rivista anarchica
anno 41 n. 360
marzo 2011


On the side of Emergency
by editorial staff of “A”

We publish the following three pages written on Emergency. On this premise, an editor of "A" remembers some moments of our support to Emergency. And to Dori Ghezzi and Fabrizio De André (in Emergency, and also to "A "). Which continues in various ways, in memory of Teresa Sarti.

The eye of this small dossier - 3 articles and this premise - about Emergency is not "pacifism" or "antiwar" is anti-militarism. Because we are dealing with - once again - on "A"of an organization that fights not only for peace and against war, and - as stated in the Emergency "official " phrase, with the victims of the war. Emergency is always engaged in a broader action against the very reasons for war, against the absurd logic behind any war.
In 1995 - Emergency was recently born- two of our dear friends and comrades of the cooperative Alekos - Dario Sabbadini and Dino Taddei - proposed to us to publish an interview with Teresa Sarti, one of the promoters of a new anti-war organization, from recently established that seemed interesting to them. We received their material and we decided to publish what given to us by Dario Sabbadini and also to dedicate Emergency - and the fight against the war - the cover reproduced here.
Since then, despite the clear distinction of roles and in absolute autonomy (we are not even "members" of Emergency), we have often given an account of their actions and stances, with which we agreed on many occasions.

In Goderich, Sierra Leone

And when in 2003 we made the third of our "products" dedicated to Fabrizio De André - the DVD "Ma la divisa di un altro colore" (but the uniform of another color) - we have decided to "officially" give to Emergency 50% of the proceeds of sales. In preparing this DVD I had numerous opportunities to meet mainly with Ketty Agnesani (which then held the external relations of the organization) and the late lamented Teresa Sarti, president of Emergency. And by Teresa was one of the writings (which we republished on "A " after her death) that appeared in the booklet accompanying the DVD: a written beautiful, dry, smudge rhetoric but full of feeling, it was Teresa. One wrote that Teresa told especially the meeting between her and her companion, Gino Strada, on the one hand, and Dori Ghezzi and Fabrizio De André on the other. Beginning of their friendship and support that Fabrizio and Dori thereafter would maintain in many ways to Emergency.
And when in 2006 we had to stop production and marketing of the DVD, due to failure to renew the concession by the multinational company that "owned" the voice of Fabrizio (in the documentary "Faber", in our DVD), we decided to give to Emergency as a gift the thousands of remaining copies not yet sold of this DVD - so that he could continue to be present at tables of Emergency, also earning money for the surgical center set up by Emergency Hospital in Goderich, Sierra Leone. In our small, we have given to Emergency - between 50% of the proceeds of our sales and 100% of the donated items - some tens of thousands of euro. Few things in their budget "fortunately" millionaire (yet still inadequate), but a tangible sign of our closeness not only ideal.

Teresa Sarti
Teresa Sarti

And then just the fine words of Dori Ghezzi, written especially for the opening and presentation of our DVDs and to clarify the meaning of our human and political (anarchist) and her (Dori's, in continuity with Fabrizio) solidarity with Emergency in a shared commitment that at that time - the beginning of the second Gulf War (2003) - also took the dramatic sense of current incumbent.
And then the famous Fabrizio's guitar, put up for auction in Genoa in the library of Gianni Tassio, just to support the Emergency hospital.
And then the right lane of Goderich hospital that, in memory of Fabrizio, was called "Via del Campo".

This dossier

No more memories and sentimental thinking (but only because space is running short). Of the 3 writings on Emergency, published in the next pages, the first collects direct evidence of a technical woman hart surgeon, who has worked for six months in Cardiac Surgery Centre in Khartoum, Sudan - of which wrote on "A" at the time Raul Pantaleo, the Venetian architect (Emergency), which has helped us build and has already published three books with Eleuthera (Small world, huh?).
The other two are written by Nicola Pisu, one of the promoters of the group of Emergency Serrenti (Campidano, Sardinia) and at the same time anarchist. It is certainly not the only one of our "dual card" comrades (as we say jokingly), but in the second article (the first is an information on the organization) we asked him to explain the meaning for him of this double "militancy. "

the “A” editorial staff


translation Enrico Massetti