rivista anarchica
anno 41 n. 360
marzo 2011

Politics / 2

A season of late empire
by Antonio Cardella

If we look around, we record only rubble. The so-called participatory democracy seems a land devastated by a disaster.


Even if when young we had studied better and more, if we had then applied more scrupulous with our principles in everyday practice, we would not be so well able to inflict blows both seated at the political-economic system of the bourgeoisie in our house, and beyond, than they have managed their real or alleged supporters.
If we look around, we record only rubble: with regard to public institutions of so-called participatory democracy, let the feelings of those who cross a land devastated by a natural disaster, in which the survivors wander bewildered looking for shelter without using a compass indicating the direction to take.
Judge for you too.
The parliament, which should dictate the even minimal rules of social life, is reduced to a mercenary camp, part of which, the majority, do obey a master who subsidizes them, asking in return absolute and blind loyalty, and the rest, helpless and resigned, says the old aspirations of the time in which many things could be and yet not have been done, pour crocodile tears after having swallowed all the frogs of a monolithic party that has degraded the role of parliamentarians elected in the functional logic of bureaucratic service equipment. The result is that the place to establish the rules of national coexistence has become a smelly swamp in which the worms made by all splashing handful of hired without honor or dignity and of the representatives of a middle class tear regimented and resigned, epigone tragic of a presumed liberal tradition always claimed and never really achieved.

The responsibilities of the judiciary

As for the executive, the corridors of power have been reduced to places where prostitution explicit chairman of the board, sick in body and mind, with attempts to revive with artifacts degrading performances as an eager and frustrated teenager, with the complicity of old eunuchs who procure and manage armies of little women more or less young, who just want to solve in one night the survival of at least one month, at the expense of a depressive and visibly decayed manic.
The show, which now the political class offers to the country - which, in turn, to a certain extent is an accomplice - is a season to the late Roman Empire in which all have a perception of irreversible decline, and release their inhibitions to drink until the bottom of the cup of licentiousness and degradation. Thus, while poverty is growing in the country, the powers of the State conflict between them as survivors who compete for a life raft.
So even debris on the judiciary - the third of powers - and not only because of the ambiguity that has always characterized - strong with the weak, weak with the strong - but also for helping to block the same bourgeois law, stuffed with determining complicity of the legislative power to an impressive, unique among the most advanced countries in the legal culture of mandatory rules, often contradictory, always to be interpreted and, therefore, with great deal of flexibility, which discharge their repressive loads on the weak links of society. Hence the loopholes in the order, such as, for example, the push and pull on the terms of prescription, of which take advantage the usual suspects to get away. So - to quote one of the most striking cases - Andreotti, who was organic to the Sicilian Mafia until the eighties, but the offense has lapsed, then stopped the proceedings and so the message of his complete innocence has passed.
But on the growth and pervasiveness of the various forms of organized crime mafia - who have long passed the Italian borders and spread throughout the European continent and crossed the ocean - the Italian justice has a special responsibility. Guilty it would not understand in time that the mafia was the ivy growing around the trunk of the State System, that without the complicity of state institutions (and the Church) the mafia (and later the Camorra, the 'Ndrangheta, and so on ) would have difficulty getting the sap to grow up so violently in uncontested control of entire territories of Southern Italy and pollute the nation's economy, making the foul air of a society, altering the social relations, multiplying up to make them endemic, the compromises over the most despicable and shameful complicity.
Since the fifties, especially in Sicily, it was so obvious the exchange vote, which allowed the Mafia to be massively represented in public institutions, it would not have been difficult, then, to combat the problem since its beginning, if the judiciary did not shown to be deaf to all calls that came from those who were most exposed to combat in the trenches: the Chambers of Labour at the time of land occupation (1946/47), then the left and the most advanced and most militant union.
In short, there are few responsibilities of the judiciary if this Italy has moved from the Andreotti season to the Craxi one, to unfortunately land in the Berlusconi season, in which all the devils by one ever realized unity are maddeningly manifested.

Concern and confidence

Let's be clear: we are light years away from thinking that the political systems that are based on the presence of the state are able to address and solve problems related to a coexistence of free and equal. However, there are limits of decency in any form of civil society that should not be exceeded, to avoid the drift of all against all barbaric, a drift that prevents the exchange of ideas than to exacerbate self-interest and raise the level of conflict.
So it is undisputed that we will not tore our clothes for the apparent collapse of the system on which it stands currently Berlusconi's Italy and Bersani (only to indicate the two poles of the majority and opposition).
But we must say frankly that, precisely because it is difficult to build on the rubble, we can not be complacent.
In the first instance, in fact, witness the degradation of the environment we are merged because of a political class that is depressing, and totally inadequate, in part, even depraved, is not an exciting show, because, as always, to the Government embezzlers have always enjoyed their relevant popularity, as in our case, Berlusconi is evidenced by the many delighted and convinced.
Then why, as always, to suffer in a contingency such as ours are very large sections of the population, especially the persistence of a very serious economic situation, which nobody wants to take over .
It is to this population and the movement of basic active in the country that we must look with concern but also with confidence.

Antonio Cardella

social centers

Good news from Pisa, when the fight pays off ...

In mid-January the Home Office had alerted the units of the Tuscan Swift to travel to Pisa on 27 January. Until the day before they were expected to run about 300 police officers to forcibly evict a very special project, that of Rebeldia, a reality in the middle between the social center and housing of associations, which attracted national press attention and sympathy a large part of the voluntary sector and local politicians. The buildings used by the Project Rebeldia (granted in concession by the Municipality in 2006) are of interest for a Great City Opera, and should be demolished to start the site. Only solution for the local administration was forced eviction. At least until the day before ...
We must, however, explain what is the Project Rebeldia. Born in 2003 on the commitment of dozens of students against the war in Iraq, is based on participation and self-management, open to all community groups and associations who share a commitment to build from the bottom a more just and sustainable , anti-racist and anti-war society. It does not have weave or statutes, but there are mandatory rules: not engaged in for profit, decisions concerning the common life of the area passing through horizontal debate in the assembly which brings together all the pieces of the project. There are now 31 groups that compose it: among the many activities the legal assistance for immigrants, the courses of Italian as a second language, the bicycle repair shop, the distribution of local organic vegetables, popular climbing gym, promotion against prohibitionism, etc.. There are also local branches of national realities such as Emergency, Greenpeace, Un Ponte per..., Lipu and Brotherhood of man. A demonstration of the lack of social spaces for long-established reality and appeal, even in 'red' Tuscany.
A few days before the eviction scheduled for Jan. 27, the administrators have realized that it was not politically sustainable to be responsible for a police action carried out against 31 associations. The Project Rebeldía then advanced a further proposal submitted after the many since 2006, moving to a building of the municipality in a state of neglect for 18 years. Difficult for the administration to back down with the riot police vans ready to get to Pisa. On January 14 the proposal was submitted to the Mayor and in just over ten days it was agreed on the area. At 19 hours, 19 minutes and 36 seconds before the forced eviction, the bailiff sent the fax to the Ministry of Interior to stop the proceedings.
The path is still long, we can only enter the area in June after completion of the public procedures on the use of the area. For now, the eviction was averted and only got a piece of paper. Is the fight that will ensure that this will turn into an effective production of valuable experience to continue from the bottom of social culture and politics. "Que viva la Rebeldía" - keep Rebeldia alive!

Stefano Gallo


translation Enrico Massetti