rivista anarchica
anno 41 n. 360
marzo 2011

to the readers



Collaborators. We've tried hard not to forget any of them. But Luca Vitone, which for years we follow with interest the intelligent and varied artistic career, often crossed with anarchism and the vicissitudes of the Roma people (last witness: the flag a bit 'a bit Rom' anarchy, shown in Luxembourg and played in the last issue), has reported its absence from the list of those who collaborated with "A " in our first 40 years. That by 2616 thus become 2617.

Supporters. Another our comrade and friend, Arturo Schwarz, we proposed to publish the list of those who - like him - he subscribes to "A" from the first issue. Nice idea, but the lack of systematic management in the early years of the magazine does not allow us to go back with the required accuracy at a time so far.

And that wasn't just yesterday - says Paolo Finzi, of our staff - tells me the memory of how, eighteen years old (it was the autumn / winter 1970) I went around Milan, with a fanfold made on purpose, to collect between intellectuals and other personalities of the cultural life of Milan supporters subscriptions (ten thousand liras). Subscriptions based on trust, because "A" did not exist and only in February of the following year it saw the light of the first number. It called for a double gesture: to subscribe to an anarchic magazine and even more to subscribe to a "future" magazine. I started with the visit and they got some other names, and so the tour was expanded gradually. I remember myself for example the Pomodoro brothers, Ettore Sottsass, Camilla (Cederna), and many others. And I remember when I visited in his "workshop " in Via Sant'Andrea Arturo Schwarz, surrounded by paintings and many other things, with his bushy beard. When I came out, I started a friendship that still lasts, I had my good ten thousand lire and other addresses.

Too bad that 42 years later, the idea of Arturo - that has since then always been our supporter subscriber is not feasible. But from these columns we appeal to those who still read us from the first issue to be alive, maybe putting in writing a small memento of their "first time" - with "A", we mean. And what we have represented in your life, in short, the meaning of this constant cultural attendance.

358. This is the sequence number of our "Numerone" in December 2010/gennaio 2011, the special one with 260 pages, we present also in the inside back cover. So many showed up in compliments, to order, simply for showing to being alive .... Twice we they have occupied the radio show RadioTre "PaginaTre", proposing extensive excerpts from a couple of articles. Other radio stations have spoken. The music magazine "Il mucchio selvaggio" - The Wild Bunch - has spent (in the February issue) 4 pages to our 40th anniversary. Some have called us and made us great pleasure calls from non-anarchists, for example, that of Mao Valpiana, for years, decades, one of the souls of the monthly non-violent action and non-violent movement in general. Under the heading of the post (at pp. 103 to 104) we decided to publish, not without misgivings, excerpts of e-mails we have received, all - in fact - united by friendship and appreciation. Hence our concern: chi si loda s'imbroda (who praise himself is a fool) recited a saying repeated by our old ones. But we have overcome the doubts a bit 'out of vanity (a human feeling, and we are also human as well as editors) and a bit' to stimulate critical-critical to be alive, to come forward to flogging for our many shortcomings and contradictions. At the next issues.

Roma. Almost five years after its release (Fall 2006) 2DVD + book "A forza di essere vento" - in our power to be wind. The Nazi extermination of Gypsies was also confirmed in recent weeks near the Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27) a useful tool around which have developed dozens of initiatives to commemorate one of the lesser known and often discussed. In addition to those involving one of our editor (shown in the usual, more extensive list on pages. 20-21), there are countless others that take place without our participation and mostly at our backs. Then there are those schools, institutes for the study of resistance, community centers, etc. who kindly ask for our permission for the screening of the DVD - you do not need permission because ours has been and is an initiative to disseminate knowledge and ideas, and not to make money. Although (we do not hide it) we seek to ensure that each initiative, the public has the opportunity to buy the DVD on the spot or at least be informed on how to buy online. Interested contacting: there and to organize activities with our participation is to receive the DVD. Or rather, as we like to say with precision, the 2DVDs + book. Because even the book (of 72 pages) has great importance for us.



translation Enrico Massetti