in fact, in this context the 'anti-communism "if not" capitalism "? In the eyes of the signatories, of course, the fundamental objective to be achieved by stopping the war was made up of atomic - even at the cost of not splitting hairs in argument. Consistently, therefore, the therapeutic part of the letter says
"If we want, we have before us a continual progress in happiness, knowledge and wisdom. We, instead, choose death, because we can not forget our quarrels? We appeal as human beings to human beings: Remember your humanity and forget the rest. If you are able to do is open the way to a new Paradise, otherwise the risk of universal death is before you. " With Einstein and Russell were the signatories to Max Born, Percy W. Bridgman, Leopold Infeld, Fréderic Joliot-Curie, Hermann J. Muller, Linus Pauling, Cecil F. Powell, Joseph Rotblat and Hideki Yukawa. That the "rulers of the world" did shrug it goes without saying.

3. I remember in the late fifties and early sixties, in proportion to the growth of information, much of what was then called the "free world" there were street demonstrations, desperate appeals and dramatic debates that helped to spread some degree of consciousness than a decisive moment in the history of the planet. Among the many books to remember what Karl Jaspers, The Atomic Bomb and the destiny of man, which opened with this statement: "A new situation arose with the atomic bomb. All humanity will be physically in ruins, or the man will change in its ethical-political condition." Any attempt at this second alternative, perhaps, was done - you would think that the resistance against nuclear power plants will be an expression - but, over time, the propaganda of the capital and its capacity for corruption have taken the better and those glimpses of consciousness are now very few and weak tracks.

4. Bridgman is one of the signatories, which in 1946 was awarded a Nobel Prize for his work on high pressure. Bridgman is a physicist of whom a few speak of. In the early sixties - shortly after his suicide in 1961 - I read “The logic of modern physics” and was impressed by the clarity and honesty of his thought. He argued the need for a "operational" revolution in physics: ban all those concepts that smelled of metaphysics and bring the concepts to the operations they imply. Against Einstein - primarily against the wording of his second theory of relativity - which advocated a harsh controversy, in my opinion, remains one of the cleverest chapters of contemporary physics. However - despite the limitations imposed by not being able to distinguish mental operations from physical operations - the thought of Bridgman went far beyond the physical to invest the social relations and the political context of their manifestation. Arguing that any analysis of the operational tasks inevitably leads us to the social behavior of individuals and that, ultimately, the individual is the unit under which our social concepts find their meanings, Bridgman - although that descended from that of a critical epistemology - paved the way - or repeated at a wider basis - for an anarchist conception of the society.

5. On 23 March 1989, at a press conference in Salt Lake City, the two chemists Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann announced to the world to have achieved cold fusion - the fusion, that is, between the nuclei of two atoms, fusing, give birth to another atom while releasing a greater amount of energy to weight ratio of materials. It is a result that, until then, had been obtained only under very high pressures and temperatures. Fleischmann and Pons, however, had succeeded in using an electrolytic cell filled with deuterium water and some particular electrode. After the first shocked reactions, the two scientists were overwhelmed by the criticism and disputed their figures - the word "scam", and even spoke of "a real discovery of fresh water" (as he says Federico Di Trocchio of Le bugie della scienza), although it was well aware that if he had cold fusion worked, would come less funding for the rich nuclear physics and its power.

6. Thanks to the secret of the three bullets Maurizio Torrealta journalist and physicist Emilio Del Giudice, today, we groped to give a sensible response to some disturbing questions concerning the discovery of enriched uranium in a crater caused by an American bomb in Khiam, the ability bullets of the so-called "depleted" uranium to produce 4000 degrees centigrade and to spread radioactive dust and the effective operation of the weapons that were deployed in Gaza by the Israelis. If before we could not was because some of the terms of the issue were ably falsified, a discovery that has been hidden - as a "criminal" strategy war that has been hidden because explicitly forbidden by international law. The falsification of the terms - can be explained in the book of Torrealta and Del Giudice - "is that we call made bullets with depleted uranium from radioactive waste of nuclear reactors", the discovery is that "the same process of cold fusion when applied to uranium, can make the trigger of a nuclear process without the need for critical mass "and the war strategy is to use "dirty uranium to pollute and decimate the enemy population for generations."

7. With this also explains the fury against Fleischmann and Pons and we realize that in all these years, in complete secrecy, the U.S. armed forces have completed the so-called "Memorandum Groves" - that is the plan prepared by Conant, president National Research Council of Defence and addressed to Groves, director of the "Manhattan" project for the construction of the atomic bomb in 1943 and declassified only in 1976. In this memorandum, analyzing the effects on the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, the bloodstream and tissues of human beings, they spoke openly of a "radiological warfare," to make "uninhabitable" the territories of the enemy and to contaminate areas defined as "critical" such as airports and railway stations. It is a chilling document that is still fully readable in the appendices of the Secret of the three bullets.

8. There is still wondering what does all this history in Bridgman. Fleischmann explains in an interview reported for the first time in book Torrealta and Del Giudice, when they began studying the phenomenon of cold fusion, they looked at other related processes and this led them to the work of Bridgman made between the years thirties and forties on heat transfer systems - especially in an essay of 1935 - because "even if some of those jobs had been misinterpreted, the existing material did not think that the scope of the so-called depleted uranium weapons and that of cold fusion would have fitted in a common area. "

9. As the Einstein-Russell document did not leave or escape an attacker or to any possible assaulted - because a thermonuclear war means the destruction of the planet and the extinction of the human species - so dirty uranium bullets - or mini-nukes? - Plagued the environment and kill both the target and the projectile shooter, because the wind - which is known to "not read" - can not even distinguish between "communism" and "anti-communism."

Felice Accame
 Translation by Enrico Massetti ("The other Fabrizio")

Il segreto delle tre pallottole (The secret of the three bullets) is published by Edizioni Ambiente (Milan, 2010). For a critical synthesis of the thought of referring to my Bridgman The ideological function of the theory of knowledge (spirals, Milan 2002). The atomic bomb and the fate of man was published by The Assayer (Milan 1960). The lies of science was published by Mondadori (Milan 1993). For the history of the atomic bomb, see. R. Rhodes, The invention of the atomic bomb (Rizzoli, Milan 2005), in which - including the much else - the flowering of a reluctance by Bridgman (and a few others) to work with Oppenheimer and the military.