rivista anarchica
anno 40 n. 9
dicembre 2010-gennaio 2011

Italian summary


*** To the readers / Here we Are
Paolo Finzi Fatti & misfatti / That kiosk that no longer exists
Gianni Sartori Fatti & misfatti / A memory of Alex Langer
Angelo Tirrito Fatti & misfatti / About land, Capital and labor
Enrico Massetti Rassegna libertaria / Silvio seen from Stoccolma
Walter Pistarini Rassegna libertaria / The gabbiere Fabrizio De André
72 papers... how boring!
Adriano Paolella Libertarian Home? Ecological and self-made
Adriano Paolella The libertarian city? Lightweight and small
Agostino Manni The signornò of the non submissive
Alessio Lega The music, where was the music?
Amedeo Bertolo Thus was born “A”
don Andrea Gallo Anti-fascist and anarchist Faith
Andrea Papi What are useful for the anarchists?
Andrea Staid On the new anarchism
Angelo Pagliaro The libertarian South and the challenge of modernity
Antonio Cardella From “Il Mondo” to “A”
Arturo Schwarz Art and Anarchy
Carlo Milani Freedom in the Age of Networks
Carlo Oliva The word as a tool of enslavement or liberation
Chiara Lalli Always a right more and more denied: abortion
Claudio Albertani Mexico forever
Claudio Lanza Spain 1936 between myth and project
Colby Gioia, Innocenti tubes and anarchy
Corrado Stajano I have never forgotten
Cosimo Scarinzi Union practices of various kinds
Cristina Valenti “A” and theater. A double birthday?
David Guazzoni Libertarian education on the street
Davide Turcato Feelings and method: the lesson of Errico Malatesta
Diego Giachetti Soundtracks of “bad music”
Domenico Liguori Breaking down the domain. Building freedom
Dori Ghezzi A beautiful dream to be delivered to the future
Elena Violato Not one, but many revolutions
Fabio Santin Fabio Santin for the forty years of Arivista.
Fausta Bizzozzero A bookstore called Utopia
Federico Battistutta Anarchy and religion
Felice Accame The deception of the words
Filippo Trasatti The free community in friendship
Francesca Palazzi Arduini Funny, wise, militants, educational, modern priest-eaters
Francesco Codello Libertarian education today
Franco Bertolucci Memory and history: some thoughts
Fulvio Abbate My diorama. Best wishes to the world.
Furio Biagini The Jewish Anarchists (And especially the Jews women)
Gaia Raimondi Anarchy of the communication
Gianni Alioti Trade union rights and power of the Corporate
Gianni Mura Fun and Freedom
Gianni Sartori Independentisms and anarchisms
Gianpiero Bottinelli and Edy Zarro With “A” the anarchists came back to Lugano
Gianpiero Landi Topicality of Luce Fabbri
Gianpietro “Nico” Berti A substantial ideal consistency
Giorgio Barberis Why Italy sucks
Giorgio Bezzecchi Fabrizio i leskero ovi rom
Giorgio Sacchetti «Mussolini is a bucaiolo who sends people to bed without dinner ...»
Giucas Falchetto Patchinko (Radio Bandita) Free radios and market logic
Lalli I have a dream
Lorenzo Guadagnucci The gauntlet of power
Luciano Lanza A massacre Forty years long
Luigi Balsamini Small archives are growing
Marco Pandin Those were years of vinyl and magnetic tape
Maria Matteo Before it's too late
Marianne Enckell Des anarchismes et des anarchistes au XXIe siècle
Mariella Bernardini On the brink of a Nervous Breakdown
Massimo Ortalli Strong emotions and incoercible passions
Massimo Varengo Our country is the whole world
Maurizio Antonioli Historiography: an open budget
Milena Magnani We, the desaparecidos of the same city
Monica Giorgi The letter from the passion
Nadia Agustoni Responsibility of the word
Nicoletta Vallorani “Puu-tii-uuit?”, or the silence that screams
Persio Tincani News of anti-clericalism
Pino Cacucci My anarchy
Pippo Gurrieri A magazine to study (and spread)
Rossella Di Leo The bulky ballast of tradition
Sergio Onesti Prison no thanks
le comunarde di Urupia Trails in Urupia
Valentina Volonté The project and its pitfalls
Valeria Giacomoni First step, human relations
Walter Siri Forty years of anarchy in Bologna
Zelinda Carloni Clipboard on the concrete utopia
40 years. 358 covers
*** Our covers
Interview to an editor of “A”
Adriano Paolella Interview to Paolo Finzi / (my) life from a to “A”
2616 collaborators. Not bad
*** If 2.616 names seem to be few
Alfredo López Casella Postale 17120 / En recuerdo de Nerio Casoni
Monica Giorgi Casella Postale 17120 / La D’Addario victim? / Replica
Tiziana Montanari Casella Postale 17120 / anticlericali Meetings 1 / Botta...
Francesca Palazzi Arduini Casella Postale 17120 / anticlericali Meetings 2 / ... and answer
*** Our black funds / Subscriptions.
On the cover and inside: Anarchik designed by Roberto Ambrosoli.
The circled “A”s present in this number of “A” are from the volume A-cerchiata.
Storia veridica ed esiti imprevisti di un simbolo
, Eléuthera editrice, Milano 2008.


Redazione e amministrazione
Editrice A cas. post. 17120
20170 Milano
telefono ++39 02 2896627
fax ++39 02 28001271
email: arivista@tin.it

Responsabili ai fini di legge
Fausta Bizzozzero

Ricerca iconografica e impaginazione su carta
Erre & Pi - Milano

Versione On Line a cura di Cati Schintu, Alex Steiner, Edy Zarro.

Edizione in lingua inglese a cura di Enrico Massetti

Registrazione al tribunale
di Milano in data 24.2.1971 al n.72

Nel catalogo internazionale delle pubblicazioni periodiche
la rivista è classificata con ISSN 0044-5592

Bytes riciclati al 100% (copertine incluse) :-)

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(Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana)

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