This is a facsimile of the plaque that Empolese Committee for the Celebration of the Centenary of the death of Pietro Gori, would be affixed to center on the anniversary of the death of militant anarchist.
Empoli The Committee was formed in June 2010 with the approach of the anniversary, from fellow believers, and then expand the world of associations and labor, and has been characterized from the start with a request to place a commemorative plaque.
The initiatives of the Committee including: the creation of a dossier on the activities of the local presence of Gori and a commitment to longer-term view on a larger study on the presence of eight - of the twentieth-century anarchist movement in our area, the conference of February 5 to Empoli on the theme: "Thoughts rebels by Peter Gori to Fabrizio De Andrè" with the participation of partner Paolo Finzi, and the musical with songs by Gori and De Andrè, want to join in the many activities taking place for the occasion in all Italy, to remind the young at heart, and make known especially to the younger generation, thought, commitment, quality, human example of Gori with her figure and that of many others who now rarely found in political and social life .
Remember, that as human models to Gori to be a stimulus to breathe, to develop those higher values in humanity, the truest of solidarity, justice and freedom.

For the sake of humanity
Our initiatives do not want to be a simple act of celebration but want to relive it through his memory the timeliness and effectiveness of thought and action and overall Goriane anarchism, so that the example of our partner is a beacon of enlightenment for generations present and future.
As individual comrades we also wanted to simply express our affection to his companion and brother who both spent himself for the good of humanity. Newborn, the Committee has had several wild accessions of old friends and new supporters of free-thinkers, who immediately wanted to contribute to projects of the committee. For a better understanding of the Committee and its activities have created a web page: and a profile made up book. Where can I sign the petition to support the placement of the memorial.
The collection of signatures on the petition paper to overcome the 1000 accessions to show how the figure of Gori has now revived the enthusiasm, affection and love in a part of citizens aware, conscious and sensitive to what has been and is yet his figure for the social emancipation of the underprivileged.
All this bodes well for the success of the initiatives we're going to develop. The propaganda of the Committee, and direct contacts with the world of associations and cultural work, the widespread distribution of the dossier edited by Franco Bertolucci and magazines, the leaflets have been successful:
the almost complete adherence to the Committee of dell'Empolese houses of the people and the Val d'Elsa, the accession of the ARCI and Empoli Area leather and lower Valdarno, many local branches of the PNA, MSW basic committees and many workers , student, anti-fascists, antagonists, as well as many personalities of social and political life of our territory.
We had another manifestation of sincere affection to the people of Florence ANPI provincial party that was held at Empoli from November 31 to December 5, where for the duration, the space reserved for us was literally flooded with enthusiastic people who asking for information, materials and contacts for the future.
Nothing of secular worship
I wonder if this memorial to Peter Gori, will equal the one that occurred in Empoli 12 February 1912, organized by socialists and anarchists, which was given revolutionary approach, giving way to the socialist and anarchist Virgilio Mazzoni, Carlo Corsi to speak to a crowd ever seen. Who knows, but with words commonly repeated written and we want to say, as anarchists and as a committee that "we do not make this celebration as a kind of beatification or want to become an object of worship lay Gori, always distinguish the memory from idolatry" . Distinction that all the comrades in the series of commemorations have sought to stress.
For us, Gori, is an example of the ideal of a faith devoid of egoism and power, "a faith that wavers not, of a mind that does not bend," a pure conscience. Never mind that not everyone, even a few, share the sociological and political ideas of Peter Gori.
"Over and above the differences of party schools, is the unanimous aspiration for a future of freedom and justice, so we all work with different weapons, but with equal intent, this aspiration, and sang and sang with this aspiration workers in the days of joy and struggle, in the words of our Gori. Regardless of their propaganda and our commitment, and its activity specifically anarchist. "
On the side of the people
Pietro Gori was and is seen not only as the exponent of a current, but an example of consistency and fairness, values that many other schools would like to see in their leader, "but also the spokesman of the common sentiments of justice, rebellion, freedom not so much as the emblem of anarchy, but as the redemption of the poor, common people, the starving, the exploited, the excluded. "
"She threw herself headlong into the thickest of the battle at the head of thousands of disenfranchised oppressed instilling the spirit of solidarity, struggle, joy, excitement and festive releases, from one night to the great warrior beautiful sunrise, the sun of "
"Pietro Gori: the militant revolutionary, the lawyer of the poor, the poet of anarchy, the ideas renewal, as the figure of Christ, from the anarchist red shirt, the rebel scourge of the merchants of the temple, the wrongdoer biased, that burned mouths, like Moses, who refused Pharaoh's house for siding with the people for slave liberation by giving himself and what he had. "
"The image of the knight and fearless, the apostle of ideality sweet man, the poet of love, the message of social truth, the preacher of peace among the oppressed and the war against the oppressor."
"His experience, his work, interwoven in the labor movement from its origins at the center of political and organizational processes of great importance as the establishment phase of the Party of Italian Workers and the International Socialist Workers' and in the nineties. Observer, political activist whose vision of the revolutionary process was a long-term vision, a complex web organizational preparation and processing slow and deep. "
But for many it remains "The knight of anarchy" for the poor at the time, socially marginalized, suffered damage to their human dignity, betrayed by charlatans, was an immediate dream of redemption, redemption, a true and new life. "The Messiah of the idea" and the idea was the faith in the free world, a need, a hope, affectivity and collective struggle and shared.
"A band of light in the night time," a beacon of enlightenment for future generations.
For anarchists and fellow Tuscan Gori will never die and will always be a spark, the flame that burns in our hearts full of love and hope: the torch of anarchism. Gori will always be a true friend, companion, father, brother, great, I always feel close to us with his strength, his enthusiasm, his kindness, his words, his will and walk in our battles with us in our push towards new flags in the wind and bright horizons, toward utopia.
Then comrades come on! "We are rebel proud avenger, a world of peace and brothers work. And you anonymous, friends who stay, the truth that is propagated by strong social revenge that we will ask you for".