rivista anarchica
anno 41 n. 360
marzo 2011




Decrease. Featured in the 5th anarchist and libertarian publishing, to be held in Florence on dates yet to be established between September and October, one of two meetings / discussions will focus on the main theme of Degrowth and revolutionary ecology / libertarian. There will be some members of the anarchist and libertarian universe, or more generally of the grassroots and community struggles to defend the territory that in recent years increased across the entire Italian territory.
The organization of the event, open to all anarchist and libertarian universe really interested, see currently involved mainly the groups fellow CUSA / UmanesimoAnarchico and the Free University of decrease of Rome, in coordination with the libertarian collectives of the Florentine Vetrina itself to self-manage the organization as a whole. And the debate in question, still under development, are now envisaged four phases:

  1. The first phase started on this decrease, from the sense / meaning of the word itself, is too often obscured and unknown even within the same anarchist / libertarian in recent decades, however, is very open to the importance the ecological problem in the post-modern era.
  2. A second phase dedicated to a selection of concrete and daily practice in this direction can already begin to take effect from the domestic context until you get to the regional through urban spaces. And in fact, are already practiced and developed by different situations and individuals involved in the struggle over territory.
  3. A third phase would have the aim of highlighting the "non-neutrality" of the decrease, also trying to give back what may be the deeper meaning, theory and practice, this economic paradigm. That is to put radically into question, and in crisis, power systems and their existing structures, all belonging to the States and indeed much of their GDP to global capitalism as a carrier of myth and every day more decadent deleterious economic growth to infinite. This point in particular serves to return good also because you chose to make a meeting / debate on so important to showcase their anarchist and libertarian Degrowth publishing, stressing the possible points of agreement between the theory / practice or anarchism post-anarchism that is facing the third millennium, following the route of a major wind of change.
  4. Finally, a fourth and final time could focus on identifying a current context of struggle can take inspiration from which to go in a direction that combines all the issues and aspects covered during the meeting. This could be the experience of community and local struggles against high-speed trains, and particularly that of the Val di Susa, on which we focus the conclusion of the debate itself.
The contents of the meeting are always open to suggestions and modifications. We are currently looking for both speakers, both individuals and realities interested in participating in the debate, enriching, if this / they deem appropriate, including written materials.
Contact: CUSA – Umanesimo Anarchico, www.cusa.splinder.com, umanesimoanarchico@gmail.com.

Aversa / Mental Health Forum

On 14 and 15 January 2011, was held in Aversa (Caserta), at the Castello Aragonese, the VI Forum of Mental Health. The works, which were attended by representatives of many associations, committees, leagues of social cooperatives and trade unions have had the aim to identify effective strategies and practices for the closure of judicial psychiatric hospitals, and a glimpse of the role that mental health departments can and should turn in their place.
On the sidelines of the work, the Chairman of truth and justice for Franco. ... and never again!, prof. Giuseppe Tarallo, met with Senator Ignazio Marino (President of the Permanent Commission of Inquiry on the effectiveness and efficiency of the National Health Service) and he gave him the video of the horror which provides for the torture and harassment which have been submitted to the teacher anarchist, from the day of admission to his death occurred, in total abandonment, August 4, 2009, and an extensive documentation.
The two-day have been numerous testimonies of the suffering they see in the closure of mental OPG (Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals) a first step towards the creation of structures to prevent and reception worthy of the name. Senator Ignazio Marino, interviewed by local television, said he was "confident about the closure of the six OPG still operating in Italy and said that in surprise visits, carried out last year in several Italian towns, found the inhumane conditions in treatment of inmates. "From the institutional meetings at events throughout, the Committee for Franco has left no stone unturned in order to disclose a dramatic case as incomprehensible, in some respects unique in the world, occurred in a public facility.
The next hearing, a process that is expected to be very challenging, will be held March 22, 2011 at 9:30 am at the Court of Vallo della Lucania. Outside the court held a sit-in, sponsored by the comrades and friends of the Cilento teacher, and not to forget to ask that justice is done.

Angela Pagliaro



Archivio Pinelli. There is available the bulletin no 36 Archives G. Pinelli, of which we give the summary.
To receive hard copies (6.00 €, including shipping costs) use the c / c postale n. 14039200 made out to Centro Studi Libertari, Milan.
Remember that all previous issues of the Bulletin are free to download on our website (www.centrostudilibertari.it).

Our affairs
• Revolution? by A.sperimenti
• Spain 1936: the utopia becomes history and its. by Elis Fraccaro
• Forty years of A

Thesis and research
• The work of James C. Scott, or the art of not being governed, by Stefano Boni
• The only up in arms: Max Stirner's egoism, by Raul Mint Castel
• Migrants occupants: a case study in Milan. Michele Lembo

Historical memory
• Mikhail Osorgin and his Italian contacts, by Misha Tsovma
• Edouard Rothen alias Charles Hotz, by Antonio Senta
• Diego Moreno Giménez, an example of anarchist practice, by Marcolino of Jeremias

Editorial information
• Pour la vie of Alexandra David-Neel, by Emilio Bibini
• Photos of the Sûreté Durruti the KGB, Peter Masiello

Bibliographic Information
Biography of David Goodway written by himself

History in pictures
A film dedicated to Carlo Cafiero
edited by Ezio Aldoni and Massimo Lunardelli

Family Album
Franco Pasello

*Centro Studi Libertari / Archivio G. Pinelli*
via Rovetta 27, 20127 Milano
tel. 02 28 46 923 fax 02 28 04 03 40
e-mail: centrostudi@centrostudilibertari.it

Education. Introducing "Educazione Democratica", a magazine of political pedagogy.
This is a biannual journal of scientific pedagogical culture that relies on the synergy between the network (where it is available free and in full), and the traditional paper format (available on demand).
The first issue, online at http://www.educazionedemocratica.it contains a file called "Prison and human dignity, " while the second will contain one on the figure of Danilo Dolci.
"Educazione Democratica"is a magazine that aims to explore the link between authentic education, i.e. based on respect for real liberty and autonomy of all actors involved in educational processes, and a genuine democracy, i.e. a system in which all have real power, and not just rhetoric or limited to the formal ceremony, sporadic and increasingly unaware of the vote.
All the text of "Educazione Democratica" is licensed under a copyleft license.
"Educazione Democratica"is a magazine of Edizioni del Rosone of Foggia.
Director responsible is Paolo Fasce, journalist, Ludologica and support teacher, scientific director is Antonio Vigilante, a student of nonviolence, and libertarian pedagogy. The editorial staff is composed by Dimitris Argiropoulos, Maria Cecilia Averame, Francesco Cappello, Simona Ferlini, Alain Goussot, Andrea Pasqualini, Valeria Pire, Stefano Raia, Tiziana Zappatore (Italy); Agnese Pignataro (France), Barbara Bucci (Chile); Oriana Monarch White, Paul Victor (Brazil).
The editors share a Manifesto, published on the site and the first issue of the magazine.
The cultural directions along which the search for "Educazione Democratica" will develop are four:

• The tradition of anti-authoritarian and libertarian pedagogy, the Tolstoy experiment of Yasnaya Polyana to the proposals of deschooling by Illich and Reimer, and beyond;
• The tradition of secular and Educazione Democratica, by Dewey and Paulo Freire to our Lamberto Borghi and Piero Bertolini.
• training in the tradition of nonviolence, especially by Italian masters: Aldo Capitini, Danilo Dolci, Don Lorenzo Milani.
• the current international movement to more democratic education and the many attempts at alternative schools, by Subdury Valley Schools to democratic school in Hadera in Israel.

"Educazione Democratica" aims to make its contribution to the debate by offering educational essays and historical studies, analysis of innovative educational experiences, translations of foreign authors. Each issue will open with a special section devoted to political or social phenomena, in general, and analyzed by the educational point of view, or authors or experiences related to lines of research which has been said.
The cultural style is that of a critical pedagogy complemented by a critique of the critics, so to speak, that is a sobering analysis of those alternatives.


translation Enrico Massetti