rivista anarchica
anno 41 n. 359
febbraio 2011


Vicenza 1/
“Disert, disert!”

On January 16, 2007 Prodi officially declared assent to the construction of the U.S. base at Dal Molin. Immediately after the news about 8 thousand people took to the streets in Vicenza and then went to occupy the station. "We are aware that any military base is an instrument of war, that war victims are mostly civilians and children, that war destroys and oppresses the people, it is considered necessary to constitute a committee...".
Since news of the desire to build the new base of war in 2007 we moved to a collection of signatures and now a hundred people have enthusiastically to this idea of removing from the head of the Vicenza Ederle Barracks was there sleeping, and sly quiet. The question Molin has helped to awaken the consciences of the citizens of Vicenza is also opposed to the idea of a war, there isn’t only that the territorial problem of building a new military base but it is understood that these bases are nothing but a tool of war.
The Committee then held a few meetings on the conversion of military bases to civilian uses such as making use of authoritative experts Andrea Licata and Luca Mercalli. To make effective intervention in the territory of the Committee came up with the initiative "We invite U.S. troops to return home" every morning for 2 weeks from 6.30 to 7.30 in the morning a group of protesters were waiting with banners and placards on return of soldiers from around the city and urged them to leave the army.
The effects of this initiative was learned later that some soldiers have left the army but do not know the number that officially remains top secret. The leaflets, writtings and appeals have always been strictly bilingual to be understood and heard.
In July, with Philip Rushton author of Bring them back home in Italy we can invite Chris Capps (current head of Iraq Veterans Against the War for Europe). Chris is one of the deserters with a megaphone calling on soldiers to desert putting himself in front of the barracks, and then organize a tour in the Italian and U.S. bases in Italy. Makes its way so the idea that the best results is to act against these wars between the soldiers asking them to say no to war. Do we tell his story of how that has managed to leave the army and he got the news that our initiatives but also the big event in February resulted in the soldiers several question marks on their current position and helped some of to choose their desertion and objection to war. These include James Circello that provides a number of invitation letters and leaflets to desertion, which are carried in places frequented by American soldiers.
The Committee, poor in resources but not of ideas, decides to launch a major international event, which receives hundreds of other accessions, but is then weakened after making the vow of financial "friendly government" and to his setting up a center listening to the deserters. The opportunity is given to us from knowing and having in Vicenza, during this international event against the war in December 2007, when in front of the Ederle with Chris Capps also shows Russell Hoitt (deserter of Ederle "victim" of our special appeals ). Even for him organize meetings in schools and workplaces, in front of the barracks in Vicenza in Italy. Also spoke at various conferences recounting his experience as a soldier and a man and the reason of his choice to defect.
At this point, Russell is all set with the idea we plan to set up this phone line information for soldiers who want to leave the army. The selection committee puts its headquarter in front of the main Ederle and meets every Wednesday night by offering movies and video flyer to motorists and to the soldiers returning from off duty no to war.
Launched in February 2008 SIRNOSIR HELPLINE. A phone with answering machine is available for those who want to learn how to leave the army without having to undergo imprisonment in military prisons. The line does not remain open but the caller must leave a number to be contacted later.
This initiative is supported by the network of services for the rights of the soldiers in Germany and the United States which, through a service similar to the helpline provides assistance to military deserters / objectors. Then follow many other manifestations of disorder: July 4, 2008 at the entrance of the Ederle barracks for the American holiday with rapper Steven Summers and installing anti-war: hundreds of crosses in the soccer field next to the entrance. Sit-in protest and information in front of the entrance to the American Village October 31, 2008 when, traditionally, the Ederle barracks of the American village opens its doors to families and children for the Vicenza Halloween party. Alongside the militants of the Committee were the two guests, the deserters Chriss Capps and David Cortelyou, who came from Germany to support the center of Vicenza "Sir! No Sir. "
In February 2009 Russell Hoitt in Vicenza and Trento in June 2009 and Chris Capps at the Ederle and Pluto, and so on still remaining appointments to protest during the great moments for the U.S. as July 4 and October 31, moments in which Americans opened the doors of the barracks of war.

Comitato Vicenza Est

(thanks for the contribution to Claudio Venza)


Vicenza 2 / Interview to the
Comitato Vicenza Est

The "City of Palladio" will boast a new base in addition to those already present: Ederle, the European Gendarmerie, the COESPU, the site at Longwood Pluto, that of Fontega and a host of other paramilitary structures. But there is always the consolation prize.
Vicenza's mayor announced that, after the Peace Avenue (located across from the Ederle military base in the U.S.) and the village of Peace (residential area of the U.S. military), Vicenza have also had a Peace Park, close to Dal Molin.
Those of the Committee of Vicenza East reacted with indignation: "Government and mayor said they-want-the Park today and tomorrow to cover the activities of military bases. " The major new military base construction "is frightening to see only from afar, and there is nothing to celebrate in front of the invasion of troops that promises". And concluded: "Do not be fooled: the wars and occupations continue. "
Read more we went to interview them.

Could you summarize the history of your committee, which was built in the area of Vicenza, where he established the Ederle barracks, and what you have done against the new base? And even against existing base in Vicenza (Ederle, Fontega, Pluto ...).

The Vicenza East Committee opposes since its inception (dicembre2006 / January 2007) all military facilities in the city and solidarity among various groups arose elsewhere, as in Friuli. We have tried to broaden the struggle against the militarization in place (the birth of Ederle two), not restricting it, as unfortunately has been done by politicians and bureaucrats. We've always talked of war and desertion and we have always been very critical of government and commune. We brought a message of opposition to military bases throughout Italy and abroad (USA, Japan, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia ...). Intense activity daily for months.
In particular, we supported the defectors as possible, by organizing public events and disseminate messages in multiple languages. On this issue we have had disagreements with some of the Presidio, but despite the boycott we have achieved good results. Remarkably, the area east of Vicenza, and the district of Saint Pius X in particular, for years living an abnormal situation due to the presence of Ederle. Sometimes, early in the morning, it seems to be in the eighties of Belfast, with hundreds of Marines running or marching in combat gear. Recently entered the night in the park of Villa Guiccioli (Museum of the Risorgimento and the Resistance) to practice. Not many years have passed since the massive Chinook helicopters flew over the area at low altitude endangering the lives of the people. This is why many of our initiatives, including those with the deserters, were held in front of the Ederle. So we've always tried to spin the events from the Ederle and not by some "neutral zone" as the station.

What were the issues of differentiation between you and the other branches of the movement, "Presidio" in the first place?

There are big differences. The Presidium, in our view, has stopped fighting and is not a free site. This much is clear to us now.
At the beginning you could still talk, but then, having the Disobedient taken control, came the authoritarian decisions and political games. Their failed tactic has been to call for help to MPs, then the courts, then entrusted to the mayor. The Presidio is in the hands of the Disobedient who are now present in the Municipality. The City wants peace, wants reconciliation, he built a statue of Gandhi and gives citizens a sop, the "Peace Park".
The Presidio has moved increasingly into the center-left (including appeals to Obama), with calculation and political duplicity. The Committee of Vicenza East is pluralist, we are within anarchists, Trotskyists, peace ... There are differences, but we have always helped and respected each other while the Presidio we had big problems. Twice they tried to not let us talk in important public occasions. They cooperate with the institutions, they are not a movement. The other groups have moved in accordance with the institutional path, loser ...

How do you assess the current situation of the struggle?

Currently there is practically no more fighting, unfortunately, it is minimized. Firefighters have put us all to put to silence protest and misrouted (rhetoric about democracy, referendum, institutional remedies).
The fight was a good start, but has been deliberately confined to a dead end in 2007, so as not to disturb the Prodi government. After the great event of 17 February 2007 all groups linked to the Centre Left have retreated into a communal dimension, but the decision it was for those months that the Government has endorsed the project.
We can not see that there was a negotiation and that there are people who have speculated. It would not be random if someone got from a town center "social" area concerts ...
Committee at the time as we have all against Vicenza Est: Government, local government, while all groups are at a standstill. Mayor promises a peace park, the Presidio is hard to say ... concerts ... We should start from a big event against the war and free assemblies.

The "peace missions" are a form, not so disguised, of imperialism. Your opinion about Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia ... In the future, perhaps even the Niger Delta ...

We are against all these military operations and we see a clear link between the military bases on our territory and the occupation of the countries listed. The basis of Vicenza will to wage war to the countries of Africa and the Middle East. Everybody knows but nobody talks about it anymore.
We do not want to get used to war. I would never accept. The Ederle need this, this will serve as the Dal Molin. And do not forget that the foundations are also used to control our territory and prevent a different future.

Gianni Sartori

Vicenza 3 / The otters,
The U.S. base and the flood

With a technique of "scapegoat" by the book, mayors and councilors leaguers (supported by the associations of hunters) have developed a modern version of medieval "Black Cat" (or other poor animals criminalized and exterminated over the centuries, wolves, salamanders , owls ...). This time it is for the peaceful and vegetarian nutria, a cousin of the beaver, which is accused of having caused the collapse of the banks of Timonchio and Bacchiglione with their burrows.
Other alleged offenders, the rates (virtually disappeared in the countryside, surviving only on Euganean and Berici!) and foxes. For the moment no one has brought up the dens of the kingfisher. A thousand Vicenza hunters (which until now were only given ammunition) will be supplied with "good-fuel " (13 thousand euro allocated by the Province) to act peacefully against the poor rodent.
If "the domestication of animals laid the foundations of hierarchical thinking and provided a model and inspiration for slavery" (Eternal Treblinka. The slaughter of animals and the Holocaust Charles Patterson, Editori Riuniti - 2003), this attitude ruthlessly "speciesist "evokes the methods of ethnic cleansing.
That of otters is a lie. The banks are located several meters from the river and the few otters remained in circulation (the ones escaped extermination campaign began more than a year) would prefer to have a nest on the shore, with easy and immediate access to water. Coordination protectionist Vicenza has conducted its own investigation in the areas affected by the flood as occurring "water has broken only in areas where it had recently been made to tamper with. " For example, the Timonchio (a rocky river bottom where there were no otters) "dragged downstream massive harnessing and consolidation work carried out in Molina di Malo for a few months. " So much for Caldogno and cresol. In other areas, the water simply overflows, overcoming the existing barriers to the wall (in Vicenza and Debba ...).
One of the main causes of the devastating flood was the total cementing of a province where the land is no longer able to absorb. Now they built townhouses and small business areas also in the bed of the streams. In a few years the color of the Vicenza area increased significantly from green to gray areas of the warehouse. Who in recent years has expressed alarm at the flood risk has been, at best, accused of being a "Cassandra" (forgetting that, unfortunately for the Trojans, Cassandra was right). The situation could become even more dramatic in the Lower Vicentino, Vicenza area south of slightly above sea level, rich in water and to become, thanks to the new highway under construction, theory of huge warehouses and stores (new industrial zones between Long and Noventa, Despar of the plant that will cover an area corresponding to two hundred fields, the new shooting range at Albettone, as well as a multitude of boxes, junctions, roads, roundabouts, distributors ... ). The spectacle of lake Montegalda. Montegaldella and Cervarese should have shown what does the future if you continue to cement plant.

For Caldogno Vicenza (the country most devastated north of the city), where the water has reached levels never reached before, it is clear that a decisive element is the new American base Dal Molin, under construction. For those unfamiliar with the area, it should be noted that some rivers of torrential character down from the high mountains (Carega, Seng Alto, Pasubio Novegno, Pria Fora. Summano ...) on the border between the province of Vicenza and Trento collecting water from the abundant rains and snows. Among them Leogra the Orolo, the Timonchio and the Astico, which then flows into the Tesina. The water goes in depth, through the gravel deposits, returning to the surface in springs as in Novoledo Bacchiglioncello. He then became Bacchiglione before entering Vicenza where he received the Astichello and after Porta Mount, the canal Retrone and Riello. After a few kilometers, San Piero Intrigogna, meets Tesina which has just merged the canal Caveggiara. Well. an environment where water is not lacking, even for the presence of an aquifer of the largest in Europe. Perhaps it was coincidence that the U.S. has insisted so much (as confirmed by documents released by Wiki Leaks) totake possession the Dal Molin , which " rests"( floats?) on the same ground .
The work at Dal Molin (around which flows the Bacchiglione feeding, along with the rains, the water table) have resulted, in addition to cementing a vast area, in a shift of the river, the expansion of the bank on the side of the base and the insertion in the soil of a huge amount of concrete posts (real pile- Venice style), very probably, have functioned as a "barrier " underground, forcing the water to escape. With the results we know.
Originally the poles (half a meter in diameter) were to be only eight hundred, but in the end it was used about three thousand, planted up to 18 meters deep. It seems that initially the stakes did not hold because of the presence of the aquifer. It would be interesting to see how they were able then to plant them. How much concrete will be used?
Another consideration on the new highway south of Vicenza (A31, Valdastico South), built in no time, after years of controversy and litigation, despite the constraints of the landscape. Looking at a map is plain to see that it is destined to become a better connection between the various U.S. bases. If the Ederle was already close to the Vicenza Est, the new Dal Molin base is convenient to Valdastico North. Only the base remained secluded Pluto, Long, but now here is a toll will rise. Another exit will be built to Albettone, where there is a shooting range that the military will mainly use.
Another hypothesis. It is known that the highway ends in the province of Rovigo, practically nothing. But in that "nothing" is an old abandoned military base. Bet you did not remain so for long? Among concrete, militarization, destruction of animals ... everything is held. Paraphrasing what is attributed to Seattle, "when you killed the last nutria, uprooted last sies (hedge, in the Veneto), the last grass covered with cement, you will realize that they can not eat money and drown (ed prophetic!) in your own waste. "

Gianni Sartori

The tiger / A disappearance

Comparing on a thematic map of population density in Indonesia (Le Monde diplomatique, November 2010) and a map of Asia on the spread of the Tiger (Ouest France, November 28, 2010), come to my attention a disturbing particular. Of the three extinct subspecies, two lived in Indonesia.
The Tiger of Java has been missing for 30-40 years, while that of Bali, the smallest of the tigers, about 70 years ago. The two most populated areas of Indonesia are just the islands of Java (of which two thirds of the population of the country lives) and Bali, with over 500 inhabitants per sq km where the density is lower, as in Sumatra (30 to 100 per Sq km) and Borneo (shared by Indonesia and Malaysia, less than 30 square kilometers) a few Tiger still manages to survive. In Sumatra they remain at large about 400 units, while the tigers in Malaysia (Borneo in reality) would be between 200 and 400 survivors. Elsewhere things are not better for the majestic feline. For example, in the Greater Mekong region specimens of Panthera tigris are about 350. Ten years ago there were four times more.
It is estimated that in the early 1900s lived in freedom more than 100 thousand tigers. Today, after a century, there's barely 3200. An international conference was held in St. Petersburg, 21 to 24 November 2010, thirteen nations who still home it: Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Cambodia, India, China, Laos, Indonesia, Nepal and Malaysia. Few more may survive in the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas. The hope of the Global Tiger Recovery Program is to double the number of tigers by 2022. Two priorities: protecting the environment (now reduced to 7% of the original and highly fragmented) and combat poaching. The Association Wildlife Conservation Society has identified 42 sites where the animal is still playing. The majority in India, Sumatra and the east of Russia. One of the six subspecies, the Siberian tiger, in the sixties was reduced to 80-100 copies. After 1989 the situation was likely to fall.
Some travel agencies organized hunts from helicopters for millionaires and wealthy gangsters. Now, thanks to strict protectionist policy, the Siberian tiger in freedom would be almost 500. Also known as the Amur tiger "(named after the river near where she lives), is the biggest existing feline. The male is more than three meters long and weighs 300 kg. In China, the tiger would not have been sighted by experts and scholars from at least 30 years. It is estimated that remain in circulation less than fifty. In all likelihood be the next to disappear.
Bad predictions for the tigers in India, 54% of victims of acts of poaching to supply the consumers of Chinese traditional medicine. Industrial development, dam construction and opening of mines have produced devastating effects. The 40 thousand tigers that still existed in 1947, had dropped to 3700 in 2002. Today all over India would be no more than 1500.
The Caspian tiger is the third subspecies already extinct. From the clear coat (such as the Siberian, but smaller), the westernmost of the tiger has disappeared around 1970. Forever.

Gianni Sartori

Aconference in Milan

The debate on the concept of revolution is as old as the anarchist movement. Nevertheless, it seems not to have lost its relevance and still talk about it: her friends and fellow of the Centre Libertarian Studies-Archive Giuseppe Pinelli (centrostudi@centrostudilibertari.it) Tel: +39 02 2846923) and the collective Asperimenti (http://asperimenti.noblogs.org, asperimenti@paranoici.org) of Milan, in fact, organized a conference entitled eloquently," Revolution? ". L’Anarchico, blog, born recently and dedicated to anarchism (http://anarchico.noblogs.org), contains a non-sequential and necessarily personal developments of the day which saw the active participation of many anarchist comrades from all over the country. The proceedings will be published recently so keep an eye on the websites of the organizers.
The treatment of the theme was based on the classical opposition (already present in the Malatesta thought) between the concept of revolution as an evolutionary process that gradually but radically changed social relations, inserting and expanding the libertarian elements within a hierarchical context, to where you produce irreversible changes in direction and the anarchist point of view that argues, however, the need for a revolutionary event (insurgency) mass in order to establish the preconditions for a lasting social change. These two positions are respectively represented by the actions of Tomas Ibañez, fellow Spanish author of the article "Farewell to the Revolution" and by fellow Argentine Eduardo Colombo, author of "The horizon of the insurgency. " The two guests were repeated a debate, already partly addressed in the mid 80s of last century, in a context full of young people interested in exploring the issue.
Ibañez said that "the concept of revolution is antithetical to or incompatible with anarchist thought, the very fact that it is the bearer of a series of consequences or effects that are necessarily killers of civil liberty. " However, clarifies the importance of the "desire of revolution ', which is a fundamental element of social awareness and emancipatory-utopian thinking or ethical requirement of all"3. In contemporary society, the revolutionary imagination be anchored to this in a sort of 'continuous revolution' and in terms of action we should focus on fragments of freedom to tear the society domain, because "the practical activity of Libertarians may possibly trigger or cause a revolution, but never as a result of a desired effect, never as a result of a rational and coherent project ". It is a vision in which outbreaks of resistance to domination, struggling to expand and generalize in society, to reconstitute the meaning of the concept of revolution in a post-modern, as they allow for practical experience of liberation and self-management.
Ibañez believes that to be anarchists and revolutionaries today means refusing to be all-encompassing and abandon the idea of a mass uprising, instead trying to revolutionize society here and now, through the practices of liberty that are able to break the logic of domination in social relations and open "space aliens"with respect to dominant values. Appreciate the criticism of those who believe that the atomization of the struggles and the lack of a revolutionary perspective of a global nature is a difficulty in the assertion of anarchy, but argues that this shift of perspective is absolutely necessary in order to address the challenges of the contemporary world, because there is no reason to believe that anarchy is desirable for all human beings.
The position of Eduardo Colombo instead starts from the conception of revolution as Malatesta project of radical change of the existing derived by the human will. The agent is the revolutionary subject is constituted through collective action aimed at social change. The report frames the revolution in the historical process from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and describes the "decay" of the revolutionary project of the last 50 years, after the totalitarian experience Bolshevik, fascist, nazi, Stalin and Franco were literally massacred 's practical experience of the revolution in all countries that have experienced during the '900. Eduardo also notes that the dominant liberal thinking has used the concepts introduced by the French thinkers of the so-called Theory (or post-structuralism) to eliminate social justice from the horizon of history while maintaining the emphasis on individual freedom.
In this context of the dominant neo-liberalism, Colombo believes that the imaginary egalitarian and libertarian anarchism can only be achieved through a reversal of the imaginary in a dominant insurgency. All that is proposed and won through riots or partial reforms does nothing but strengthen the existing system. Clearly, it is emphasized that the revolution is, however, a long-running process aimed at achieving a radical change in the dominant system of social relations and thus the partial struggles are absolutely essential in order to challenge and topple the system. But at the end of Colombo believes that only general insurrection may allow a reconstruction of society on truly libertarian basis.
The intervention of Toni Senta, a young historian member of the editorial staff of Umanità Nova, remember that the theory embraced by the domain system requires the "end of history" with the achievement of representative democracy Western-style, actually trying to close all doors to utopias (and largely succeeds). In fact, the rebellion smolders in much of the western world and beyond. From this point of view, Toni talks about "revolution as a real possibility" and emphasizes the need to fight at all levels of the system of domination which the State is the symbol.
The attempt to overcome the question in the title of the seminar and the contradiction between Ibañez, and Colombo is with the assistance of two young friends of the collective Asperimenti. For Andrea Breda anarchy is the only possible method to conduct collective struggle for freedom. In the society when it comes to domain power is concentrated in some people able to define social relations: the relations of domination when you institutionalize and naturalize it comes to voluntary servitude.
On the other hand, freedom is defined in relative terms when the subjects are in a position to exercise their power to define social relations. There isn’t therefore the possibility to define freedom in an absolute way because this definition is inherently authoritarian. In this context, the tension between institutionalization of society on the one hand and the desire to constantly renegotiate the terms of the social contract can lead to revolutionary way by creating opportunities to exchange ideas and self-management.
The speech by Andrea Staid Breda builds on the premises of a possible definition of revolutionary. The change in the dominant paradigm in a given society in fact proceed to break that exceeds the previous year to achieve a different state. The relations of domination are in fact everywhere in society and the state becomes, as already realized by Gustav Landauer in 1905, a system of relations. Consequently, the revolution as "taking the building" would not make sense. Staid suggests removing the revolution by the "event size"to "process dimension". This constant struggle for freedom is therefore possible and libertarian revolutionary action in our contemporary context. The practice of revolutionary liberation are many and varied and are cited a few examples but not limited to: squatting, the critical gardening and the practice of collective gardens, the critical mass cycling and self-productions (DIY).

Andrea Staid provides the very end of the debate, a key part of the day reading and spirit of many participants when he says that today, in his view, the militant anarchist can not wait passively mass uprising that has no means to cause and, therefore, should focus on the practices of liberation and self-management to introduce useful elements in society that libertarians can take root and spread. Certainly, if the conditions of an insurrection should occur, the anarchists are in no doubt watching, why should they even try in all ways to ensure that the effects follow authoritarian patterns that have prevailed in the past.

(from the blog L’Anarchico)


  1. Here we limit ourselves to summarize the speakers' neglecting, for reasons of space, very interesting intervention in the debate and participated in the plural.
  2. See http://anarchico.noblogs.org/post/ 2010/10/28/rivoluzione-oggi-o-anche-no/
  3. Tomas Ibañez "Farewell to the Revolution" on http://asperimenti.noblogs.org/files/2010/10/Ibanez.doc
  4. Ibid
  5. The State is not something that can be destroyed by a revolution, but a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of human behavior, we destroy it by establishing new relationships, behaving differently.

Piazza Fontana
In 9 cds

We believed and still believe that we can get to the truth about the massacre of Piazza Fontana and the news that reaches us from Catanzaro, fills us with confidence. The trial for the massacre to the Bank of Agriculture (December 12, 1969) containing the testimony, the preliminary investigations, interviews and hundreds of photos stored in the Archive section C of the Court of Catanzaro, were removed from the mold and dust The Folder moisture abandoned for over forty years and collected and digitized in CD 9.
It took three years to catalog millions of pages divided into four files, hundreds of folders in which documents had been placed without any order. The rescue of the acts, risking deterioration is due to the sensitivity of Mary Itri, a student at Padua in 2004, struggling with her dissertation, she discovered the state of disorder and degradation faced by the pleadings. The reporting of the student was picked up by " il Quotidiano della Calabria” and by the "Altra Catanzaro" they called to mobilize intellectuals, journalists and historians mostly from Calabria. Saving cards of the process has saved what scholars call the "archival bond", ie the bond which makes the individual document part of a mosaic, part of a network of relationships necessary and important to understand the reality and the purposes for which it was produced. Finally, a positive result obtained by probing the basement of the Court of Catanzaro real "place of memory", in which the process was transferred in 1972 for reasons of public order.
In the last forty years that separate us from the carnage there were many initiatives and requests to open the archives and steal to oblivion the documents. Il Corriere della Sera, years ago, had declared its willingness to promote a subscription and the association of families of the victims Piazza Fontana had agreed to buy machinery to help computerize the documents relating to all the other massacres that have bloodied Italy.
The digital archive was presented Friday, Nov. 26 in Catanzaro during the symposium "From Piazza Fontana to today: documents, the textures, the processes ", organized by the lawyers' association Diritto di difesa" and the cultural circle" Augusto Placanica ". The initiative has involved, among others, Judge Guido Salvini, Milan magistrate who in the late eighties opened the investigation of the massacre. The return to the community of memory, "our roots" as defined them Cuzzola Fabio, will enable the appropriate checks on new elements may be able to reopen the case in this country, where the archiving has become synonymous to cover up, to forget.

Angelo Pagliaro

The scalinata Berneri

"Crowd at the ceremony in honor of the anarchist"is how the headline the next day the local press. About a hundred people attended, Saturday, November 27, the opening of the Staircase, charming place located between the Post Office and the historic Teatro Petrarca (a hundred meters from the house where he lived and gave birth to daughter Maria Luisa). The choice of Arezzo, where we lived for many years, first as the seat of an important and original reflection of many voices on the European dimension of his thought (the studies conference held on the 70th of his murder), then as a place of berneriana memory, was not random. In its short life, Tuscany (with Arezzo, Florence, Cortona) is the fundamental step in his path for the education and policy, on the eve of exile.
A long "transition" between the then socialist Reggio persecuted anti-fascists of Europe, incubation of the tragic end of May 1937, the Catalan anarchist. The initiative is completely self-managed, organized by the Committee for the memory of C. Berneri - Arezzo, took place in two stages. Among the many messages of congratulations came from all over the world, all very welcome, happy to include those of "Tierra y Libertad" and "Germinal. Revista de estudios libertarios "from Spain.
At 16 presentation - in the main hall of the Liceo Petrarca (school that was attended by the anarchist from Lodi) - the book "A libertarian in Europe. Camillo Berneri: between democracy and totalitarianism. Proceedings of the Conference of Historical Studies, Arezzo, May 5, 2007 "edited by Giampietro Berti and Giorgio Sacchetti, Editions Stock Berneri family / Aurelio Chessa. The volume marks an important end point in development, now forty years of history (and not only Italian) on Berneri. Many interventions and really passionate debate that was introduced by the relations Giorgio Sacchetti and Enrico Acciai.
Around 18 all tat he steps. Here Maria Alberici (granddaughter of Camillo) found the red-black cloth that had been previously placed on the plate, while onlookers chanted in voices portentous " Workshop Children ". Followed by a special toast with a label designed for the occasion (see box) and refreshments, music and folk songs with guitar Donald Landini and a special recitation of the poet Philip Nibbi.
Contributed / participated in the realization of the event: Family Archive Berneri / Aurellio Chessa, Reggio Emilia, "A - anarchist magazine", "Umanita Nova", "Corriere di Arezzo, Wave Radio Arezzo, Trattoria del Leone alla Scalinata Berneri, Arezzo ; winerie "Le Carovaniere", via Cavour 84, Arezzo, students, teachers and headmaster of the Liceo Petrarca of Arezzo.


(thanks to Fiamma Chessa and Giorgio Sacchetti for the collaboration)

Arezzo, 27 november 2010, presentation of the volume
Un libertario in Europa. Camillo Berneri: fra totalitarismi e
democrazia. Atti del convegno di studi storici,
Arezzo 5 maggio 2007
, by Gianpietro Berti and Giorgio
Sacchetti (at the center in the photo), edizioni Archivio
Famiglia Berneri-Aurelio Chessa

Case Mastrogiovanni
Between gowns and pajamas

There are few papers (no television) that follow the process that is being celebrated at the Court of Vallo della Lucania (SA), which the defendants for false ideology, kidnapping and death as a result of another crime of the master libertarian , 18 doctors and paramedics in the psychiatric ward of the hospital "San Luca " Vallo della Lucania. Exactly sixteen months since that tragic August 4, 2009, when Franco Mastrogiovanni, died in total neglect and inhumane way for pulmonary edema restraint, after spending more than 80 hours, bound hand and foot to a bed without receiving adequate nutrition, without assistance and health checks, subject to a "staggering string of abuses. " In this year were held in various cities of Italy, demonstrations, meetings, sit-in during which it was shown the dramatic horror video shot by the internal monitoring of the department of psychiatry lager Hospital "San Luca "Vallo della Lucania. A video "incorruptible" nailing without the possibility of false leads, denials, digressions, the medical and paramedical staff on duty during those four dramatic days, their tragic responsibility.

• The process goes live
Dr. Elizabeth Garza, President of the Court of Vallo (former President of the third section of the Corte d 'Assise di Santa Maria Capua Vetere), which gave itself the process, at its meeting on 6 December dismissed the many exceptions made by the lawyers of the accused. At the hearing on Tuesday 14 December, the court evaluated the request for the establishment of the civil parties admitting: TELEFONO VIOLA, UNASAM THE INITIATIVE COMMITTEE ANTIPSICHIATRIA, LAWYERS WITHOUT BORDERS, ASL SALERNO (but it should not exercise control functions ?). The representatives of the Telephone Viola, delighted at the decision of the court of Vallo, in a statement to hot, they expressed their regret for the exclusion of some families of the master anarchist, as the brother Vincenzo Serra, promoter of the Committee for Truth and Justice Franco... and never more! and as a result of Dr. Pozzi Agnesina medical consultant who first drew up a detailed counterreport appreciated throughout Italy but stressed at the same time that "we will move forward in the greatest spirit of cooperation already established with other associations. " The next hearing was scheduled for December 21.

• A whole system to be processed
In addition to the trial for the death of Franco open, outside the courtroom, three other processes, so to speak, cultural and political: they see as defendants the two TSO and the use of restraints and third, a real big process-which accuses the entire health system and the powers that feed it. The TSO and the contentions we have already written about the previous issues of "A" and now, instead, we want to ask some questions that we'd love to get some answers. Who has allowed for decades, the survival of a free psychiatric service without the necessary equipment, as defined by the magistrates an inhuman place? The medical staff is well trained and informed? It may, in the light of the facts, logged by a surveillance camera inside, feel suitably qualified professionals? See and search the responsibilities of operators in those four days were in service is what will make the judiciary but we all know, the big responsibility, they are up, the system that "selects" the senior staff in those irresponsible politicians they reward managers for the savings on health spending destroying medicine and community services, reduced staff, the operators do not update properly by closing or amalgamating departments.

• The Edge crop of Francesco Mastrogiovanni
Francesco Mastrogiovanni after being sequestred following an illegal TSO issued by the Mayor of Pollica Angelo Vassallo (murdered by the mafia a few months ago), before being hospitalized turns to her friend who runs the tourist resort, saying: "if you lead me to Vallo I will not get out alive! "and then screams in the ambulance nurses to be anarchist to be heard and do it probably for two reasons:

  • The first concern is that the hospital and the system that exists in it and not the individual doctor or paramedic on duty not even know that;
  • the second (to state of anarchy in situations of a certain gravity) is an attitude that scholars of anarchism, and not just known to be common among the unlucky because they are aware that the message is launched at the same time means: look for someone to ask because I've been killed, abused, harassed and that someone (circle, movement, association, group, individuality) will investigate the causes not believing the official versions and looking for the truth should take up to a century. The screams of Franco Mastrogiovanni were collected not only from "his" libertarian movement but many people who are narrow around the family and the Committee believe that because inside every man there is a white coat, as well as in a slumber. The process goes on, in total silence of the institutions bells, large print, church, associations for life. But we already know the truth, we would like to believe that it could be argued, with the process, even a little 'justice.

Angelo Pagliaro

Remembering Paolo Friz
The gentle giant of anarchy
(and turtles)

Paolo Friz

For years, we kept in the pocket his phone number, but we never went to see him. It was the beginning of the eighties, and those crazy distances, more mental than physical, in our twenties but with so many licenses without even a car Brindisi - where he lived - seemed a distant city, such as Bari and Naples, although it was less than one hundred kilometers away from our country and although maybe we went by train up and down Italy - for work, university or "politics". But in Salento, in the early eighties, it took days, by train, to get anywhere.
We were told by the companions of Milan of this graft in Puglia Trentino-  there is also people (few) who emigrated to the contrary, from north to south, of this famous basketball player, a promising young in the 70s, who had played for Olimpia, for Billy Milano and Cinzano (Dan Peterson had been his coach), several times we were told this fellow more than two meters high, which financed the A-Magazine, Umanita Nova and all the anarchist press.
Then one night there we found him on the opposite, on the edge of the football field of a village in the province of Lecce, a concert Litfiba, an evening anti-nuclear campaigners, who sold the anarchist press with his girlfriend at the time.
You could not recognize him, Paolo Friz (how many people know that more than two meters high and spread the anarchist press?). I well remember the immediate sympathy we felt for him then no one, of what we know, was more sympathetic to Paul. It was a constant joke, continuous power for your ass.
Paul was a founding member of the Commune, but was never able to realize his dream come to life. It was also a founder of the Anarchist Coordination of Salento, perhaps the only really organized libertarian in the last thirty years in this border land, and was a collaborator, supporter and editor of Senzapatria, when we did the magazine here in Lecce, before embarking on the adventure of Urupia.
Then, a decade ago, a juvenile form of Parkinson's began to make his life difficult. In Bologna he had had installed in a dispenser electronic brain of dopamine (or something) without which it could hardly even walk: Can you imagine a beast of a man, a giant six feet tall who has holed out baskets half of his life and can not even dodge a rock, and stepped in front of the nails in the bathroom?
Together we have collected hundreds of comics, Ken Parker was our favorite. Paul loved the American Indians: he loved the oppressed, the exploited, the people - indeed, all beings - the weakest. So loved animals, as a veterinarian for years has been for us a reference point for a abandoned puppy a shot bird, a young injured fox, or to help with an injection to kill our gentle four-legged friends when life became for them only pain and suffering.
Every now and then came to Urupia with a kestrel, a quail, an owl, a tortoise or a Cervone, and release them in the bush or in the garden. In the garden of Urupia for years has helped to be born and grow hundreds of tortoises: the fire, herbicides, tilling soil will have become a species threatened with extinction. A Urupia, adults, there were over thirty, between males and females. You've ever seen when they make love? A show! In China, the symbol of passionate love. In the spring you could hear the chase in the grass, between bites, whining and tested on the armor: make a mess during mating that you can imagine.
Every time someone brings a sick turtle in his study, Paul took care of her, then took her to Urupia. During the summer, others were born twenty or thirty little turtles, and once a year, Paul released, in the great forest of a farm near Ostuni. It was a ritual, a feast, to which flocked many people with their babies. The chosen day was June 2, Liberation Day: the liberation of the turtles.
But his life had already become very difficult: the fucking machine that kept the head was coming every time of falling asleep. The sides of his car were marked by continuous streaks against the wayside. And we ask again: "Paul, stop! Do not drive anymore. "
But who stopped him, Paul? It was a forge, a volcano explosion of tireless plans, projects, dreams, visions and ideas. It has not even stopped the crash, in a van parked at the side of the road in mid-August than a year and a half ago.
More than half an hour to get him out from the wreckage, and more than a year and a half in building a bed, intubated, unable to move a hand or tell you whether or not the lips or eyes. And for a year and a half we have prayed that you stop, you let go, you give a little 'peace, a little' serenity.
We prayed. Not a normal god, that none of us has ever believed me at all, maybe love, or mercy or justice, or Anarchy.
And in the end someone or something has listened to our prayers: Paul is free, from 19 December. And if now he is somewhere, if they gave him the opportunity to choose where to pursue his absurd plans, projects How High, we are sure you have chosen the prairies of Manitou, along with Long Rifle and the Indians not to hunt bison, but to treat them.

Agostino Manni

We agree with the rhetoric of Agostino and comunarde of Urupia in tribute to a man and a good friend, lover, great friend, reader and critic, and speaker, and in many ways supporters of our magazine. "A" has been the backbone to our friendship. If crossing the finish line of 40 years, the magazine is still going thanks to the life and support of people like Paul and their warm humanity that accompanies us even after their death and continues to produce positive effects.

Aurora e Paolo