Berneri / Blow...
amazing review of the acts of a libertarian conference in Europe
dedicated to Camillo Berneri in 2007 (published in "A"
n. ° 365, October 2011). What are the most esteems the expertise
and very respectful and detached attitude towards measures
contained therein. A crescendo of judgment supported not only by
true scientific enthusiasm, but also by great tolerance, openness
and sensitivity to the libertarian debate, culminating in the use
of precise and unambiguous terms. With regard to my report, I
read such a "rough process of a historical point of view and
politically very questionable." Congratulations.
so jumpy? Antonio Senta, who signs the piece, said first that I
would blame to opt for "an interpretation of thought
berneriano the light of contemporary politics." Assuming
(but by no means granted), let me observe that any work quietly
"interprets" the author: it could not be otherwise.
Moreover, should he live Berneri "mummified"? It is not
the same review to bear the title "Why is it important (and
current) Camillo Berneri"?
at first sight, it is certain evidence against a unique job of
being "politically very questionable" because, listen,
listen, would aim to "contamination between anarchism and
realize the difficulty, but when it falls on slippery ground must
equip themselves with proper shoes. If he fears the
"contamination" is taken away from the "contagion".
Otherwise if not s'arrabbi opens the way. We therefore ask our
what he wrote. In these times dominated by a form of politics
that knows abstruse defined only for opposition (without
synthesis): the '"anti-politics", so fashionable today.
Conversely, once a popular saying that "everything is
political" and, on the other hand, feminists of the '70s
(and not without reason) came to argue that even "the staff"
were "political"! Mutatis mutandis, the Senta is
consistent: if anarchism has nothing to do with politics, if it
must always be "apolitical" or "anti-political",
then the uncomfortable political categories.
quite adequate to explain with words (especially in his speech)
where and why my report would be biased. The main problem is all
here: the definitions are not critical at all substantiated by
documented rebuttals and species. Then it gets worse and
unpleasant expressions - that should be avoided, however, a
priori - are then also free.
accuses me of "use different quotes Berneri to give value to
[my] theory." To him "it seems that the ideas,
sometimes clashing with each other, that Berneri developed in the
course of his militancy, continues to suffer a twist." But
there's also Giampietro Berti, who would offer "a reading
that pays the merciless fascination for Berneri regarded as the
founder and leader of an anarchist political science. " Of
course he "in his speech ... force the events of the
twentieth century and the activities within a theoretical
framework Berneri very questionable. " Look really wants to
support this? Then explain why, indicate where, refuting as well,
but for good reason!
too "seems" something. As often happens, the source of
the discomfort that triggers the polemic denouncing par in the
first and most elaborate argument. Senta wrote: "Berneri,
Berti remarks (...), would be the first to make a division
between value judgments and statements of fact, opening the door
to anarchy intended as a search for political solutions. This
interpretation is also central in the report by Stefano d'Errico.
that's the point. Look dear things first. I am convinced for some
time that higher education has left us Berneri is contained in
this sentence:
it is not the thing that you think that is the freedom, but the
way in which you think" (1).
is not a reflection isolated, because the lodigiano then written:
it is customary to make fun of fascist rhetoric. But we laugh at
the monkeys in front of a mirror "(2).
here is a link with this: even in times of political correctness,
the confusion between statements of fact and value judgments are
more valid than ever.
and practice of analysis are essential for the maturation of
Berneri consciousness and libertarian sensibilities, and that is
why I loathe ideologism exhibition, static and unchanging:
anarchist can not but detest the closed ideological systems
(theories that we call doctrine) and can not give a relative
value principles" (3). "I confirm it: I focus on the
principles it is neither hot nor cold, because I know that under
that name they are opinions. (...) I have principles and among
these is to never be impressed by reference to the principles.
(...) The man who "went on the principles of" take
deductive reasoning, the more barren and more dangerous. The man
who starts with an examination of the facts in order to formulate
the principles adopted inductive reasoning, which is the only
truly rational "(4).
he wrote, of course, not because they had principles (for he has
given to the principles of life), but because he could not stand
- as in the case of abstention, which criticized its in
principle, finding it to be valid absolute - that becoming
confused with the principles and methods that the latter
withdrawn from the trial, then became immovable. The Lodi could
not stand the superficiality botched and possessed of the
neophytes and the complacency of some doctrinaire anarchism:
are devoid of political consciousness in the sense that we have
no awareness of current problems and we continue to dilute
solutions obtained from our literature of propaganda. We
avveniristi, and that's it. (...) It's time to end with formulaic
complicated by pharmacists, who can not see beyond their jars
filled with smoke, it's time to stop talkers who get drunk with
the public good sounding phrases, is the time finish it with the
simplistic, which have three or four ideas nailed in the head and
act as the vestal wisp distributing excommunications of the Ideal
us there is a vulgar, difficult to make new music to new ears,
which settings to problems and solutions opposes vague utopian
drawings and crude demagogic tirades. Because those four ideuzze,
gleaned in large books or pamphlets didactic misunderstood, in
cervelluccio idle and they were crouched standard there, the
warmth of an easy rhetoric that claims to be a faith full of
solar power, while it is not that smoky little fire " (6).
you are not the architects of their own beliefs, if you do not
accept that high form of "secularism" (experimental)
inherent in the autonomy of thought and intellectual honesty, you
end up convinced of one thing only because others are saying:
according to some sociologists, the question (not thought out)
opinion of the "pack" (any pack). On the contrary:
must keep that set of generic principles that form the basis of
his thought and nourishment of his passionate action, but must
learn to face the complicated mechanism of modern society without
glasses and without undue attachments doctrinal integrity of his
faith "(7).
was working on a program:
best, by Malatesta Fabbri, fail to resolve the questions that we
ask, offering solutions that are political. The political
calculation and creation of forces which realize an approximation
of reality to the ideal system, using formulas of agitation, and
the polarization of accommodation, suitable to be agitating,
polarizing and sistematizzanti in a given social and political
actualist anarchism, conscious of his strength and fighting
spirit of construction and hostile forces, romantic heart and
realistic with the brain, enthusiastic and able to stall,
generous and able to condition their support, capable, in short,
a ' economy of forces here is my dream. And I hope he is not
alone "(8).
wanted to put a socially anarchism and "inside" the
is the traveler who goes through the streets of the story, and
fight with men who are built with stones, and that gives his age"
he also wrote the "worst":
company can not fully satisfy the needs of individual freedom.
The will of the majority is not always compatible with that of
minorities. Any form of politics presupposes the subordination of
minorities. So authorities. Escaping the authorities is to flee
the company. Diogenes in the barrel can be an individual, a
people needs of the city "(10).
was perhaps for this reason a Democrat tout court, or worse, an
"authoritarian"? The thing is more complex:
by the approach seems to me it appears, never identified, because
this would be stasis, freedom and authority. As principles. As
facts, freedom and authority are to one another as truth and
error, as entities that differentiate and identify, in the
historical process "(11). "The a priori denial of the
authority resolves to a angelicarsi men and in an impetuous
development of a collective genius, almost inherent to the
revolution, which is called popular initiative (...) The problem
of representation, the problem of inter-relationships The problem
of subrogation of the state: all this has solutions or strictly
partial or totally inadequate or outdated because optimistic
there is a definite gap between authority and authoritarianism.
summary, here is the difference between "anarchy" and
'"anarchism" (the idea and its political form):
anarchist understands that you act in the history of the people
to be aware that much that can be understood and to act, pointing
to the immediate goals, interpreting, and general real needs,
responding to feelings and common living. (...) The story is
opposition and synthesis. Anarchism, if he wants to act in
history and become a big factor in history, must have faith in
anarchy, as a possibility is realized in its social progressive
approximations. Anarchy as a religious system (every ethical
system is religious by nature) is a "truth" of faith,
then by its very nature, evident only to those who can see.
Anarchism is more alive, more vast, more dynamic. He is a
compromise between the idea and fact, between today and tomorrow.
Anarchism proceeds in a polymorphic way, because it is in life.
And its deviations themselves are finding a better route "(13).
is then
anarchist who believes anarchy and, even more, anarchism"
this not the explicit references to politics?
the problem: people used to live militancy (and politics) in
religious terms, so as to confuse the politicians '(or'
politicism ") with politics tout court, could not believe
self-government of the polis (as an eminently political that
Senta then cites contradictory as "antidote" to the
policy itself). Who thinks so, risks, past and present, of
believing "the most anarchic of all." But it is only an
"anarchy" metaphysics, which should (and could) be done
without program, without political forms and without the project
(ie without herself anarchy "immaterial").
who think so, because it is essentially used to think that
judgments of fact and value judgments are interchangeable.
Therefore necessarily sees those who speak of the attitude of
political anarchism "political mediation" the most
cheesy, the ability to go through strength "from the field
of reform as possible" (never heard of the difference
between gradualism and reformism?), And then launched the
anathema. Hence the conspiracy, the process of clues. Listen, I
want to "political activity of government (...) from the
mediation between conflicting interests", which will result
in nothing less than "the extinction of anarchism"!
What would be the way instead? But of course, "self-government
of men and women, that is, direct democracy, that
self-management" ... Gosh! And there are forms of politics?
review of a book can not be less argumentative with a song of
Nomads (who identified clearly what is negative in the politics
of conformism, of the state delegation and absolute, "which
is just a career").
great task of anarchism is to work against the autonomy of
politics, against the ingrained idea that the end justifies the
means, against a policy that denies ethical guidance.
this does not entitle to confuse means with ends, to rise in the
same way as the methods of immutable principles. The love and
hate politics of the ruling does not allow to make this the only
possible policy. The ethical appeal, because priority can not be
abstract and idealistic. It is however clear declines in history
(and even in politics) is called ethics of responsibility.
Berneri wrote:
with people is easy if it is to scream: Viva! Down! Next! Long
live the revolution! - Or if it is simply to fight. But there
comes a time when all wonder: What do we do? You have to have an
answer. Not to be leaders, but because the crowd did not create
them "(15).
this relates to the need for a project, because the revolution is
not (can not) the regeneration or, for anarchists, the equivalent
of a coup (so you need to consider the level of consciousness and
'aging' of civil society). Ergo, you need a humanistic approach:
with regard to tolerance, the right moral and political profit
agree. (...) Tolerance is a concept uniquely ours, when you do
not mean by this term the indifference. Anarchism is the
philosophy of tolerance "(16).
revolution can not be done 'ex parte', because no political
movement will never be alone on the stage of the revolution (as
verified by the Spanish anarchists, despite being the strongest),
and here is the problem, purely political alliances (which
Berneri, as everyone knows, for example, worked hard with the
Rosselli brothers).
to the criticism (which Berneri received in abundance), comforted
him a sentence of Malatesta, whose cropping (collecting and
cataloging system widely used by Lodi), jealously preserved:
is not more anarchic retired without saying, more or less frank
and elegant, and those who feel anarchism is that even if the
interpretation of anarchism was the only tactic of his opinion"
is so unorthodox to dignify the 'revisionism' in the anarchist
do not fear that word revisionism, which is thrown at us by the
outraged orthodoxy, because the word of the masters is to know
and be understood. But too much we respect our elders, to put
them in their theories, snarling Cerberus, almost as holy arks,
almost as dogmas. The ideology of authoritarianism 'ipse dixit
that do not recognize it as a plot of common ideals reasons, not
as a pattern to develop in mere popularizations "(18).
your thoughts berneriano is not mandatory, but it certainly does
not make you a good service, passing it to an Orthodox ...
I Berneri quotes I provided (and in my work each is marked by a
note). The appearance of Senta (and maybe even a couple of books
that documented the thought of Lodi will be certainly less
"gross" of mine).
Stefano d’Errico (Roma)
C. Berneri,
L’ateismo di propaganda,
da “L’Adunata dei Refrattari”, N. Y. 1.2.1936.
C. Berneri, Della
demagogia oratoria (II), da “L’Adunata
dei Refrattari”, N. Y. 7.3.1936, riportato fra i testi di
complemento nell’edizione curata da P. C. Masini di C.
Berneri, Mussolini grande attore,
Ed. dell’Archivio Famiglia Berneri, Comune di Pistoia, 1983.
C. Berneri,
Astensionismo e anarchismo,
da “L’Adunata dei Refrattari”, N.Y. 25.4.1936.
C. Berneri, I
principii, da “L’Adunata dei
Refrattari”, New York 13.6.1936.
C. Berneri,
Anarchismo e federalismo. Il pensiero di
Camillo Berneri, da “Pagine
libertarie”, Milano 20.11.1922.
C. Berneri, Per
un programma d’azione comunalista,
manoscritto del 1926 rimasto inedito sino al 1964.
C. Berneri,
Anarchismo e federalismo. Il pensiero…,
C. Berneri, Per
un programma d’azione comunalista,
C. Berneri,
Sovietismo, anarchismo e anarchia,
da “L’Adunata dei Refrattari”, N. Y. 15.10.1932.
C. Berneri, La
concezione anarchica dello Stato,
inedito incompiuto del 1926, conservato presso Archivio Famiglia
Berneri – Aurelio Chessa (ABC), Reggio Emilia.
C. Berneri,
Libertà ed autorità,
in “Fede!”, Roma 22.6.1924.
C. Berneri, Per
un programma d’azione comunalista,
C. Berneri,
Sovietismo, anarchismo e anarchia,
da “L’Adunata dei Refrattari”, N. Y. 15.10.1932.
C. Berneri, Gli
anarchici e G. L., da “Giustizia e
Libertà”, Parigi 6.12.1935.
C. Berneri, In
margine alla Piattaforma, da “Lotta
umana”, nella serie “Discussioni anarchiche”, 3.12.1927.
C. Berneri, Della
tolleranza, da “Fede!”, Roma
presente nella “Raccolta di articoli sul pensiero degli
anarchici classici”, presso l’Archivio Famiglia Berneri –
Aurelio Chessa (ABC), Reggio Emilia.
C. Berneri, Per un
programma d’azione comunalista, cit.

Genova, 15 ottobre 2011 (foto di Silvia Lippi)
answer / over and out
Stefano d'Errico,
answer willingly and in a quiet, deliberately ignoring the acid
tone of your letter.
try to explain again: by reading this volume of the proceedings
of the conference I emphasized those aspects of any relationship
which, in my modest way of looking you could focus the attention
of the reader. As for your assistance, I remain convinced that
from a historical point of view (and a convention of historical
studies it) is not correct to proceed with the method that you
use, or starting an argument on the condition that would pay
today 'Anarchism, trying to prove it by putting together events,
places and times different from each other. In your case, the
initial theory is that "there is a question of anarchism in
the world - more or less conscious - which is not an 'offer'
adequate. The Remains of the libertarian movement is unable to be
present for some time to himself because of the marginalization
caused by an ossified dogmatism "(p. 150 of your essay).
from this starting point, in the writings of Berneri excavations
in search of the factors of identification between anarchism and
politics. This term is often difficult to understand each other,
perhaps now even more popular since the term "anti-politics".
In my review I meant, and I mean even now, politics as a synonym
for "government", ie as opposed to the term "social"
as the term "self" or "self". Distinction
that is the heritage of the libertarian movement by the Congress
of Saint Imier of 1872 and which I think is one of the reasons
for the enduring relevance of anarchism. I can be free to have
that opinion?
your research on the texts of the work of assembling fragments
Berneri, both those published as the ones he deliberately
unpublished (drafts, sketches and so on. Some of them "trash"),
written at different times and in particular historical contexts
very distant between them. What comes out are not your words, nor
those of Berneri, but a complete contamination of paintings and
historical ideals also very far apart. That's why I'll confirm
that for me this is a crude way to proceed from a historical
point of view and distorting historical facts in the light of its
own policy of the conviction, and therefore, absolutely partial
and particular. This is what I think, is always permissible to
express divergent views and criticism from yours.
two points (as we dance, dance), the first woman minister in
1917, Kollontai was not the Montseny (p. 198). The text of The
antisocial is actually Guccini, then also sung by the Nomads, but
this is really a trifle.
I wish that this controversy would end here, because I think there
are clear terms of understanding and perhaps even a clear
comparison, but potential factors for the escalation of the
dialectic between us. Ciao.
Antonio Senta