rivista anarchica
anno 41 n. 360
marzo 2011


Training facilitator workshop
by Associazione Granara Ecologia


In times of climate change, economic crisis and depletion of representative democracy, what is the experience of violence?
In this context, those experiences inspired by an ecological approach, descending, equitable and participatory, as articulated power and conflict in their practice?
The assumption is that the power of nonviolence and conflict are two aspects inherent to the relationship and communication, that power is diffused and the conflict is not a negative term.
The facilitator intervenes to ensure that communication processes and internal decision-making are consistent with the principles and purposes of such experiences, to promote consensus-oriented decision-making methods to the management and nonviolent conflict resolution.
Who should be formed to this practice, we offer a fun-oriented path to nonviolence, to explore the facilitation seen as the art of tracing routes, sailing in rough seas, listen to the sirens and come out alive. Indeed, more alive!
The seminar is aimed at social and political activists, educators and social workers, trainers.

Program and Dates

L’arrivo a Granara dei corsisti è previsto per la sera del venerdì, entro la cena. La partenza è prevista per il tardo pomeriggio della domenica.
Ad agosto organizzeremo un training residenziale di più giorni dedicato alla facilitazione nelle realtà politiche di base, alla quale i partecipanti al seminario saranno invitati.

1st meeting, 30 April – 1 may 2011 (arrival for 29 April dinner)

• Elements for a contextualized reading of the communicative and relational dinamics
• The network as a form of collective interaction.
• The dynamics of conflict in nonviolent perspective.

2nd meeting, 21-22 May 2011 (arrival for dinner May 20)

• styles, techniques and tools for facilitation.
• The game experience as a trans-formative.

The arrival of the participants in Granara is scheduled for Friday evening, before dinner. The departure is planned for late Sunday afternoon.
In August we will organize a multi-day residential training facility dedicated to the basic political realities, to which the workshop participants will be invited.


The seminar is sponsored by G.eco (Granara Ecology Association) and hosted by the ecological village Granara (PR). Accommodation and meals will be at the Granara Barn. www.granara.org

Participants and Registration

The seminar is open to 20 participants. Participants are required to attend the entire seminar.
You are required to register by sending an email to chiatos@chiatos.org. Confirmation of registration is paying half the share of total enrollment by February 28, 2011 (details will be given by mail to interested parties).


Enrico Euli - Graduated in philosophy, systemic psychologist, nonviolence trainer since 1983. Is a researcher at the University of Cagliari, at which teaches methods of play and group work at the Faculty of Education. He has written, among others, "The dilemmas (beloved) of the Game" (2004) and "end of the world! Playing with the catastroph "(2007). He will oversee and present some of the background of the seminar.
Chiara Tosi - a degree in philosophy, systemic counselor, teacher of nonviolence. Collaborations with associations and educational projects on the themes of ecology, of the epistemological processes of knowledge, learning, relational dynamics, and participative decision-making group.
Arianna Pastorino - professional educator, systemic counselor, some years has been, as trainer and / or observers to investigate aspects of group communication and facilitation.
Emiliano Piredda - Graduated in peace operations, management and conflict mediation at the University of Florence, works on nonviolence training and training of groups of educators and entertainers.


Registration fee for the seminar: 70 € per meeting (total 2 matches: 140 €)
Contribution of Barn (accommodation and meals): € 35 per meeting (total of 2 meetings: 70 €)
G. ECO - Ecology Association Granara

G.ECO – Associazione Granara Ecologia


translation Enrico Massetti