Movements debate But it moves by Federico Battistutta Continues from last issue, the debate on the movement, violence, angry, network, etc.. |
The starting point is condensed into consideration that the demonstration on October 15 in Rome is a focal point for the future of the next thing to understand all of reality, substance and significance, while persevering to call it generically as 'movement'. "What movement?", Question troubled commentators, politicians, bankers and judges. October 15 is an important date for this new reality, not only because the Roman event was found inscribed in a global network - being established and increasingly wealthy - of protest and planning an alternative to the aberrant results of economic domination and financial world, but that has finally pull out thousands and thousands of women and men, belonging to very different segments of society, outside the initials of parties and institutions. It was a process multitudinario, a multicolored patchwork that has finally seen alongside school and college students, temporary workers from various sectors, metal workers, middle class in the process of impoverishment, migrants, borgatari Enrages, villagers no-pi and more yet. It was a happy exercise of direct democracy and horizontality of practice. Happy year, although spring, to be pursued, therefore, with critical intelligence, as well as with patient and quiet passion. Moreover, there is no other viable road today except this: meet, learn, discuss, at length and without haste, should circumstances so require. It is the only way - we should repeat - we know and grow: horizontal, self-managed, shared, without authority, in the perception of diversity as a creative force, rich and powerful, not reducible to the schemes of delegation to officers of the party or any institution . This we have seen and appreciated in the events dell'acampada Spanish and movement 'occupy Wall Street', which should therefore be practiced by us, and not only in the forum of the network or in social networks, but in vivo comparison between living people, because of This is especially needed today.
But the Roman event was also marked by conflict and violence, and we know we saw it. The most sensible remarks on the old Valentino Parlato has made the "manifesto", in the aftermath of the parade. The report and endorse in its entirety: "Better if it were not, but in the current context, with youth unemployment rates at the top historians, it was inevitable that there were. I would add is good, there have been instructive. They are signs of the urgency out of a mind that is the continuation of a past not be repeated. " A cold and the light of the above, we can add a couple of considerations. Of course, any movement in the streets, in every historical juncture, had its violent expressions, we have always been and always will be. But do not just stop with such arguments. Worthy of note is what he wrote about Bifo (always on the "manifesto"), noted: "I go among violent psychopaths and for the simple reason that there is more acute the disease we suffer from any" clear, just beyond that is not stopping there on the threshold of a share in empathetic, but that "our duty is to invent a more effective form of violence, and to invent it now." Something more effective than violence, then. The urgency is all mentioned in the fact that the violent tendencies of October 15 may be primarily a factor of internal division that threatens to shatter the mosaic DIY patiently and still far from finished. This is not about to do-gooders, or to bestow excommunications. To put it another way: the violent segments of the procession were a form of over-determination, equal and opposite to the surreptitiously conveyed by others, for example Vendola and his party, the latter, made with the intention, far that virgin, autoeleggittimarsi as a representative of the entire protest movement. Still. In front of the clashes there are those who reported a lack of organization, invoking the reassuring presence of some service order to protect the most. There would be the worst choice in this matter, nor do we need the Red Army in the sixteenth as in the recent past (from the katanghesi white overalls). There is instead to reaffirm to the bottom of the horizontal and anonymous instance of one who stands up and wakes up, finally giving form, by trial and error, to his dream. Not only that the violence, spectacularly (Debord docet) replicated by the media, threatened to overshadow evidence that, despite being under the eyes of all, is not sufficiently perceived and therefore reported as such: the contemporary society that is violent perpetual exploitation, injustice and social misery, and at the same time systematically looting and hurts the environment. This kind of awareness must be made visible and extended (and the national media do not support such work, in fact). Violent, to give just one example, is the impressive gap between the pay of some super manager (s Marchionne or flounder on duty) and the wages of thousands of workers, casual workers and not, whose situation is increasingly precarizzando. There is another point in the margin, which is worth noting: the political events of our house have occurred after October 15 are significantly changing the character and orientation of the protest. To put it bluntly: the end of Caesarism Berlusconi marks, after the fall of the other satrapies Mediterranean (Mubarak, Ben Ali, Gadaffi), the dismissal by management in a last resort and Levantine provincial power and the economy, no longer compatible with the demands of an increasingly globalized world. Today, Europe is in crisis governs on behalf of the ECB (Papademos in Greece and, of course, mountains in Italy). Now what will the antiberlusconiani aficionados? What will the regular readers of "Done daily," the purple people, the movement of Cricket, once completed the festivities and toast to the downfall of the rais of Arcore, before the measures of the Cabinet Mountains? They, too, admire the ascetic face and gait Calvinist new premier (eight out of ten Italians Approves New Executive Shout "The Republic"), believing hours just and equitable orders themselves instead judged unfair and unpopular if they come from Berlusconi from his circus?
The agora is being established should be prepared - starting from the particular, from the local, the specificity of each, in a word, the art of listening and of themselves - and shared platforms credible. Some people, just to mention examples, priority will judge the question of work and income, the problem of housing people who protect Social Security, who the expansion of civil rights, the defense of the common people, who environmental protection, the right people to study and learn, who develop the potential of the Web. There are many possible routes of entry: this is democracy. Let's start from here, each with its own story to tell. "The personal is political", they said it a bit 'of years ago (ie the last century ...). It is not an easy job, we are aware, but the fact is, there is no other side to play. Rightly, there is that question: what can bring together workers in the entertainment of the Teatro Valle borgatari busy with a theater that probably have never set foot there? Yet even there, as elsewhere, is found to be viable. The reconstruction of these cards will give us back the whole of life, management of space and finally our time, against a worldview ammorbante, focusing on economic growth without end, with the sole objective to be pursued with obstinacy the profit and any price , both leading to tragedies such as Fukushima (the first release of the new environment minister Clini, was in favor of nuclear power and GMOs) or outcome of the Goldman Sachs Financial delusions (of which Monti was estimated consultant). Slavoj Žižek has written that these days there are those who prefer to think it is coming out of this world rather than admit that we are at the end of capitalism (as opposed to, add: if anything, is the development of capitalism, which can result in a fine the world). Pace of Marxist theories of crisis and collapse, this is a reasonable prospect of which measure up and carrying on. What is next?