rivista anarchica
anno 41 n. 359
febbraio 2011

to the readers

our bet

Budget. Every year, these days, we track the money spent last year. We have done so far both on columns "A" as well as sending to distributors and subscribers a printed paper. From this year we limit to these notes in the journal. Last year the magazine published, as usual, 9 numbers, for a total of 1,208 pages, over 400 pages more than in 2009, the year-record (so far) to the foliation. They have certainly helped the two "special" numbers, the summer ("A" 355, 180 pages) and "winter" ("A" 358, 260 pages), but also the other numbers that now never have less than 100 pages . The average circulation was around 4,200 copies per month, of which 800 copies go to subscribers and / exchange, 2500 for some 180 distributors scattered throughout Italy ... We do not have reliable data on the copies sold, but a total estimated sales about 2 / 3, for a total of about 2,800 copies sold, for a total (estimated) of nearly 6,000 readers, who doubled considering the users of the online version in Italian. And now we shall begin to count those who read the online version in English ... Between direct sales, subscriptions, libraries, bookstores, etc.. they cover less than half of the expenses: increasing because the production of special issues and frequent dossier (only last year: Pietro Gori, anarchist anti-fascism, anti-clerical meetings) are involving a lot.

The cash deficit of of "A" increases every year (at the end of 2009 was € 48,000 at the end of 2010 rose to over 70,000 €), but our bet, as well as our weighted decision over the decades, has always been to not reduce the quality of the magazine (and the number of pages), pointing instead to increased sales and subscriptions. It is an increasingly difficult challenge, we can win only if many of you will to do in a more classic and obvious (put hands in their pockets) as well as subscriptions for friends, going from a normal subscriber to supporter, contacting newsstands and bookstores willing to start selling "A", promoting dinners, benefit-concerts and other activities in support of "A ".

English. Thanks to the great efforts made by Enrico Massetti, a comrade who has been part of the circle of "A " in the early years of the magazine and which recently resumed contact, the last two issues of our magazine, the dossier Lady liberty Miss Anarchy (to Fabrizio De André) and our other materials have been fully translated into English and are now available and downloadable on our website and / or on a website maintained by Enrico. This is a really beautiful thing, that widens considerably the number of our readers and even more so as they expand, when this opportunity of reading will be known throughout the world. Being English the international language par excellence, it is clear to everyone what kind of consequences has the commitment - absolutely free and spontaneous – of Enrico. A statement in English, published regularly in the first inside cover precisely from this number, gives an account of this good news.

Pasello. On November 14, at the Torchiera House in Milan, we remembered with a feast - as he wanted - Franco Pasello, our companion and friend, and maximum distributor of "A " throughout our history, who died just over a month before . So many people and gypsy music, joy and sadness, testimonies and food: a mixture of great humanity. The way he was. As we announced at that meeting, we are collecting evidence on him, his activities, especially descriptions of meetings with him, as in the square in front of North Station, to eat his pizza or to talk of anarchy or attending a Roma camp We already gathered a bit, but we know that hundreds of people have crossed him and whould have something to tell for sure: even briefly, even a few sentences. Until the end of April you can send your testimony via e-mail, fax, letter. Then collect all in a big summer issue ("A" 365, July / September) and will publish these accounts and his photos (and anarchic situation of Roma and Sinti). It will be our way to do a little live again among us, in his family anarchist.

Franco Pasello
(photo Ivana Kerecki, thanks
to Fabrizio Casavola)

Birthday pArty. As announced on the back cover, on February 24 we will be in the ARCI circle "La Scighera"(which in Milanese dialect means "The fog") to celebrate the 40th anniversary of "A". To enter you must have the 2011 ARCI card (cost € 12.00) - card which can then be used year-round in the national circuit of the ARCI and that entitles you to discounts and promotions.
There will be musical moments, the possibility of taking a drink and / or eat (and drink), a bit of speaches and the inevitable debate. But mostly it will be an opportunity to spend some time together, cheerfully, we in the editorial team, many collaborators and (hopefully) many readers and friends of "A". For more info, visit the Scighera site close to the date. For late May / early June is expected another party, provided for the 40 years of "A", this time with lunch in a restaurant in the Romagna. Open to all without cards. On the next issue will communicate the exact date and other information.

358. The last "special" Number of "A" has not gone unnoticed, because of its size (no doubt), but also for its contents.
Due to the end of year festivities, and also (we have received numerous reports about it) because of its size (it does not enter in the mail boxes, for example) are often late arriving. Subscribers who have not received yet know that from the 20th day of cover months (from 20 December last, in this case) they could ask for (re) dispatch. If you have not already done so, do so (and this applies to all editions of the magazine).
Of "A" 358 we printed a lot "more" copies, believing that its distribution can continue over time and does not stop with the release of the next issue (this, of course). This is a special thing, like a book (or maybe more), to be offered or give to friends and acquaintances, people who have curiosity about our ideas and our history. If you want more copies, please contact us.

Many have written their appreciation for the last number. In the next issue we will give an account. Here we only publish a poetry that was sent us from San Casciano Val di Pesa (Florence) by Alberto Ciampi, comrade and friend, among the editors of the nice magazine ApArte:

I saw it again and I reviewed myself
four decades later
to distribute it
at the gate
of the Technical institute "L. da Vinci "in Florence
with an Alfa Romeo with the police
also consistently
at the gate.
They have never bought it
but it was clear that they were interested
@guri for our/your forty
beautifully taken

Alberto Ciampi